Things a woman should never think about while giving a blow job

Things a woman should never think about while giving a blow job

11.  His penis just reminded me,  did I floss this morning?  Maybe I won’t need to now.  

10. He can’t get jock itch from oral thrush can he?   Because this is just so much better than actually brushing my teeth!

9. This reminds me of when I was small and my mother used to take my temperature.

8.  Oh, his head just got so slimy in my mouth.  I wonder if this is what smegma feels like? 

7.  I still remember my first kiss.  I wonder what Little Johnny is up to these days.  I’d love to kiss him again.

6. It would be so funny if I just bit down as hard as I could right now and see how he reacts.  

5. I wonder if the inside of my mouth feels like my anus?

4.  I bet you I could easily put 12 of these things in my mouth at the same time.   Maybe I should ask him if he wants to try that next.

3.  I don’t want to ruin the mood and tell him about my cold sore problems yet.  I mean, we just met.  Maybe when he is done and I have taken my Valtrex, we can sit down together like mature adults and discuss this.

2. I know we just met, but I wonder if he is going to ask me to marry him after this.  

1. Wait until I tell my husband about this!