Threesome Memoirs – Giving Him A Double Blow Job

bjSo far Ryan and I have had fairly positive experiences – for the most part. Do we regret doing anything we’ve done?  Not really.  I find purpose in every act in which Ryan and I have partook.  Every act, each person, all experiences – all were worth doing if it meant my man and I came away closer than before having done it.

For me, my absolute favorite thing to do in a threesome is the double blow job.  In fact, this is something I feel totally at ease with, and since I do, I can enjoy every aspect of it.  Since first revealing this to Ryan, he has asked me numerous times, “Why do you like double bjs so much?”  Rather than answer, “I just do.”  I felt we both needed a more thorough explanation as it helps to understand the female psyche (or at least mine) during this act which should otherwise be considered sacred by keeping it solely between husband and wife.

Let me begin by saying, for strictly monogamous couples, I believe a woman should do everything in her power to give her man the greatest blow job.  I may not be the best bj giver, but I know what my husband likes (enthusiasm, dirty talk, and variety in speed, content, and option for places to ejaculate, to name a few).  I, myself, have come to understand how to give Ryan the most visually stimulating as well as physically satisfying blow job.  The confidence I have knowing what he wants reflects my actions and attitude when another woman is helping me please my man.

Being a cheerleader.  I am excited, grateful, aroused – all of these things – when there’s a woman in my bedroom.  But since she’s the outside party, I do my best to make her feel safe and welcome.  If I were in her position, I imagine I would feel unsure of what was expected of me.  I would feel awkward, especially not knowing if there were boundaries that the other couple has discussed prior to me being there.  Since they take a chance at looking foolish I definitely do not want her to feel unwelcome. The most basic and probably most supporting thing I can do is to encourage her from the get go.  I can’t tell you how many times I’ve told the other woman, “Good girl,” “You look so fucking sexy with that dick in your mouth,” or “I love how that cock slides between your lips.”

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Threesome Memoirs – Double Penetration

double penetrationWith a blog titled Double Penetration I am scared I may have to block our emails from the surge of men ready to fill out a DP Job Application to join us in our bedroom.   Don’t worry, you didn’t miss the sign up sheet, that is never going to happen.

Saturday night, I was taking shots of Patron and preparing the camera for a second night of photoshoots with Venice and her friend.  This is the same friend who the weekend before we hooked up with and had more of an oral only threesome.  She and I ate out Venice, Venice and her sucked my dick and balls, etc.  We already know where we stand with her, so the night usually ends with some sort of play.  I wasn’t in the greatest mood but hopefully as the clothing came off and my lenses heated up, I would feel a little better.

The first shot was of an Asian massage, so both ladies stripped and Venice grabbed the Grape Seed Oil.  Venice made sure she let her friend know that Grape Seed Oil can be used on the inside or outside of her body.  That made both girls giggle.  Venice had never really given an Asian massage, so they both discussed the positioning or what exactly should be shown on camera.  I sat back with the camera in hand and waited for them to figure out exactly what they wanted.  To be a photographer isn’t hard, but to be a photographer that has to continuously come up with sexy ideas is absolutely hard.  Therefore, tonight I wanted to drink and just make sure they were focused.  My goal was to stay stress free and click the button.

As the shoot went on, the girls got more into each other and less into the idea of there being a camera in the room.  I had a hard time even doing my only job correct, keeping them in focus, because honestly I didn’t want to see what was going on behind a camera lens.  At times I would quit clicking and just watch the action.

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