About Anie: Anie is an attractive married woman that has came out to her husband that she is bisexual and wants to enjoy a threesome with another woman with him. She has only been married for 3 years. Although she would love to have a threesome with her husband, it isn’t that easy. So far she has found her first girlfriend, but the other girl isn’t interested in a threesome. For those of us in this open lifestyle, this is a very familiar situation. It’s possible the other girl also wants Anie to join her in her own threesome with her male counterpart, which Anie also isn’t interested in. Her blog will clarify and fill us in on all the trials and tribulations of a woman looking to enjoy both sides of being bisexual, in one bedroom, with her husband. Stay tuned and read the blogs below. All Anie’s blogs will start as followed: “Anie Diary”
So we went… The night was absolutely perfection.
Even with a couple set backs I was determined to not let that stop us. We get there and I’m feeling super sexy and slightly tipsy as we FINALLY go through the door. We were greeted by friendly people. They asked if we’ve been here or any other swingers club before. We said no this was our first time. They walked us through the rules which on a Saturday night we knew full well it was couples and single females only. Which made me feel comfortable. A guy took our coats and escorted us on a tour of the facility. I’m glad we arrived early for this. Soon as we turned the first corner we see a couple engaging in a MMF threesome, Hub reaches out for my hand, at the time I thought he just wanted me close to him. But I found out later he was nervous, he looked over at me and for the first time I was the one that was cool as a cucumber. For some reason last time I was nervous just going through the door and Hub was chill; this time once we passed the threshold the atmosphere immediately relaxed me. Being surrounded by open and free sex is totally natural for me. So I truly felt in my element. The gentlemen at the front desk continued our tour of the various rooms and the clubs amenities. He shows us which rooms are private, semi private and totally open. Showed us the toys in each room, stock of condoms that are readily at your disposal, the showers, bathrooms, multiple televisions with various types of porn being displayed, and 2 huge dance floors. We finally get upstairs where music is pumping, and we see couples and groups engaging in conversation and various sexual acts. The place is BYOB so we brought a bottle and they add your mixer and you just tip the bartender. It was perfect. While Hub got our drinks situated, I scoped out a seat. The upper level had a large dance floor, with pole in the middle and the walls were lined with with sofas. Oh also a buffet with finger foods, PERFECTION??.
Hub swears he noticed a couple instantly looking at us. I turned to look and I suppose he was right. We take our drinks to a nice spot were we can see EVERYTHING. We sat next to a FFM threesome, they held our attention the entire night. I must admit, seeing them together made me wish my “friend” was with us. That would have been the perfect set up?.
Hub and I had a fantastic conversation, talked again about what we were and weren’t looking for, and peeping all the beautiful people around us. He started kissing and rubbing up my thighs. Hub at some point said “he couldn’t see anyone but me”. He was totally sweet and attentive that evening. Not that he normally isn’t, but making me feel “desirable” I’m sure was noticeable to other people watching which would make them want to think about engaging sexually with us. I know when I observe sexual desire between a couple it turns me on and I start to envision what it would be like to sleep with them.
The music is playing, Hub made sure my cup was never empty, I start swaying and giving a couple ladies the “eye”. I had gotten so comfortable I didn’t realize till later that my dress had wiggled up and I was sitting with my ass out so the couple behind me has full view. Next thing we know the FFM threesome next to us start sucking the mans dick right next to us. We watch and sip our drinks while Hub is rubbing on me. Another couple sits on the right side of us and starts to engage in a little conversation. But we soon gathered she was an escort. While most people looked like actual couples you could clearly point out the ones that were paid by the hour.
Soon various games started. Show me your titties, sexy tattoos, and piercings LOL. Once we were ready to leave we walked back through the four levels, checked out some of the rooms that at this time was getting plenty of use. We watched yet another blow job, countless threesomes, a man fuckin a woman on a swing… You had no choice but to either stay and fuck or go home and fuck.
While we were there we noticed when other couples started to engage with us we kinda wished everyone wore a name tag clearly stating what they were looking for. Kinda like a “Hello My Name is” tag, name on first line and what you want on the line below it. LOL. Even though we talked to a few nice couples they seemed to want to either swap or simply the woman was not bisexual. UGH! Hub was laughing at a lesbian couple that keep giving me the eye LOL.
All in all it was a great first experience. We laughed, danced and more importantly we took the step through the front door.
Moving in the right direction, anxious for our next night out in our new spot.