The Perfect Penis
Finally there is an answer to what women consider to be the perfect penis. Or is there?
A recent study published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine gathered 105 women to, in addition to other research goals, determine exactly what “factors” (things like cosmetic appearance, shape of glans, pubic hair, etc.) were most important to them.
Study authors sent out a questionnaire to the women (ages 16 to 45) asking them to rate eight penis parts by level of importance. Then those women observed, judged, and rated images of men’s penises on a scale from one to five.
After women saw pictures of various penises, they were asked again what was the perfect penis. Their perception changed on what they considered the perfect penis.
Female rankings of importance BEFORE viewing images:
1. General cosmetic appearance (the beauty of it)
2. Appearance of pubic hair (hairy, trimmed, hairless)
3. Penile girth
4. Penile skin
5. Shape of glans
6. Penile length
7. Appearance of scrotum
8. Position and shape of meatus
Female rankings of importance AFTER viewing images:
1. General cosmetic appearance
2. Penile skin
3. Shape of glans
4. Appearance of scrotum
5. Appearance of pubic hair
6. Penile length
7. Penile girth
8. Position and shape of meatus
In this survey there is one thing missing that we would consider the most important factor of them all. “You love and know the man behind the penis vs The Man behind the penis is a stranger.” I understand they want to focus this survey on physical features, but a penis isn’t perfect if the man wearing it isn’t attractive to the woman. And more so than attractive, if she has feelings for the guy. If the woman is in love, a very average penis becomes a gift from the heavens. As we have always stated, a woman in love with you will find your penis perfect.