Real Sex vs Porn Sex – Explained with Fruit
A recent youtube video upload that went viral attempts to explain the difference between real sex and porn sex (real sex vs porn sex) using kitchen utensils and fruits and veggies as examples. Although seeing a cucumber chopped in half to describe the average person’s penis compared to a porn star’s was visually provoking, the facts also stir the pot.
Let me be one of the first to say, porn sex is no where near real sex. I am not saying this because real sex is intimate and special. I am saying this because real sex is far superior than porn sex in every category. Amateur porn across the internet backs my claim. This is no longer 1980, where we all had VCR tapes of cheesy porns which were our only examples of sex outside of our own bedroom. I’m sure in the 80s it was tough for a couple to compete with an orgy between the disgusting looking football coach and the cheerleading squad, but it’s not the 80s anymore. Anal sex was taboo, threesomes without social networks and dating sites were nearly impossible, oral sex was private, and fetishes stayed in the closet. Times have changed. Amateurs have threesomes, gang bangs, BBC sessions, fetish parties, and cuckold sessions. Amateurs are the best deep throaters in the world. Anal is no longer taboo, and truthfully, professional porn is simply trying to keep up. Money can make you fake squirt and scream, but it can’t compete with us doing it because we love his dick. Amateur women train ourselves to numb our gag reflexes, train our throats, really enjoy anal, sniff semen and love it, and scream because we enjoy the sex and the person that you are having sex with. Porn sex versus a prude couple that has a horrible sex life, maybe. Porn sex vs a dynamic couple that truly loves sex, it’s not even close.
I think the biggest issue I had with this video was the concept of ignoring amateur porn, which is almost as popular as professional porn, if not already surpassing it. It may not be a big money machine, because otherwise it wouldn’t be “amateur”, but I can’t even name a female professional porn star that can handle a penis like Heather Harmon and various other amazing amateur cocksmiths. And these women take on cocks for the love of them, not for the love of the greenery. With that being said, let’s take a look at a few claims below:
Video claim: Male porn stars are on average 6-9 inches. Your average real life man is 5-7 inches.
And the women have the bodies of models. We know. Most professional porn videos now do everything in their power to mock amateur porn (bang bus, backroom office tryouts, etc). Or maybe I only watch amateur porn, so the size seems natural, if not smaller on camera than a man in real life.
However, if I were to take this statistic at face value, my first reaction would be, “Of course male porn stars average 6-9 inches. If a guy was 5 inches or below and tried out for the porn industry, he’d be given his walking papers immediately. Sorry Little Richard, you didn’t make the squad. However, we may have some spots on the fluffing unit.” This cutthroat philosophy of “large penises” is really applied with black porn stars. As an woman that prefers white guys, I really see a wide variation in sizes of white men in porn, especially with white men. A lot of times, they actually seem smaller than average. I think your average white porn star doesn’t have to live up to certain expectations, but your black porn star has the stigma of being part horse. Your white daughter being gang banged by a group of 5″ – 6″ black males wouldn’t humiliate anyone other than the porn stars themselves for letting down their entire race. The cuckold fantasy, the “stud” expectations, all depend on having this “bull” of a man that has a huge cock. Humiliation is just one fetish and aspect of the porn industry. However, again, in amateur porn you will find black guys with very average to under average penises, which is why Amateur the most popular category in the world on these porn sites.
The biggest point (pun) I want to make is that I have never seen a porno cock attached to a man’s that didn’t look like a major sleeze. Maybe I am bias because he is a porn star and I know he gets his pussy because someone is paying for it. I just can’t respect that. Porn sex focuses on the size of a woman’s tits and a man’s dick, real sex focuses on what it feels like to get fucked. It’s visual versus a physical stimuli. If you are attracted to the man you are with, you get the visual and physical. Porn may have the bigger dick average, but who the hell is attracted to some douchey looking guy sweating all over women and making gorilla sounds as he cums. If I don’t have feelings for you, your O-face is a huge turn off for me. Now lesbian porn is a different ball game: sensual, soft, beautiful, and definitely a turn on. But that’s my porn fetish.
I agree with this claim for the most part. Not only do they use bigger sized men, but they also manipulate perception to create a larger than life size. The biggest difference I see in amateur and professional porn is the veinage and circumference. The idea of porn stars being bigger than your average man lengthwise may be true on average, but it is not the most impressive difference. I’ve seen extremely short professional porn stars, I’ve seen average porn stars, and I’ve seen larger than normal. What I notice though, the veins, the width, and the overall appearance of professional porn stars seems “more healthy.” By healthy I mean, more veins (circulation), better color, and width. This may not just be the fact amateurs are smaller, but most amateurs do not have the post production software that can stretch, warp, or manipulate footage. They also do not have the knowledge of angles, high quality cameras, and superior lighting. A third advantage is the use of pumps, which help with unnatural thickness, veins and circulation. Also, prescriptions such as Viagra. I’ve seen professional porn stars sit in one angle with what appears to be an extremely long penis, yet as soon as they stand up or move, they look average or small. Angles and footage manipulation. There are also female porn stars who probably get scenes simply because of their hand size, which is another illusion porn uses to make the men look unnaturally big. Have you ever noticed how a professional male porn star can look ungodly large while the woman touches him with her tiny hands and almost shrink to a micropenis as soon as he grabs his own penis to stroke himself? I am not arguing against the statistic, I just feel that length is almost a non issue. Porn is made for fetishes. Some men love to see an unnatural big dick fucking a strange exotic woman, some men want to see a guy their size or smaller fucking a strange exotic woman. The porn industry understands this. Rather than using the same 10 male porn stars that have 10 inch dicks in every video like they did in the 80s, they now make sure they use the everyday average man, but make sure his penis looks healthy and attractive. If you are the type of person that likes to see large dicks beating down small skinny porn stars with large boobs, this statistic may apply to you.
Video claim: Male porn stars can last forever while 75% of the average male lasts 3 minutes before they ejaculate.
Every girl would be so much happier if their man only lasted 3 minutes. Our vaginas would rejoice. This statistic regarding average men just seems outright false to me. Even when sex feels quick, it ends up being about 7 to 10 minutes. But I agree, porn can make a cum shot take forever due to editing. Some porn stars cum almost immediately, but because of Viagra and editing, they can continue fucking and filming. Unless it’s amateur porn and one take, I can’t see how anyone thinks these guys fuck for long periods of time. Plus, in all porn these days, guys seem to cum much quicker just because our attentions spans aren’t the same. If after a minute he isn’t cumming, fast forward! I cannot relate to some of these statistics, as I can’t even imagine a man orgasming in 3 minutes. If your man is cumming in 3 minutes, either you are doing something too good, or he is doing something very wrong.
I am going to go out on a limb here and say this claim is just outright false. Statistics, studies, or whatever else you can come up to back up this claim is utter nonsense. This fact was used in this video to almost subliminally advertise and go viral. Facts like this make every man on earth automatically want to hit the “share” button and show their significant other how unaverage they really are. Husbands immediately forwarded this video to their wives, wives immediately forwarded this video to their boyfriends, and boyfriends immediately forwarded to their boyfriends. 3 minutes? 30% of men have reported problems with premature ejaculation at some point in their life, and the average time for most men is 4-8 minutes. Of course this is also a bit short, but to put the absolute minimum and then take off another minute was done on purpose to create a buzz.
Video claim: Female porn stars orgasm through penetration alone, while in real life 71% of women do not orgasm through just penetration.
Not only are women in the porn industry paid to say and do what men fantasize about, but they feed into the belief that all women will orgasm through sex. Sadly, men learn from these films and actually do believe that a woman screaming and moaning is cumming. I agree with this statistic and feel porn has helped create a wall in relationships. Some men really do think that just because they finished themselves and heard their woman grunt a few times, she came too. But that issue is another topic. Most sex scenes are 20 minutes long. Do they really expect us to believe that a woman orgasms at the 17-minute point, leaving the man the remaining three minutes for his own orgasm? Certainly not. From my own experience, I need at least half an hour of real hard deep grinding just to get my body to wake up. Not to mention, I don’t want a camera crew and some guy I have never met before slapping my face and spitting on my titties as if that helps me reach my boiling point. Nice deep slow movement, smashing your penis into my cervix until it convulses. Basically, just the opposite of every porn you have ever watched. Does that make porn sex better? For me it makes it fake as hell, like watching Leave it to Beaver and thinking that’s how families really are. I have a hard time believing 10% of female porn stars actually orgasm on camera, and if 10% were, it would be in the lesbian scenes. The squirts and screams are for the dollar bills, not because he is hitting that sweet spot.
This statistic may be true, but this statistic is also the reason why professional porn is no longer ahead of the pack. In fact, it’s hard to tell what is professional anymore because every porn company is disguising their footage as “amateur.” Let’s not even talk about the highest selling porns actually being sex tapes supposedly done totally amateur — before a safe was robbed Ocean 11s style and sold the footage to the highest internet bidder. Whether it be in the back of a van or porn casting behind the scenes, the professionals are playing catch up with the amateur market. No one wants to see a woman fake moan and scream, piss all over the studio set (behind her is a couch in a million dollar mansion or a large rock that has water flowing down it like a mini waterfall). If professional porn stars are mocking amateurs, guess what? Real sex is where it’s at. It’s not the “average”, it’s real. That’s what makes it extremely hot. Real women don’t have to fake it. Real women don’t have to pretend. Real women know how to mold their men into real men.
Video claim: 6% of women regularly squirt, 30% of women swallow their partners semen, and 11.5% of women have had same sex relationships.
Porn stars squirt and cum, but as a woman, it makes me laugh before it makes me wet. I truly believe that very few woman regularly squirt. I have on accident a few times, but it’s almost once in a lifetime rare. It happens, but unlike porn, real sex has sincerity. Porn can never have that.
If porn sex seems better than real sex it’s probably because 70% of “real” women do not swallow, shame on those 70%. I may agree that casual sex with a partner who you are not in love with, swallowing is optional. Sex with a man you truly love, swallowing is a must. With that being said, I notice a lot of porn stars also spit. I always thought it was because the money wasn’t good enough to inherit the seed. I believe swallowing your man is a badge of honor, especially if he is a good, loyal man. I also think that 70% is fbecause it includes women over 60 who are no longer as sexually active, and possible young women who still think boys have the cuddies. 25-45 year olds are swallowing their men. These statistics seem totally made up.
70% of women need to wake up and smell the semen. For me, this isn’t something I can relate with. The only time I’ve ever seen a woman spit is in porn. The concept is totally foreign to me. I’d feel totally disrespected if a woman was to spit me out, but I never bar-hopped or met up with random girls who didn’t give two fucks about me. If this statistic is true, hopefully its 70% of the women who aren’t married, senior citizens, or under the age of 20. Who the hell wants to swallow some random guy they hook up with? I’d assume that percentage of women who swallow is much higher for married women or women in serious relationships. Again, these statistics create a huge buzz and give us something to talk about, but there are so many different factors that can alter a statistic to completely show another point. 100% of the women I saw spit, porn stars. 100% of the women I’ve seen fake it, porn stars. 100% of the women I assume run to the bathroom after a scene where they swallow and stick a finger down their throat, porn stars. 100% of the men I’ve seen go from 12 inches to 4 inches simply by standing up, porn stars.
Squirting and same sex relationships statistics I understand. This is something that seems extremely sexy, and the rare times Venice has squirted, was always a treat.
Video claim: 65% of women and 85% of men are unshaved.
I’d say the percentage of unshaved women age 20-45 is much lower. The same can be said for the men.
Ryan: Venice was that 65% during her stages of bush project, haha. Now she is among the 35% and I am among the 15%. I’ll give it to the porn stars, they definitely control and create body trends. The disappearance of the male and female bush is probably totally thanks to the porn industry. Thank you porn. No more Elvis ballsacks!