Licking Inside His Penis Hole And In His Urethra

DedicationWarning:  Men with sensitive p-aginas, please exit this blog immediately. 

As most of our readers know, we are extremely experimental and enjoy trying new things, especially when it is between just Ryan and I.  Lately I have been enjoying grabbing Ryan’s penis, while I massage his penis, and squeeze the tip of his penis so his urethra opens wide, and slowly slide my tongue down inside his penis hole.  Although I can only get it down a quarter inch, I love feeling him squirm in my mouth with  his penis walls around my tongue.  I have also ordered him jewelry that looks like an anal plug, except made for the penis hole.  It will go about an inch inside his urethra and the tip will be a shiny diamond.  This is extremely sexy to me and will also stretch his hole so I can get more tongue down inside him.

“Don’t worry baby, I will go real slow and just eeeeeease it in.  Oh, I promise it will only hurt for a little bit.”

The back story: 

The first time I did this to Ryan, he hated the feeling of it.  He jerked his dick away from me and asked me what I was doing. Although this reaction my sway some women to never try again, I am not some woman. I tried again a few minutes later and asked him to relax.  Ryan squirmed a bit but eventually got used to it.  I really liked how he reacted. He slowly liked the sensation and I’m not going to lie – I enjoyed being a sadist for those few seconds, knowing I was doing something that made him squirm and wince in pain.  It reminds of how I feel when I first feel his dick slide inside me.  No matter how  ready I am, that first inner stretch as he slides his dick inside me always takes the breath out of me.

If you haven’t tried this technique, I suggest you pin him down and try it out. His reaction may not be what you expect, but it feels empowering fucking his little pee hole with my tongue.  With a bit of stretching, this may be my new thing!  
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