Finding a submissive male to lock up in a penis chastity cage and make him our pet.

penis chastity cageFinding a submissive male to lock up in a penis chastity cage and make him our pet.

Some couples are into cucking or the cuckold fetish, which seems to be extremely popular on social media. Some couples enjoy the hotwife fetish which is similar to cucking but not quite the same. However, we are into a less known kink called a threesub. This is a threesome where one of the third person involved is a total sub for a couple. This kink is the lesser known of the three and the sub can be a male or female, but in our situation we are looking for a sub to lock into a device called a penis chastity cage.

A Threesub (Threesome)

A threesub is where a couple takes on a third person that is totally submissive. The submissive person is usually male, but that would depend on the couple and the relationship dynamic they want to create. If the third is male, he will stay in a penis chastity cage throughout the relationship and only the couple can free him from this cage.

Although the sub’s role can vary, for us and our threesub, our pet’s role is to clean us both up with his mouth after my  husband and I have sex, always remaining obedient (as long as it doesn’t affect his marriage and real life), and service us both with oral sex on demand, possible waterplay (if all agree), and being penetrated and/or pegged at our discretion. This kink is clearly connected to BDSM.  We also hold the key to our pet’s penis chastity cage. When he decides or is caught without his cage, the relationship is over. We have no interest in our sub/pet if he decides he no longer wants to be caged. This rule for us is a hard boundary and the submissive knows this from the beginning.  

Having a threesub is great kink if the couple is interested in MFM threesomes without having to deal with the third person crossing the line or having to deal with another man’s ego. One man’s ego is enough for me! I prefer a total submissive. Neither I nor my husband have a desire to include a guy without a penis chastity cage involved. This kink is similar to cuckolding except the third male is the humiliated one. We have learned that this gives a great escape for a married man who is dealing with his sexuality (bisexual / curious), yet has no desire to share his own spouse or be cucked in his own relationship. However, he still has a strong desire in being humiliated. It also includes a few perks such as eating a woman’s cream pie, giving a man oral sex, and being fucked and pegged.  On the other hand, it gives the couple the advantage of having a threesome / pet, and not having to deal with the negative stigma of having another man in your bedroom. And although we are open, neither of us have any interest in seeing me fucked by another guy.  But as natural voyeurs, we love watching a third undress, be nude, and service us. 

A cuckold is a man who enjoys the humiliation or feeling of being emasculated by the fact that his wife is sleeping with other men.

The term cuckold is from around 1250 AD and probably derives from the cuckoo bird, who laid her eggs in other birds’ nests. The implication of female adultery was that a man could not control his wife, or satisfy her. The female’s other lovers—her bulls—have more sexual stamina, are more attractive, or have larger penises.

Cuckolding can involve penis size humiliation, chastity, abstinence for the husband, and forcing the husband to clean up the women and eat the “bulls” semen off or out of her body.


A hotwife is when a couple accepts that the wife is so hot that she attracts other men. Both of them are turned on by the fact other guys want her.

A hotwife is not about humiliation, but more about the husband accepting that his wife is so attractive that other men will do anything to be with her.  In response, the husband is turned on because the attention makes her feel good. She gets to be treated like a goddess. He loves the idea of other men wanting what is his. A hotwife will usually come home from a hotwife date and fuck her man immediately. Rather than humiliation and withholding sex for a “bull” like in cuckolding, the couple will fuck much more passionately because of the attention the wife received.

Maybe we will share more experiences as we are new to this lifestyle ourselves. So far we have been lucky enough to enjoy having our sub clean my fresh creampie while caged, wear my dirty panties throughout his work day, give us oral sex, and follow all our boundaries without asking for more.  

Please comment below if you are part of a threesub or have a desire to join a couple as a total submissive.


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