Things You Can Do When You Are Alone, Bored, and Horny

There are a lot of things you can do when you are bored, horny, and alone. We have decided to help our readers come up with a few ideas on how to spend a lonely night.  Below we will list a few things you can do when you are bored, horny, and all by your lonely.  


1. Load up your handy dandy websites and do the obvious.

This is the easiest and most obvious idea, browse the best adult cam sites you have on your lists and grab your lotion. Not that anyone needed to read this, as it is the most obvious option, but we’d be neglecting the topic if we didn’t mention it. Whether it be an old school porn magazine or the latest and greatest website, watching adult videos or live cam sites can take up your entire night. So stock up on Cheetos and Mt. Dew and get to browsing!



2. Dress up!

Getting dressed up can be a great way to spend a lonely night when you are bored and horny. For a man, dressing up could mean trying on a sexy thong, or maybe even cross-dressing.  

It puts the lotion on the skin.

As a man, putting on your girls panties or wearing her heels, can really give you a kinky feeling and give you some unexpected dopamine on a lonely night. If you are female, putting on your hottest lingerie and sipping  a little wine can really give you a good night vibe. A lot of our suggestions are more “feel good” ideas than anything. Dressing up can really make you feel good about yourself. So slide into something kinky and walk around your house in your sexiest outfit.



3. Undress!

Well, if dressing up can get the hormones flowing, undressing does the same thing. Walk around the house nude. Total nudity while doing housework, cooking, eating, napping, or performing other everyday tasks can be sexually intoxicating. Enjoying the freedom of restriction of wearing clothes, especially underwear. I can still remember the first time I slept nude by myself. It felt so naughty for some reason, because I didn’t know if someone would walk in or a house fire would have me running out in the middle of the street with my birthday suit. However, it made me feel good about myself and I never slept again with clothing on. It really is a great feeling to enjoy the free movement that nudity brings. 



4. Groom yourself.

If you are alone and horny, grooming your body hair can be very fun. I can’t even tell you how many times when I am bored and horny I ended up in the bathroom shaving hearts into my pubic hair or the letter of my man’s first name in my nether region.  That’s right, you have the whole alphabet to work with here, so play Sesame Street with your crotch and pick a letter!



5. Create DIY sex toys.

So you are bored and lonely and tired of stroking until your member is numb.  Well, grab a towel and same tape and create your own fifi.  

Fifi is a prison slang term for an artificial vagina made from whatever materials are available.

We have done this a few times ourselves, the latest being our Do It Yourself Milking Table!  This was a fun project and we even started selling it to others when we completed ours!



In conclusion, when you are bored, lonely, and horny, the options are endless. We have tried to list a few starting points but could probably go on forever.  Life is short, be creative, and enjoy finding different ways to entertain yourself on a lonely night. 

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