Q&A: Is it hard to be in an interracial relationship?



Morning Sex
What a beautiful mix

Maria from California:

Dear Venice and Ryan,

My question is regarding interracial relationships.  I’ve been following your blog for a few weeks now and I noticed that Venice is Thai and  Ryan is Italian/Russian.   I guess my question is a bit dumb, but did anyone in your family have a problem when you first told them about one another?  I am Mexican and my boyfriend is black.  My parents do not know about him but I know they would be extremely unhappy if they found out, especially my father.   Do you think it’s okay to go against your parents wishes when you are dating?  I just do not find Mexican men attractive at all.


Venice’s response:

Hi there. No, I did not get any grief from my family. I grew up with parents who embraced other cultures; we kind of had to since we were part of a minority culture ourselves. No one said anything to me when I introduced him to the family. In fact, they welcomed him with open arms and took him in immediately. Actually, we got more stares from other Asians and Caucasians when were out in public. Really, everybody stares, but I don’t care. I just take that opportunity to hold him tighter, or grab his butt, depending on what kind of look they give us.

I can understand the position you’re in having to choose between your boyfriend and your family. If you feel he is the one, you’ll know what you have to do. Ultimately, your happiness is all that matters.

Ryan’s response:

I don’t think it’s wrong to go against your parents’ wishes (when it comes to relationships and who you date), especially since you cannot really control what you do or don’t like.  I also do not feel you need to worry about even introducing your boyfriends unless you are very serious about them.  And I do not mean serious like, you have been dating for 2 months and you love him so much, you are soulmates, then a week later you dump him serious.  I mean, possibly, if you guys are thinking about getting engaged, introduce the guy to your parents.  Why purposely stress your father out bringing home random black men you are screwing?

Also, I have never really had any issues with Venice being Asian.  My family was open and accepted her with no issues at all.   We do live in a stuffy town and neighborhood though, because I believe we are known as the “interracial couple”, or so I’ve heard.

Photo shoot – Fedora Session part 1: Blowjob, Cumshot, & Swallow

This was our first official photo shoot, which we actually did for our Twitter followers. Twitter has a lot of great open-minded people who seem to be almost all complimentary, so it was very fun for us.  Prior to this photo shoot, most of our stuff was done for our own personal use using our cell phones to take photos and videos.  Some of the photos we take are screenshots from home movies or lower quality shots from our phones.  We are amateur so the quality cannot always be that great, but we are both into photography and artistic presentation, so sometimes we will have some good quality shots.

This photo shoot took place on November 7, 2012.  The session probably took about 45 minutes to an hour, totaling 500+ shots.  Although the footage doesn’t show it, Ryan actually came twice.  The first cumshot I kept my mouth deep on his penis while he came  so you could not see the cumshot on camera.  After he came, I played with his cum while he watched. After a few seconds, Ryan began to stroke again  (he has true multiple orgasms, which I will blog later).  He then came in my mouth a second time (included in this photo gallery), which you can clearly see.

We both felt the fedora was the perfect way to hide part of my face but still keep the vibe sexy.   Ryan and I both enjoyed this photo shoot and definitely have plans for future ones.

PHOTO GALLERY BELOW. The photo gallery can only be  seen by registered members of this blog.  If you are “following” but not registered, please register.   After you log in, you will be able to see all content. 

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Video: Deepthroating a dildo the length of my forearm.

Deepthroating a dildo the length of my forearm.

Years ago we decided to upload a video of me deepthroating a rather large dildo to help promote our blog and also verify I am not just talking the talk.  I learned to deepthroat exactly how (see story:  Deepthroating – My Experience) my blog describes.  And no, we aren’t selling anything.  If you have any questions they will be posted and answered here for fun.   We do all of this for fun.

Details about this deepthroating video…
…years later I cringe at how cheesy this looks!

Originally this deepthroat video had awesome background music, “Nobody” by Keith Sweat, but because we do not own the rigths to that song,  youtube.com automatically added advertisements.  They also would not allow our video to be played through mobile devices.  This is something we did not want, so we ended up switching the music to that elevator soundtrack, lol.  What’s next, I deepthroat a huge dildo to the sounds of a brazilian rainforest or the sounds of a calm creek running through rocks?

As far as the dildo being flaccid, you would think that would make it a bit easier to handle, but in my experience, the flaccid dildo is much harder to deal with than an erect penis.  If I push on an erect penis, whether I like it or not, it’s sliding down my throat fairly easy.  The erect penis is built to penetrate.   If I push on the flaccid dildo, it seems to want to bundle up and snag before finally going down my throat.

My advice ladies?   Be careful when you suck a 12 inch flaccid penis, lol.


Anal sex and semen in a woman’s ass creates a higher sex drive and dependency

anal sexAnal sex and semen in a woman’s ass creates a higher sex drive and dependency

First, semen anywhere helps a woman’s sex drive regardless if it’s left in a vagina, ass, or mouth. The mouth is probably the least effective being that the acids in the stomach can destroy the testosterone, while the vagina or colon would absorb much more effectively. The colon being the quickest and most effective.  This is the reason why some quick-acting seizure medications are inserted rectally – the body absorbs chemicals the fastest through the colon walls, semen/testosterone included.  And this is why anal sex and semen in the anus is likely to have the biggest effect on a woman’s mood and dependency.

Below I will piece together a few articles and let the reader decide. As far as I know, this claim has not been proven and it originally started when my wife, Venice, started to leave my sperm in her ass after anal sex. For whatever reason, it seemed a bit cleaner to pull out in the last few seconds and put my head in her ass and unload. She liked it, I thought it was a bit more kinky, and her vagina always stayed fresh to eat, not that my sperm has ever scared me away. However, it definitely was much fresher (no day old sperm). If her ass wasn’t as fresh, well… it’s her ass.

We immediately noticed that her sex drive shot through the roof. She began wanting to deepthroat me. In fact, this sparked her entire need to deepthroat (see “Deepthroating – My Introduction”). She went from initiating sex 10% of the time to 75% of the time, and she demanded that I cum inside her, especially in her ass.

Unsure of exactly what was happening, whether it was her maturing sexually, her age, or the semen in her ass, I began to experiment. For weeks at a time I would only cum in her mouth or vagina and slowly her sex drive would decline. She didn’t notice, but as a man, I did. If I came in her ass, within the next 15 minutes and lasting for the next 48 hours, it seemed to affect her libido. Her oral would change from slow and pleasant, to aggressive and demanding. Her sex talk would go from dirty to extremely dirty, especially when she talked about my cum.

First let’s talk about the contents of semen, specifically testosterone.

Determination of testosterone concentration in semen of men with normal or subnormal sperm counts and after vasectomy.


Semen from 58 male subjects, aged 22 to 50, was assayed on an individual basis to determine whether T was present in it. Of the subjects examined 23 were normospermic, 14 oligospermic and 9 azoospermic; 12 men had undergone vasectomy were also included in the study. In 39 of the subjects plasma testosterone was estimated. A competitive protein binding technique was employed for T assays while dried extracts of semen were examined by combined gas-chromatography-mass spectrometry and mass fragmentography. Measurable amounts of T were detected in all seminal specimens assayed. This was confirmed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry which showed a spectrum suggestive of T. The ratio of unconjugated to conjugated steroid in semen was found to be approximately 1:10. Levels of unconjgated T were similar to those found in plasma of normally menstruating women. The mean seminal concentration of unconjugated T (+/-SD) in the specimens assayed was 0.71 ng/ml+/-0.08 for the normospermic, 0.79+/-0.14 for the ezoospermic, 0.69+/-0.09 for the oligospermic, but only 0.38+/-0.04 for the vasectomized subjects. Plasma levels for this androgen were within the range found in normal men of comparable age. Significant correlation between plasma and seminal T concentration could not be demonstrated and there was no correlation between either of the above parameters and the seminal volume, the number, abnormal form percentage and the motility of spermatozooa in the normo–or oligospermic group. However, when the two groups were pooled into one, significant correlations were found between plasma, (but not seminal T concentration) and the seminal characters examined, perhaps suggesting the number of specimens from the groups should be increased to obtain valid data. Administration of human chorionic gonadotropin produced a marked plasma response as well as a rise of seminal T levels in 3 normospermic subjects whereas cyproterone acetate caused reduction of plasm T levels but had no consistent effect on the seminal concentration of ts steroid although the sensitivity of the seminal method may not have detected smaller changes at this level.


The semen from 58 subjects aged 22-50 years was investigated to determine the presence of testosterone (T) in the sperm. 23 of the men were normospermic, 9 azoospermic, 14 oligospermic, and 12 had undergone vasectomy. Semen was obtained by masturbation, and blood was drawn in 39 men. A technique using separation by Sephadex LH 20 column chromatography and competitive protein binding was used for T determination. Measurable amounts of unconjugated T were found in all sepcimens; and when both the unconjugated and the conjugated fraction of T were estimated, the ratio was 1:10. The mean seminal concentration of unconjugated T was .71 ng/ml + or -.08 for the normospermic, .79 + or -.14 for the azoospermic, .69 + or -.09 for the oligospermic, and .38 + or -.04 for the vasectomized men. There was a lack of correlation between plasma and seminal T concentration and the seminal volume, the number, abnormal percentage, and motility of spermatozoa in the normospermic or oligospermic group.




This is just one article, but rest assure you could puzzle together endless sources that say the same. A man’s semen has not only testosterone but also other hormones that affect mood and behavior. Below are a few more articles stating the same:

Attention, Ladies: Semen Is An Antidepressant
Published on January 31, 2011 by Michael Castleman, M.A. in All About Sex

Vaginal exposure to semen elevates women’s mood.

sperm face after anal sexPerhaps you’re familiar with the McClintock effect, the observation that when groups of reproductive-age women live or work together (in college housing, the military, all-female workplaces, etc.), over time their menstrual periods tend to become synchronized. The accepted explanation is that the women detect each other’s pheromones, subtle scents that each of us produce, and somehow these only-faintly aromatic but powerful compounds influence the women’s hormones and make their menstrual periods arrive around the same time.

But at the State University of New York, two evolutionary psychologists were puzzled to discover that lesbians show no McClintock effect. Why not? Gordon Gallup and Rebecca Burch realized that the only real difference between lesbians and heterosexual women is that the latter are exposed to semen. They speculated that maybe semen chemistry has something to do with the McClintock effect. But if that were true, the vagina would have to absorb compounds in semen that affected the women’s pheromones.

Semen is best known for what’s not absorbed by the vagina, sperm, which swim through it on their way into the fallopian tubes where fertilization takes place. But sperm comprise only about 3 percent of semen. The rest is seminal fluid: mostly water, plus about 50 compounds: sugar (to nourish sperm), immunosuppressants (to keep women’s immune systems from destroying sperm), and oddly, two female sex hormones, and many mood-elevating compounds: endorphins, estrone, prolactin, oxytocin, thyrotrpin-releasing hormone, and serotonin.

Vaginal tissue is very absorptive. It’s richly endowed with blood and lymph vessels. Given vaginal absorptiveness and all the mood-elevating compounds in found in semen, Gallup, Burch, and SUNY colleague Steven Platek wondered if semen exposure might be associated with better mood and less depression. They surveyed 293 college women at SUNY Albany about intercourse with and without condoms, and then gave the women the Beck Depression Inventory, a standard test of mood. Compared with women who “always” or “usually” used condoms, those who “never” did, whose vaginas were exposed to semen, showed significantly better mood–fewer depressive symptoms, and less bouts of depression. In addition, compared to women who had no intercourse at all, the semen-exposed women showed more elevated mood and less depression.

Meanwhile, risky sex is usually associated with negative self-esteem and depressed mood. Among college women, risky sex includes intercourse without condoms, so we would expect sex sans condoms to be associated with more depressive symptoms, and more serious depression including suicide attempts. However, in the Gallup-Burch-Platek study, among women who “always” or “usually” used condoms, about 20 percent reported suicidal thoughts, but among those who used condoms only “sometimes,” the figure was much lower, 7 percent, and among women who “never” used condoms, only 5 percent reported suicidal thoughts. (This study controlled for relationship duration, amount of sex, use of the Pill, and days since last sexual encounter.) So it appears quite possible that the antidepressants in semen might have a real mood-elevating effect.

anal sex gifFinally, recall that in addition to antidepressant compounds, semen also contains two female sex hormones, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). FSH spurs egg maturation in ovary. LH is involved in triggering ovulation. Why would semen contain compounds that encourage ovulation? From an evolutionary perspective, this makes perfect sense.

Consider our closest biological relatives, the chimpanzees. Chimp semen contains no FSH or LH, but ovulating females develop a red buttocks, clearly signally reproductive readiness. In contrast, human women have concealed ovulation. Men don’t know when women are most fertile. Compared with men whose semen lacked ovulation-triggering hormones, those whose semen contain these hormones would gain a small reproductive advantage. Their semen would encourage ovulation, and their sperm would be more likely to fertilize eggs.

Now, I’m not advocating that reproductive-age people shun condoms to elevate women’s mood at the risk of unplanned pregnancy. But this effect might come in handy for women over age 50, who are experiencing menopausal blues.

I’m fascinated by the chemical complexity of semen. Until recently, scientists believed that its sole purpose was to nourish and protect sperm on their way to fertilization. But now it appears that semen spurs ovulation and makes women feel happier. That might explain why many women report increased interest in sex around the time of ovulation.




Below are two more examples from other sources regarding the effects of semen on a woman’s body.

In addition to its central role in reproduction, some studies have made claims that semen may have certain beneficial effects on human health:

  • Antidepressant:  One study suggested that vaginal absorption of semen could act as an antidepressant; the study compared two groups of women, one of which used condoms and the other did not.
  • Increased libido:  Another hypothesis has emerged that absorption of the testosterone contained in semen through a woman’s vaginal walls during sexual intercourse (or even through the act of swallowing semen) may increase her sex drive.





Ok, I understand at this point most people are wondering what exactly I am trying to explain, especially since testosterone is only for men. Wrong. Read below:

anal sex anatomy 1Does testosterone therapy help increase sex drive in women? What are the pros and cons?
by Mary M. Gallenberg, M.D.

Research shows that the hormone testosterone does effectively boost sex drive — as well as remedy other sexual problems — in certain women with sexual dysfunction. But the long-term safety of testosterone therapy for women is unknown. For this reason, some doctors are hesitant to recommend testosterone therapy.

Testosterone therapy usually is prescribed only for women who have sufficient estrogen levels and not for women who are postmenopausal and can’t or choose not to take estrogen. Testosterone therapy might be appropriate if:

  • · You have reduced sex drive, depression and fatigue after surgically induced menopause and estrogen therapy hasn’t been effective in relieving your symptoms
  • · You’re postmenopausal, you’re taking estrogen therapy and you have a decreased sex drive with no other identifiable causes

anal sex anatomy 2Testosterone therapy isn’t appropriate for postmenopausal women who have a history of breast or uterine cancer or those who have cardiovascular or liver disease.

Testosterone therapy for women usually comes in the form of a cream, gel or patch, but sometimes it’s prescribed as a pill. However, no commonly prescribed testosterone preparations have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration for use in women. If testosterone is prescribed, it’s for off-label use.

Although testosterone contributes to healthy sexual function in women, other factors play a larger role in postmenopausal sexual dysfunction. These factors include decreased estrogen levels, vaginal dryness, medication side effects, chronic health conditions, loss of a spouse or partner, lack of emotional intimacy, conflict, stress, or mood concerns.




Like with everything I have posted, there are numerous articles and studies showing the same.

anal sex cartoonWhat is Testosterone? Isn’t it a Male Hormone?

Testosterone is a steroid hormone found in the androgen group. It is derived from cholesterol (like all the sex hormones) and its immediate precursor is DHEA. Although it thought of as “the male hormone”, testosterone also plays important role in women. Testosterone for women is produced in the ovaries and the adrenal glands. The ovaries function to help produce testosterone even after menopause. Therefore, women who have their ovaries removed are at significant risk for decreased testosterone levels and the subsequent symptoms associated with it.

What Purpose does Testosterone serve in Women?

Testosterone in women has many functions. It is important for bone strength and development of lean muscle mass and strength. Testosterone also contributes to overall sense of well-being and energy level. It is best known for its crucial role is a woman’s sex drive or libido. More specifically, testosterone in women is responsible for the sensitivity of a woman’s nipples and clitoris associated with sexual pleasure. Testosterone not only enhances the sexual mood of a woman, but the experience as well.

Menopause and Testosterone

Similar to other hormones, the onset of perimenopause and menopause cause the decline in production of testosterone (by at least 50%) in women. Again, hysterectomy with or without removal of the ovaries will cause a more significant decline in testosterone levels. Also, high levels of stress can divert the precursors for testosterone hormone production in women over to cortisol production and create a further reduction. High stress levels can also contribute to symptoms earlier in the perimenopause when a woman is in her late thirties or early forties. This means less energy, brittle hair, less bone and muscle strength, and a diminished sexual drive. A hysterectomy and some prescription drugs can also result in lower levels of testosterone for women.

The Solution

Bioidentical Hormone Therapy, measures the specific hormone levels; including testosterone in women. Based on your individual test results and as part of a customized natural hormone therapy, if low levels are found, your bioidentical hormone doctor will tailor a nutrition, supplement, stress reduction and fitness plan, along with prescribing a natural testosterone for women. As a result, many women enjoy renewed sexual drive, more energy and even greater bone density.




Now that we have determined that semen inside the vagina can increase a woman’s sex drive, alter her mood, and give her a sense of pleasure from the different hormones released, let’s go into how anal sex and the colon absorbs.

enemas and anal sexAn enema might be used to clean the colon of feces first to help increase the rate of absorption in rectal administration of dissolved drugs, including alcohol.

Enemas have also been used for ritual rectal drug administration such as balche, alcohol, tobacco, peyote, and other hallucinogenic drugs and entheogens, most notably by the Maya and also some other American Indian tribes. Some tribes continue the practice in the present day.

People who wish to become intoxicated faster have also been known to use an enema as a method to instill alcohol into the bloodstream, absorbed through the membranes of the colon. However, great care must be taken as to the amount of alcohol used. Only a small amount is needed as the intestine absorbs the alcohol more quickly than the stomach. Deaths have resulted due to alcohol poisoning via enema.






I have concluded that when I have anal sex and cum in my wife’s ass, her sex drive and need for more semen goes up significantly. Every person is different and I am sure the chemical reaction in her body is different from others, but when reading these articles it’s hard not to come to the conclusion that the semen in her anus is absorbed at a faster rate and more efficiently than if I was to cum in her vagina (I’d love to see the absorption rate of the vagina / colon) or mouth. I’d also say that her libido went up as well, because it wasn’t just that she wanted more sex, but she wanted to learn things that prior she didn’t seem to care about. She wanted more anal sex, and not just my head inside her ass releasing semen. She wanted me to fuck her as far as I could and release semen as deep as possible. She wanted to learn how to deepthroat, something that once she learned has created sessions of her squirting simply from giving me oral sex. None of this happened prior to me cumming in her ass daily through anal sex.

I’ve also noticed that these mood altering affects have created a dependency on my semen in general. My wife loves my cum and demands I give it to her as much as possible. If I pull out and let some hit her legs or stomach, she gets upset.

Everything in this blog that is not sourced is my opinion. I am not a doctor. I have a great sex life and my wife and I are very open to how we feel or the changes our bodies make from the various things we try.

My Nipples’ Excellent Adventures – Nipple Piercing part 1

I’ve entertained the idea of getting my nipples pierced for a little while now, but there have always been reasons why I just wouldn’t do it: I didn’t want to experience the pain, I didn’t want to spend the money, I didn’t want another man fondling my nipples, I didn’t want to get an infection, I didn’t want to feel like I wasted money if I had to remove them, and I just didn’t see the point in getting my nipples pierced if not even my husband seemed interested in the idea.

I thought about these reasons and came up with a “pros column” to counter the “cons”: pain is temporary, money can be made the next day, I’ll follow the aftercare instructions religiously and my husband was actually very interested in seeing me with my nipples pierced, but for whatever reason, we never talked about it.  He even went as far as suggesting that the piercing would naturally leave my nipples more erect and I could start wearing hot tank tops, showing off my hard nipples. Ohhh, how this made my inner thigh senses tingle.  I am not an exhibitionist (blog coming soon:  “WTF, I’M nude modeling???”), or at least I thought I wasn’t, but the idea of my nipples and the barbells poking through a cute tank top, really turned me on.  The idea of me being turned on by that, really turned on Ryan.


We go to a tattoo shop that also does piercing (most usually do).  We’ve been here before so when we get there, I tell the girl up front that I’m here to get my nipples pierced.  She tells me the piercer is at their other store location, she will call her and let her know she has customers waiting.  She then suggested we have a seat.

I guess it just wasn’t meant to be, I think.  If this isn’t a sign that I shouldn’t get these piercings, I don’t know what is.  I look at Ryan and say, “Well, okay we tried.  Maybe we should go to the mall and look for a cute hat for me to wear in my next photo shoot (blog coming soon: “WTF, I’m nude modeling???”).  I figured mentioning the next photo shoot would turn on my husband’s man switch, and he would forget all about the nipple piercing.  Little did I estimate, the man switch was already on overdrive, with the idea of him seeing his wife with her nipples pierced.

Ryan, half way looks at me laughing, and says, “Not. That. Fast. Missy.  Plus the piercer is a girl!”

That’s true, I think.   I love the idea of the piercer being another woman, but that doesn’t alleviate the fear of pain. Ryan walks up to the counter and asks the receptionist, “Don’t we have to fill out the paperwork?”  He is a smarty for sure.  He was reeling me in, knowing that once I give up my information and signature, I’m staying put.  He brings me back the forms with a pen, and whispers, “Try to relax.”  He rubs my back softly and continues, “Did you hear that though?   The piercer is a girl, she will take care of you.”

I nod and fill out the forms.  When I’m through, I walk up to the counter and hand the receptionist the sheets of paper and she stares at it for a few seconds before giving me a look of constipation.

“I’m sorry,” she tells me.  “I had you fill out the wrong form.”

That’s it!  I tell myself.  Another sign!  I look over at Ryan and he immediately grabs the new forms.  “Go over and sit down baby, I will fill these out for you.”

I begrudgingly walk back to my seat.  I know I’m just nervous.  I’m worried about my nipples becoming numb after the piercings, which is going to suck because I like for my husband to play with them during sex.  I’m worried about suddenly becoming an uncontrollable hemophiliac and bleeding all over the place.

I sit in the waiting area and wait for the piercer to arrive.  The walls are filled with local artists’ paintings and drawings.  I like that.  The candy machines are half empty (or half full) and I wonder if they’ll fill them up soon.  A lady with hair dyed black spiked bracelets pulls up in the parking lot.  I hope it’s not her because she looks like she’s 14, and today is NOT the day I want to be someone’s “first customer.”  A third sign!  She comes in and the Ms. You-Filled-Out-the-Wrong-Form says to her, “Hey, how you doin’?  Can I help you?”  Thank goodness.

Soon I hear another voice from a lady behind the counter ask, “You ready, sweetie?”    I looked up, and saw my piercer was a cute little woman, with a southern accent, not quite what I was expecting.  She had no visible tattoos or excessive piercings other than a tiny diamond nose ring.  I follow her to a little cubby of a room with black curtains held together by two pins.  I sit on the examining table and set my purse and jacket to the side.  She starts to talk about how to take care of my piercings, what to expect the first few hours, days, weeks, etc.  She lays out all the tools she needs and explains what each one does.  She’s a tiny little thing about six inches shorter than me, but she is confident in what she says and does.  And that makes me a little less nervous.

She tells me to take off my top and bra so she can clean and mark me.  I sit up and relax both my arms to my side so she can get a straight line.  She uses a purple marking pen and marks under my nipple (not through it as I originally thought), into what feels more like a more “meaty” area.  I look in the full length mirror behind me and point to my left nipple and tell her, “The mark on this side is not straight.”

“No problem,” she says and brings a Q-Tip to my right nipple to re-do the line.

I panic.  “Wait!” She freezes.  “Wrong side.”

“Sorry about that.”

A fourth sign?!  It’s not too late to back out!  But I don’t.

I lay on the table and she tells me she’s only putting the forceps on my nipples, which she suggests may hurt more than the actual piercing.  I find out soon enough that this is a fucking lie. “Try not to jerk up into this hand; this is my piercing hand.” I put both my hands under my butt.


I don’t hear a countdown or a “1, 2, 3.”  She may have said it, but the electricity that ran from the nape of my neck to my feet probably drowned out the screaming I was doing in my head.  This was not like getting your tongue pierced where you feel a quick pierce followed by a dull pain that subsides over the course of a minute or so.  No, no.  The pain of the initial pierce pain remained for well over five minutes.  In fact, by the time my second nipple was pierced, the overlapping pain that coursed through my entire body paralyzed me.


Ryan is taking pictures the entire time, and I guess the stoic look on my face with absolutely no blinking, no moving, no breathing, no sound, he asks, trying to hold his laughter in but FAILING, “Are you okay?”



“…shhhh…” I whisper in pain.  I want to be still.  I want to close my eyes and rest.  This must be what it feels like to be dying.


Ryan says, “Oh baby, look how good it looks.”


I respond with, ‘I cannot see.”  The pain has blinded me and I couldn’t move my head down to look at my chest.

Hysterical blindness causes patients to suffer apparently neurological symptoms, such as numbness, blindness, paralysis, or fits, but  without a neurological cause. 

The piercer reassures me I’m not bleeding, which is a good thing.  I sit up as quickly as I can because I don’t want to look like a wuss.  She goes over the aftercare instructions and answers any last questions I have.  After my husband leaves the room, she tells me, “Once you’re fully healed, they’re going to feel really good – trust me.”  She points to both of her own boobs.  We smile devilishly.