Always Pee After Sex!
As much as we talk about all the naughty things involved with sex, sometimes we have to be responsible and let our readers know, always pee after sex! That goes for mean and women! Especially women! Pee After Sex
Ladies, we’ve always been told, “you should pee after sex.” This was something especially emphasized as important if you had any type of vaginal intercourse. If we didn’t go pee, we were told we were more susceptible to urinary tract infections. So does going pee after you have sex help with preventing urinary tract infections? Probably, but there is never a definite yes when it comes to these things.
Here is a great article from Elizabeth Boskey, PhD. We will quote various parts of the article and add our own commentary!
Honeymoon cystitis, or inflammation of the bladder that can lead to a UTI, can occur when a woman has sex for the first time, or when a woman has sex after a long period of time without any sexual activity. During sex, E.coli bacteria which tend to live on the skin around your anus can be transferred to your urethra (for example via your partner’s fingers or penis). Half of all women get a UTI at least once in their lives. Honeymoon cystitis remains more common among young women in their twenties, although single women in their 50s are increasingly reporting that they suffer from the problem. The risk of honeymoon cystitis increases if someone starts having sex again after not having done so for a long period of time. Condoms are not known to offer any protection against honeymoon cystitis. Pee After Sex
The first time I ever dealt with a UTI was when I first had sex with Ryan. Because the introduction of new body, new pH, his semen, and various bacteria our bodies have, I believe it triggered my first UTI. I may have went to the bathroom afterwards, but I do not think it mattered.
Sexual Hygiene
Several studies have looked at sexual and hygienic factors to see if they might be associated with an increased risk of urinary tract infections. One such factor that’s been examined is voiding, or peeing, within 15 minutes after intercourse. This is also known as postcoital voiding.
Most studies that have looked at peeing after sex have found that it seems to reduce the risk of getting a UTI. The theory is that peeing after sex can flush any bacteria out of the urethra and into the toilet.However, the research isn’t universally positive. There are some studies that didn’t find any relationship between peeing after sex and UTI risk. However, it was never shown to be problematic. Peeing after sex was either neutral or helpful and sometimes very helpful. It never increased the risk of UTI. In other words, peeing after sex is a potentially helpful activity that doesn’t have any clear downsides.
Should Men Pee After Sex?
It’s less important for people with penises to pee after sex than it is for people with vaginas. This is because there are big differences between men’s and women’s genital anatomy.
It is relatively rare for men to get urinary tract infections. In general, their longer urethra means it’s less likely for bacteria to get up into the bladder and cause a problem.In addition, the penile urethra, through which men pee, is also the tube through which they ejaculate. Therefore, if the ejaculate during intercourse, it empties itself out. That doesn’t mean it’s a bad idea for men to pee after sex. It’s just probably less useful than it is for women.
Urinary tract infections aren’t fun. That’s particularly true when you get a lot of them. If you have a history of recurrent urinary tract infections, it’s probably worth trying to find out whether some relatively simple behavioral changes can reduce the frequency with which you get UTIs.
Even though the results aren’t completely consistent, it’s probably a good idea to pee after sex. It’s also a good idea to stay hydrated. Drinking water after sex is another thing that has been shown to reduce your risk of a UTI. Interestingly, it looks like peeing before sex might also help reduce the risk of a UTI. That’s good news for people who think it’s a bad idea to wait. And remember, if you drink enough water, you can pee both before AND after sex. The trick is not to drink so much that you want to stop to pee during sex.
Hopefully these types of awareness blogs can help young adults take the proper precautions after sex. And also, just because you have certain symptoms doesn’t mean you were cheated on or you got an STD from your partner. Go to your doctor and get tested. If you haven’t had sex in a while, drink cranberry juice, go to the bathroom after sex, and clean thoroughly.
Or you can kill 2 birds with 1 stone, and just pee during sex to make sure you are all clear before it’s over! LOL. Some ladies figured this out ages ago!