Our reviews are based off of a database which keeps track of various categories: Media, Originality, Updates, Variations, Entertainment, and a few other categories which will remain unpublished. We have a few trusted friends and fellow authors helping us rate each blog submitted. We then calculate and review the top 10 blogs in the database. Yes, we have an actual system. However, our system is still just our opinions.
First, I would like to point out that we have a link on the left hand side our of blog that lists “Our Favorites.” Those websites are our permanent top list that we read and check out all year. If they were not on the side bar, we would add them as our top sex blogs, but because they are on our page permanently, we will not include any of those sites.
1. @Mollysdailykiss http://mollysdailykiss.com/ Molly’s Daily Kiss claims to be the UK’s highest ranked sex blogger and after one visit to her blog, you’ll see why. I would have to say my favorite page on her blog is “My 101 Things In 1001 Days.” Complete with a timer to the deadline, a checklist, and the status for each task. She is very fortunate to live in a culture-rich area which lends itself to #21: Create a page on my blog for my Scavenger Hunt images. Then there are others (#48: Have my underwear cut off with a knife & #55: Be made to masturbate before a live audience) which lead me to believe that she has covered all the bases (PG to XXX).
2. @TBK365 http://thebeautifulkind.com/ i s a blog with so much honesty it hurts. Kendra Holliday is not apologetic for the events that led her to the life she leads now. I applaud her for the sexual freedom she exudes and the vigilant parenting, in equal parts. Her sexuality and parenting do, in fact, overlap, and the sincerity in which she approaches both is something for which I have a true and deep respect. The highly anticipated photos from her birthday gang bang are up. Nowhere have I seen a more eloquently choreographed event documented than I have here.
3. @Pennysblog http://pennysdirtythoughts. com/ Penny’s blog exemplifies everything a sex blog should be. Her photos, both in black and white and in color, rival that of any professional model posing for a photographer, all elegantly done and complete with stories behind each one. Her poetry is sinful and subtle (read “Things I Masturbate To” one of them being “the girl at the dentist’s who cleaned [her] teeth”). Ultimately, she has reeled me in with her anal plug (review of the minx tail, atomic rose plug, the Tantus Ryder – all of the above) reviews and musings since I am a huge fan of plugs. Everything about her blog is delightfully pleasing to the eyes and soul, a perfect combination, and one that is absolutely essential in your must-read list.
4. @SunnyMegatron http://www.sunnymegatron.com/ is a powerful tool women can use to hone their sexual mind state…as well as techniques. Sunny offers sex toy reviews, events, contests as well as superb blogs on a wide array of subjects. One cannot help but be intrigued by such titles “How To Handle Gagging, During A Blow Job” and “G-Spot Stimulation Instructional Video.” If you’re a woman who’s single, married, or neither, you’ll want to do extensive research on this website to make yourself an even more valuable commodity.
5. @SilentPornStar http://www.silent-porn- star.com/ is an extensive collection of sexuality in every medium and category your mind can think of. If you have a specific topic or are not looking for anything in particular, you’re sure to find it. Honestly, I can sit and browse the entire blog and be amazed by the breadth and depth of subject matter. The hodgepodge of material is tasteful and I dare any viewer to not learn a thing or two after perusing. Don’t believe me? See for yourself…
6.@SweetRori http://www.betweenmysheets. com/ is a well-established blog headed by Rori, whose “Who is Rori” alone pulled me in. She introduces characters, or rather lovers, past and present, who have contributed to shaping the woman and lover she is today. Her blog is filled with erotica, posts, opinions, reviews, giveaways and much more. Each Tuesday, she engages her readers in a conversation with questions such as, “Does Age Really Matter?” Rori has undoubtedly created a one-stop shop for sexual Q&A that has truly become one racy blog.
7. @LadyCheeky http://www.ladycheeky.com/ Lad y Cheeky invites you to Smut For Smarties, which implies that this is not the average sex blog filled with people in compromising positions of which your grandmother wouldn’t approve. It’s much more. It caters to lovers and thinkers alike, proving there is an art (and science) to human sexuality. She appeals to sex educators and writers/bloggers alike as she immerses her readers with visual erotica, but also articles about sensuality, sexual education, sex tips…and much, much more. Check out her book review of “After Pornified – How Women Are Transforming Pornography and Why It Really Matters” for a sample of her beautiful, sexually-charged brain.
8. @sexinwords http://sex-in-words.blogspot. com/ Sex-in-Words is not only filled with Jon Pressick’s musings, but invitations for discussions and thought-provoking topics that true lovers of sex are sure to enjoy. His blog is fresh and is continually being updated. A favorite of ours is Muse Monday, in which Mr. Pressick writes a short, delicious tale surrounding a steamy photo, rather than vice versa. It’s a wonderful, innovative idea which he states serves to hone his writing skills and provide naughty entertainment.
9. @NaitraDarius http://diaryofanownedslave. com/ I am unfamiliar with the Master/slave (M/s) lifestyle. I never took the time to understand it, so upon entering Anastassia’s blog, one of my first tasks was to read the “Proclamation of Servitude.” Anastassia’s beautifully-written oath to her Master is fascinating and something to respect, even if you’re unfamiliar with servitude. Her site reads like a sex diary interspersed with daily musings and real life situations.
10. @UCAppetites http://uncommonappetites. blogspot.com/ is composed of a self-described 20-something married Brooklyn couple. Their videos are beautifully shot with an artistic eye behind the lens. The photos, mainly of them, share the same high-quality caliber. Rye and Violet examine the definition of marriage and share much of the same ideals as me and Ryan. Often their post may be comprised of a few carefully chosen photos describing a thought, an idea, a belief. This is a couple who clearly understand the meaning of building and strengthening their marriage.
I am beyond honoured by your kind words. I saw your post, was looking for more great blogs to check out and was stunned. Thank you so very much.
Thank you VERY much for this amazing honour. How wonderful to have made it to No.1. I can not thank you enough. I am currently writing a post which will mention this fabulous award. Again, thank you, I really do appreciate it.
I just see this via Jade of Kink and Polly. Great list 🙂
Rebel xox
This is an excellent post. Thanks to share it. It is really what I wanted to see. Hope in future you will continue for sharing such a excellent post.