This blog’s ideas, philosophies, and beliefs can change as we build a stronger relationship and advance as a couple.   Explanation:  We can grow with all the people we meet and socialize with daily due to this blog or we can stay close-minded and stuck in our own ways, leaving our bio exactly the same.   We choose to learn, discuss, and keep our ideas active to come up with new ways to enjoy each other.
We are a husband and wife team, Venice Bloggs and Ryan Bloggs, who have been married for over 10 years.   We will share our experiences as a couple, before we were a couple, and give insight to our compatibility.  Our high sex drives contribute to us having sex at least twice a day.  It’s rare for couples these days to have an active, monogamous sex life,  but it’s our life. Both of us  love to talk about sex and share our experiences with whoever will listen.  Usually most couples consider this openness a fault, as too much honesty can be a little too real for most people.  We have decided to write a blog about our past and present experiences while giving the readers an option to submit questions that we will both answer.  If you have questions about us, sex, limitations, relationships, or are just interested in our opinions on certain issues, send us a letter and we will respond here on the blog.
Venice Bloggs is a college-educated English major with a Masters in Education.   She was born mixed: Spanish, Thai, and Filipino.   She is bi curious and finds a woman’s body just as sexy as a man’s, if not more.  She has no plans to explore her open-minded attitude towards other women, but admits, if a woman playfully made an advance on her and all parties were okay with this (Ryan), she would really enjoy it.   In the bedroom her attitude is bi-polar as she can play the role of a very passive female, willing to do anything Ryan wants, or take complete control.  There are times when she will cry while being intimate, and other times she will ride her husband and hold a pillow over his head until she orgasms.
Ryan Bloggs is a college-educated Business major who prides himself in his sense of humor and loyalty.  Sexually, he is very open-minded and will try anything with his wife, Venice, as long as it is just between the two of them.  There isn’t anything he will put limits on in the bedroom, no matter how freaky it may be. In the bedroom, his natural behavior is to be in control, but if Venice is in an aggressive mood, he will adapt and let her take over.
If our bio confuses you, please see the article Hypothetically Speaking: The Reality of Us Swinging.  As a couple we are continually growing and changing, and even though we pride ourselves in our monogamous sex life, it’s the communication between us regarding other issues that keep us close.   Our sex life is in a perpetual state of change.  If somewhere down the line one of us gets bored and strays, what good is it to brag about how monogamous we each were until he/she got bored and moved on to another person and life?  We are open to change as long as we both discuss with each other and figure out what can help us keep things fun in the bedroom while also keeping our bond with each other strong.  Life is changing, our bodies are changing, our relationship changes daily, so we change with it.  We are not close-minded to any lifestyle and enjoy the idea of thinking outside of the box, including going on a swing cruise to blog about our experience.  I do not ever see us going beyond that link above as we have talked and thought about it for years.  But who knows, we are forever changing and adapting to make our bond stronger.
Some information on this page may change simply to help keep our anonymity.
All material on this blog is original and may not be used on other blogs without express permission from .  If portions of our writings are used, please link to our blog and give us credit.