What Creative Things Can You Do With Your Man’s Cum?

creative things to do with cumWhat Creative Things Can You Do With Your Man’s Cum?

First of all, please check out our older article: 31 Days of Cum Shots.  If you go to the photo gallery every single day has a story.  I did various things with his cum, including letting him cum in my morning chai and sending him pictures throughout the day of me finishing him/my cup of chai.  That was definitely a fun and a  creative way to turn my husband on.  I believe there was another day where my husband came inside me and then took a spoon to scrape up the cum that spilled out of my vagina and spoon-fed me.  This was also amazing because it wasn’t just his cum, it was both of our bodies together.  Very intimate and fun.  Speaking of mixing body fluids, you could try a vagina cocktail.  

Sometimes I will hold his cum in my mouth and he will stick his dick back into my vagina and start fucking me again.  He is multi-orgasmic.  The whole time he fucks me, he is looking down at me while I play with his cum in my mouth. Exactly as he orgasms the second time I will open my mouth and let him see me swallow his first load…


For me, my man’s semen is like icing on the cake (or cookie), semi-literally speaking.  Every time we have sex, getting to see my husband orgasm is my goal. I work just as hard to make him cum (dirty talk, moving in sync with him, etc.) as he does to please me.  With that being said, I feel satisfied knowing that I’ve made his hot juices flow from his dick.  And that is such a turn on to me.

What I do to his cum doesn’t start when it comes out – it starts long before.  When his dick is in me, I cup his balls and rub under them and tell him, “Let me massage the cum out of your balls.”  I tease him.  I talk about his balls as if they’re also being fucked. What I do to his cum starts BEFORE the actual orgasm.

Sometimes I stick my finger inside his anus and rub his prostate.  If you haven’t tried this, try it!  Right before he ejaculates you can literally feel his whole prostate swell up and harden.  The cum stays inside this beautiful walnut inside his anus, and you can massage it the entire time he releases.  In fact, he will release much more cum when you do this.   And more cum means more to play with!

Sometimes he will ask me to keep his cum in my mouth as he heads out to work.  He will let me know he is going to call me once he is on the road and tell me when to swallow.  So when he calls, I can barely talk because his cum and my saliva have really built up…


creative things to do with cum
Try using his first cum shot as lube for anal!

But it doesn’t stop there.  After he cums, that is something entirely different.  If he cums in my vagina or ass, there isn’t much I can do with it except to tell him to unload every drop in me or say, “Empty your balls out inside me.”  There have been times where he will pull out as he is fucking me and cum on my anus.   He will then use his own semen as lube for anal sex and fuck me again.  This actually feels amazing because there is nothing close to using actual semen as lubrication.  It nearly takes away all friction and makes for an extremely pleasurable experience.

Sometimes he will just cum inside me and clean my insides with his tongue.  We will kiss afterwards and make out with our juices everywhere.  If he cums on me, I get to put on a show.  I love him watching me when I clean myself up.  I will scoop his cum off my body with my fingers and lick them clean as if I’m getting the last bit of angel food cake batter out from between my fingers.  As I lick, I will look him in the eyes and say “yum” with every slurp.  I like to reassure him that I love his taste and that his sperm is my favorite spice.  If he cums directly on my vagina, I’ll rub him into my labia and inner thighs.  When I am done, I will lick my fingers clean.  One of my favorite things to do to force him in my mouth so he doesn’t shoot all over the place and catch all of his cum in my mouth. I know this is simple, but nothing feels better than getting semen straight from a man’s dick. I don’t want any salt from my body, I want it pure.  Straight from the source.  That way nothing is wasted.  Before I actually swallow, l blow bubbles,  gargle, or slurp it between my lips so he can watch me play with him.

creative things to do with cumSometimes he will ask me to keep his cum in my mouth as he heads out to work.  He will let me know he is going to call me once he is on the road and tell me when to swallow.  So when he calls, I can barely talk because his cum and my saliva have really built up.  But it’s actually pretty sexy and intimate.  To know he is in my mouth and I am waiting for him to call me and tell me to swallow while he is driving to work.  You have to be creative.  Sometimes I will hold his cum in my mouth and he will stick his dick back into my vagina and start fucking me again.  The whole time he fucks me, he is looking down at me while I play with his cum in my mouth.  My  husband is multi-orgasmic.  Exactly as he orgasms the second time I will open my mouth and let him see me swallow his first load.  For me, it’s almost like being came in twice at the same time.  It’s very intimate and exotic because I can taste his load go down my throat as I feel his penis releasing another load inside my pussy.  As he orgasms, instead of his eyes rolling back or him losing focus, he is paying close attention to everything I am doing with his cum in my mouth and his load.  His second orgasm is purely based off the excitement of what I am doing to his first.  And if you do everything perfect, you may even get a third load in your ass, which we call a “triple threat.”  It’s a very fun and powerful feeling.  Imagine in a matter of seconds, swallowing a mouthful of cum as you feel a penis twitching inside your vagina.  Moments later, you feel your ass being stretched as he nearly dry heaves a third load into your body.  And when it’s all over, you hadn’t slept with three men or made a porn, you just satisfied the man of your dreams.  


Instead of swallowing, I let him look down in my cum filled mouth and stick his dick back down my throat.  In other words, his cum becomes my throat lube as he fucks my mouth for a second time.

creative things to do with cum

Just recently, I discovered a new kind of cum play that really drives my husband wild (The first time we ever did it is actually in the article previously mentioned, you can see the story here:  January 8, 2013 Cum Shot).  We start out face-fucking, and as you may or may not know, when a man cums and his dick is plunged deep into your throat, the semen goes straight down and you cannot taste or feel anything.  But here is the twist: instead of being all the way in me when he cums, he will pull out of my throat and fill my mouth up with his first huge cum shot.   Instead of swallowing, I let him look down in my cum filled mouth and stick his dick back down my throat.  In other words, his cum becomes my throat lube as he fucks my mouth a second time.  I absolutely do not swallow to make sure his whole cum shot covers his dick as he again fucks my throat.   After a few seconds, I can feel his  hard wet dick drive so deep in my throat his ball piercing and crotch grinds into my teeth.  This time, instead of pulling out, he unloads his second cumshot deep in my throat, I can feel his urethra pipe on the underside of his shaft twitching on my tongue and his balls spasming on my lips.  I can also watch as anus tighten and loosen with each release.  Afterwards, the semen from both the first and second orgasms are pushed down my slippery, well-lubed throat.  It can get sloppy from my spit, cum, and tears, but it’s extremely hot, submissive, and downright sexy!

There is so much more you can do with your man’s cum if you really wanted to go above and beyond.  Attitude is everything and a paid porn star eating her co-star’s cum off an ice cream  sandwich shouldn’t be able to out perform you.  Is money more powerful than love?  For me, it’s not.  I will proudly do anything with Ryan’s cum, including the most insane ideas I can come up with, like sniffing his whole cum shot off a mirror.  

Let him cum onto a mirror.  If you want to be cute, take a credit card and shape his ropes into a long line.  Glide your nose across the mirror and sniff his cum like he is a drug.  If you do it right, you can open your mouth when you are done and show him all the cum you just sniffed.  And then swallow him as well….


Other Creative Things Can You Do With Your Man’s Cum

Cum popsicle or sperm ice cubes   

Simply ejaculate your man into a shot glass and add kool-aid or water to the glass.  Put a small toothpick through a small piece of paper that you lay on top of the shot glass (so it stays centered) and put the shot glass in the freezer.  After a few hours, you can either use the sperm ice cube in an adult drink and enjoy your man later, or let him use the ice cube on your nipples and vagina as foreplay the next time you want to spice things up.  If you want to get extremely creative, mix his cum with water and make an ice dildo. 

Cum Lube

Much like the previous idea, save his semen in the freezer so you can use it later.  Rather than leaving it ice, warm it up to use as lube.  No, his semen will not go bad.  There is nothing on earth that is a better lube than his semen.  It’s what all lubes try to emulate.  Whether it be for a night you plan anal, an intense vaginal session, or just a sexy hand job.  Or if you want to get real nasty, pour his warmed semen all over his penis and give him a blow job.  Much like my stories above, you can blow his mind tasting his cum the entire time his new orgasm builds.  If he is multi orgasmic, you can do this in a single sitting.  If he is not, simply have him cum into a shot glass and let him know you want to save it for later.  Trust me, he will let you.

Cum Shots

Great idea, especially if you both are already drinking and get a bit horny.   You can turn it into a game if you like.  If you can make him cum faster than 10 minutes, he has to take the shot.  If you can’t, you have to take it.  Either way, it’s fun.

Just go down on him and give him a blow job.  Make sure you have a shot glass handy.  When he is about to cum, stroke him off into the shot glass.  Add some rum and take the shot.  And that’s a whole other type of cum shot.

creative things to do with cumSniffing His Cum Off A Mirror Like A Drug

Let him cum onto a mirror.  If you want to be cute, take a credit card and  shape his ropes into a long line.  Glide your nose across the mirror and sniff his cum like he is a drug.  If you do it right, you can open your mouth when you are done and show him all the cum you just sniffed.  Yes, you can actually hack it up from the back of your throat back into your mouth.   And then swallow him.  For me, this clears my sinuses.  And surprisingly, no it doesn’t burn.  

Cum Cocktail / Sex Cocktail Inside Your Vagina

This one is a bit extreme, but we enjoy it.  We called it a sex cocktail because it deals with a lot more than just cum.  However, cum is an ingredient.   First you give each other oral sex.  Make sure you give him extremely sloppy head so his entire shaft has that deep saliva, that only comes up when you gag all over him.  This is your lube and a key ingredient to your sex cocktail.  He should also eat your pussy and make sure he digs his tongue up into your hole.  You also want to be as sloppy as possible.  You can also both spit on his during sex to make sure you have enough saliva ingredient inside you.  This is optional, but if you squirt or can control your urine, pee a little and let him do the same.  I will squirt throughout the session to make sure I add my flavor.  My husband has a bit of trouble peeing while erect, so he will stop and concentrate for a few moments and just fill me up with his urine.  At this point, it’s a mess.  He will then stick his dick back inside me and fuck me until we both cum.  At the end of the session, we should have double saliva, double urine, double cum, and my vagina totally full of all this flavor.  I will get up and we will 69 each other.  I get to taste myself on his dick, he gets to drink the cocktail out of my body. 

This isn’t everything you can do with a sex cocktail, but we will save the Bloody Mary version for a different day.  

Cum Seasoning

The taste of his cum on your meal will not ruin the flavor.  Depending on what you are eating, you won’t even be able to taste it. What it will do is elevate how much your man loves you and thinks about you.  Take a serving of his cum, throw it in with an ego, fry it.  Scrambled eggs and sperm.  Maybe even throw some ketchup on it if you want to get crazy!  

Don’t forget to ask him if he would like to try it himself.  

Even on his worse day, if you left him for whatever reason, he’d always remember this type of thing and know you were one of the wildest women he has ever been with.  Goals right?  For some of us ladies who actually do enjoy the flavor, it just makes our food better.  Win, win.

Coffee and Cream, A Long Day At Work and Selfies

I’ve used  my husband’s cum inside my coffee for cream a lot.  The catch here isn’t just that you worship his cum enough to enjoy it all throughout your work day, but you also send selfies of yourself drinking the coffee.  Your man loves watching you swallow him right?  So how about he watches you drink an entire coffee, for a span of 4 hours, slowly swallowing him and your morning coffee.   This is something we did as one of my 31 days of swallowing cum years ago.  But it was so fun I still do it every now and then just to tease him.

Sexy right?


So all these cool things we have done with our cum in this blog but I haven’t even said one of the most basic ideas.  The classic facial.  Sexy huh?  Well, how about you save his cum one morning and store it however you like.  Whether it be plastic bag, a sippy cup, or whatever tickles your fantasy.  Later in the day, call your husband while he is at work on Facetime and give him some…well, face time.  Let him know you have his morning cum and let him watch you drip it down onto your face and mouth for him to watch.  Chances are, no woman has ever done anything like this for him in his life.  Well, be that woman.  

Ladies, this is about making memories.  Do you think he will ever forget the time you called him at work over Facetime and gave yourself a facial with his morning cum 8 hours later?  Of course he won’t.  Imagine the possibilities of a long distance relationship and saving his cum during a visit, so when back home you can turn him on again, while also enjoying him when you miss him the most.  

If you want to be even more creative, there are a lot of new toys where you can play with each other long distance.  Most of these toys use your phone to function.   So while he uses his phone to make your vibrator vibrate to his touch, wouldn’t it be nice to have some of his cum saved to use as lube/drip on your lips/swallow while he watches you cum for him over Facetime?  

Originally Published on: Sep 12, 2013 


Creative Things You Can Do With Your Man’s Cum

creative things to do with cumCreative Things You Can Do With Your Man’s Cum

First of all, please check out our older article: 31 Days of Cum Shots.  If you go to the photo gallery every single day has a story.  I did various things with his cum, including letting him cum in my morning chai and sending him pictures throughout the day of me finishing him/my cup of chai.  That was definitely a fun and a  creative way to turn my husband on.  I believe there was another day where my husband came inside me and then took a spoon to scrape up the cum that spilled out of my vagina and spoon-fed me.  This was also amazing because it wasn’t just his cum, it was both of our bodies together.  Very intimate and fun.  Speaking of mixing body fluids, you could try a vagina cocktail.  

Sometimes I will hold his cum in my mouth and he will stick his dick back into my vagina and start fucking me again.  He is multi-orgasmic.  The whole time he fucks me, he is looking down at me while I play with his cum in my mouth. Exactly as he orgasms the second time I will open my mouth and let him see me swallow his first load…


For me, my man’s semen is like icing on the cake (or cookie), semi-literally speaking.  Every time we have sex, getting to see my husband orgasm is my goal. I work just as hard to make him cum (dirty talk, moving in sync with him, etc.) as he does to please me.  With that being said, I feel satisfied knowing that I’ve made his hot juices flow from his dick.  And that is such a turn on to me.

What I do to his cum doesn’t start when it comes out – it starts long before.  When his dick is in me, I cup his balls and rub under them and tell him, “Let me massage the cum out of your balls.”  I tease him.  I talk about his balls as if they’re also being fucked. What I do to his cum starts BEFORE the actual orgasm.

Sometimes I stick my finger inside his anus and rub his prostate.  If you haven’t tried this, try it!  Right before he ejaculates you can literally feel his whole prostate swell up and harden.  The cum stays inside this beautiful walnut inside his anus, and you can massage it the entire time he releases.  In fact, he will release much more cum when you do this.   And more cum means more to play with!

Sometimes he will ask me to keep his cum in my mouth as he heads out to work.  He will let me know he is going to call me once he is on the road and tell me when to swallow.  So when he calls, I can barely talk because his cum and my saliva have really built up…


creative things to do with cum
Try using his first cum shot as lube for anal!

But it doesn’t stop there.  After he cums, that is something entirely different.  If he cums in my vagina or ass, there isn’t much I can do with it except to tell him to unload every drop in me or say, “Empty your balls out inside me.”  There have been times where he will pull out as he is fucking me and cum on my anus.   He will then use his own semen as lube for anal sex and fuck me again.  This actually feels amazing because there is nothing close to using actual semen as lubrication.  It nearly takes away all friction and makes for an extremely pleasurable experience.

Sometimes he will just cum inside me and clean my insides with his tongue.  We will kiss afterwards and make out with our juices everywhere.  If he cums on me, I get to put on a show.  I love him watching me when I clean myself up.  I will scoop his cum off my body with my fingers and lick them clean as if I’m getting the last bit of angel food cake batter out from between my fingers.  As I lick, I will look him in the eyes and say “yum” with every slurp.  I like to reassure him that I love his taste and that his sperm is my favorite spice.  If he cums directly on my vagina, I’ll rub him into my labia and inner thighs.  When I am done, I will lick my fingers clean.  One of my favorite things to do to force him in my mouth so he doesn’t shoot all over the place and catch all of his cum in my mouth. I know this is simple, but nothing feels better than getting semen straight from a man’s dick. I don’t want any salt from my body, I want it pure.  Straight from the source.  That way nothing is wasted.  Before I actually swallow, l blow bubbles,  gargle, or slurp it between my lips so he can watch me play with him.

creative things to do with cumSometimes he will ask me to keep his cum in my mouth as he heads out to work.  He will let me know he is going to call me once he is on the road and tell me when to swallow.  So when he calls, I can barely talk because his cum and my saliva have really built up.  But it’s actually pretty sexy and intimate.  To know he is in my mouth and I am waiting for him to call me and tell me to swallow while he is driving to work.  You have to be creative.  Sometimes I will hold his cum in my mouth and he will stick his dick back into my vagina and start fucking me again.  The whole time he fucks me, he is looking down at me while I play with his cum in my mouth.  My  husband is multi-orgasmic.  Exactly as he orgasms the second time I will open my mouth and let him see me swallow his first load.  For me, it’s almost like being came in twice at the same time.  It’s very intimate and exotic because I can taste his load go down my throat as I feel his penis releasing another load inside my pussy.  As he orgasms, instead of his eyes rolling back or him losing focus, he is paying close attention to everything I am doing with his cum in my mouth and his load.  His second orgasm is purely based off the excitement of what I am doing to his first.  And if you do everything perfect, you may even get a third load in your ass, which we call a “triple threat.”  It’s a very fun and powerful feeling.  Imagine in a matter of seconds, swallowing a mouthful of cum as you feel a penis twitching inside your vagina.  Moments later, you feel your ass being stretched as he nearly dry heaves a third load into your body.  And when it’s all over, you hadn’t slept with three men or made a porn, you just satisfied the man of your dreams.  


Instead of swallowing, I let him look down in my cum filled mouth and stick his dick back down my throat.  In other words, his cum becomes my throat lube as he fucks my mouth for a second time.

creative things to do with cum

Just recently, I discovered a new kind of cum play that really drives my husband wild (The first time we ever did it is actually in the article previously mentioned, you can see the story here:  January 8, 2013 Cum Shot).  We start out face-fucking, and as you may or may not know, when a man cums and his dick is plunged deep into your throat, the semen goes straight down and you cannot taste or feel anything.  But here is the twist: instead of being all the way in me when he cums, he will pull out of my throat and fill my mouth up with his first huge cum shot.   Instead of swallowing, I let him look down in my cum filled mouth and stick his dick back down my throat.  In other words, his cum becomes my throat lube as he fucks my mouth a second time.  I absolutely do not swallow to make sure his whole cum shot covers his dick as he again fucks my throat.   After a few seconds, I can feel his  hard wet dick drive so deep in my throat his ball piercing and crotch grinds into my teeth.  This time, instead of pulling out, he unloads his second cumshot deep in my throat, I can feel his urethra pipe on the underside of his shaft twitching on my tongue and his balls spasming on my lips.  I can also watch as anus tighten and loosen with each release.  Afterwards, the semen from both the first and second orgasms are pushed down my slippery, well-lubed throat.  It can get sloppy from my spit, cum, and tears, but it’s extremely hot, submissive, and downright sexy!

There is so much more you can do with your man’s cum if you really wanted to go above and beyond.  Attitude is everything and a paid porn star eating her co-star’s cum off an ice cream  sandwich shouldn’t be able to out perform you.  Is money more powerful than love?  For me, it’s not.  I will proudly do anything with Ryan’s cum, including the most insane ideas I can come up with, like sniffing his whole cum shot off a mirror.  

Let him cum onto a mirror.  If you want to be cute, take a credit card and shape his ropes into a long line.  Glide your nose across the mirror and sniff his cum like he is a drug.  If you do it right, you can open your mouth when you are done and show him all the cum you just sniffed.  And then swallow him as well….


Other Creative Things Can You Do With Your Man’s Cum

Cum popsicle or sperm ice cubes   

Simply ejaculate your man into a shot glass and add kool-aid or water to the glass.  Put a small toothpick through a small piece of paper that you lay on top of the shot glass (so it stays centered) and put the shot glass in the freezer.  After a few hours, you can either use the sperm ice cube in an adult drink and enjoy your man later, or let him use the ice cube on your nipples and vagina as foreplay the next time you want to spice things up.  If you want to get extremely creative, mix his cum with water and make an ice dildo. 

Cum Lube

Much like the previous idea, save his semen in the freezer so you can use it later.  Rather than leaving it ice, warm it up to use as lube.  No, his semen will not go bad.  There is nothing on earth that is a better lube than his semen.  It’s what all lubes try to emulate.  Whether it be for a night you plan anal, an intense vaginal session, or just a sexy hand job.  Or if you want to get real nasty, pour his warmed semen all over his penis and give him a blow job.  Much like my stories above, you can blow his mind tasting his cum the entire time his new orgasm builds.  If he is multi orgasmic, you can do this in a single sitting.  If he is not, simply have him cum into a shot glass and let him know you want to save it for later.  Trust me, he will let you.

Cum Shots

Great idea, especially if you both are already drinking and get a bit horny.   You can turn it into a game if you like.  If you can make him cum faster than 10 minutes, he has to take the shot.  If you can’t, you have to take it.  Either way, it’s fun.

Just go down on him and give him a blow job.  Make sure you have a shot glass handy.  When he is about to cum, stroke him off into the shot glass.  Add some rum and take the shot.  And that’s a whole other type of cum shot.

creative things to do with cumSniffing His Cum Off A Mirror Like A Drug

Let him cum onto a mirror.  If you want to be cute, take a credit card and  shape his ropes into a long line.  Glide your nose across the mirror and sniff his cum like he is a drug.  If you do it right, you can open your mouth when you are done and show him all the cum you just sniffed.  Yes, you can actually hack it up from the back of your throat back into your mouth.   And then swallow him.  For me, this clears my sinuses.  And surprisingly, no it doesn’t burn.  

Cum Cocktail / Sex Cocktail Inside Your Vagina

This one is a bit extreme, but we enjoy it.  We called it a sex cocktail because it deals with a lot more than just cum.  However, cum is an ingredient.   First you give each other oral sex.  Make sure you give him extremely sloppy head so his entire shaft has that deep saliva, that only comes up when you gag all over him.  This is your lube and a key ingredient to your sex cocktail.  He should also eat your pussy and make sure he digs his tongue up into your hole.  You also want to be as sloppy as possible.  You can also both spit on his during sex to make sure you have enough saliva ingredient inside you.  This is optional, but if you squirt or can control your urine, pee a little and let him do the same.  I will squirt throughout the session to make sure I add my flavor.  My husband has a bit of trouble peeing while erect, so he will stop and concentrate for a few moments and just fill me up with his urine.  At this point, it’s a mess.  He will then stick his dick back inside me and fuck me until we both cum.  At the end of the session, we should have double saliva, double urine, double cum, and my vagina totally full of all this flavor.  I will get up and we will 69 each other.  I get to taste myself on his dick, he gets to drink the cocktail out of my body. 

This isn’t everything you can do with a sex cocktail, but we will save the Bloody Mary version for a different day.  

Cum Seasoning

The taste of his cum on your meal will not ruin the flavor.  Depending on what you are eating, you won’t even be able to taste it. What it will do is elevate how much your man loves you and thinks about you.  Take a serving of his cum, throw it in with an ego, fry it.  Scrambled eggs and sperm.  Maybe even throw some ketchup on it if you want to get crazy!  

Don’t forget to ask him if he would like to try it himself.  

Even on his worse day, if you left him for whatever reason, he’d always remember this type of thing and know you were one of the wildest women he has ever been with.  Goals right?  For some of us ladies who actually do enjoy the flavor, it just makes our food better.  Win, win.

Coffee and Cream, A Long Day At Work and Selfies

I’ve used  my husband’s cum inside my coffee for cream a lot.  The catch here isn’t just that you worship his cum enough to enjoy it all throughout your work day, but you also send selfies of yourself drinking the coffee.  Your man loves watching you swallow him right?  So how about he watches you drink an entire coffee, for a span of 4 hours, slowly swallowing him and your morning coffee.   This is something we did as one of my 31 days of swallowing cum years ago.  But it was so fun I still do it every now and then just to tease him.

Sexy right?


So all these cool things we have done with our cum in this blog but I haven’t even said one of the most basic ideas.  The classic facial.  Sexy huh?  Well, how about you save his cum one morning and store it however you like.  Whether it be plastic bag, a sippy cup, or whatever tickles your fantasy.  Later in the day, call your husband while he is at work on Facetime and give him some…well, face time.  Let him know you have his morning cum and let him watch you drip it down onto your face and mouth for him to watch.  Chances are, no woman has ever done anything like this for him in his life.  Well, be that woman.  

Ladies, this is about making memories.  Do you think he will ever forget the time you called him at work over Facetime and gave yourself a facial with his morning cum 8 hours later?  Of course he won’t.  Imagine the possibilities of a long distance relationship and saving his cum during a visit, so when back home you can turn him on again, while also enjoying him when you miss him the most.  

If you want to be even more creative, there are a lot of new toys where you can play with each other long distance.  Most of these toys use your phone to function.   So while he uses his phone to make your vibrator vibrate to his touch, wouldn’t it be nice to have some of his cum saved to use as lube/drip on your lips/swallow while he watches you cum for him over Facetime?  

blood baths, blood bath, bathing in our body fluids, menstrual cycle bath

Q&A: I hate swallowing my husband’s cum. Any tips on swallowing cum?

no swallow
Bitter cum face

Jasmine via the internet 

 Me and my husband have been married for over 5 years and until recently I never gave him any oral sex.  I’ve decided to change that.  I have been reading different blogs and websites, yours being one of them, and I am trying to open my mind and experience everything with my husband.   My only concern is, I have tried to swallow cum with my a previous boyfriend and I immediately threw up all over him.   I know that is bad, but it wasn’t just me spitting him out, I actually threw up from the taste of it, all over his lap.  After that episode I have maybe given a few more blow jobs but never let a guy finish in my mouth.   

Anyway, when I met my husband he told me from the beginning he just wants me happy.  I told him about my past, the good, the bad, and the embarrassing, and he immediately let me know that I would never have to do anything I was uncomfortable with.  Believe it or not, he has stuck to his words.  I’ve never felt any pressure from him about oral sex.  The few times  I came close to initiating, I got scared because too much time between us has passed and I feel embarrassed.  I also don’t know when to stop giving oral without hurting his feelings.   I do know that I want to give him oral sex because I love him more than anything in the world and he deserves it, but I know I will never be able to swallow his cum.   Do you guys have any suggestions? 

Venice’s response: 

Thank you for your question. I commend your husband for respecting your wishes about not asking you to give him oral sex or swallow.  If the taste of semen makes you throw up, that is just awful.  I know that me swallowing has made me closer to Ryan.  I yield a certain dominance over him when I tell him that no one can have his cum but me, that he better not be wasting all that precious juice.  I even get pissed off at the idea of him jacking off and wasting my cum. I’ve turned my cum swallowing into a game, a game where I make all the rules.

Remember this: I know it’s not apple juice, it’s cum, I get it.  But the THOUGHT of it, what it represents to ME as Ryan’s wife, makes it the most delicious thing in the world.  If you have to train yourself to love it, then do so!  I hate to make this comparison, but it’s like smoking a cigarette for the first time: you try it because of peer pressure or you want to impress the other cool kids.  At first you don’t want to do it, but you push through it, even forcing yourself.  You start gagging and coughing.  It’s the worst feeling ever when it burns your throat.  But you see everyone doing it and you want to fit in.  So you smoke another one; same reaction. You repeat this process until finally one day, your body is used to it and needs it.  Now the cool kids are hanging around you all because you have this one thing in common.  Well, pretend your husband is the cool kid and you want to impress him.

Also, I commend you for trying to initiate.  It shows that you are willing to do it!  My suggestion would be to take baby steps.  If you do initiate oral sex, squeeze his penis hard after he has an erection for a few minutes and you will notice a clear sticky drop will appear around his urethra opening.  This is his froth.  This is the lubrication his body naturally provides to make sure his penis can penetrate the vagina.  I personally think froth is very sweet.   It has its own taste and texture.  I think that would be a better approach to having him shoot his load into your mouth.  Don’t take a whole load at once for the first time with your husband. Just a drop or two, or a small lick off his stomach.  Let it sit on your tongue for a moment.  You’ll realize it’s not disgusting and certainly not poison.

Remind yourself that this is your husband’s semen, the man that you love, the man who would do anything to protect you.  It’s been five years and he hasn’t even suggested you give him oral sex.  He sounds like one of the patient understanding ones.  Wait to see how patient and understanding he will be after you blow his socks off. Once you give him oral sex on a regular basis, and possibly even swallowing him, new doors will open and you will both benefit from your new-found sexuality. “I will never be able to swallow his cum.” Never say never.

Ryan’s response: 

First, thanks for reading our blog. I am glad you want to open up and try new things with your husband.  5 years is a bit long but it’s better than 10 years I suppose.

Oral sex does not have to involve any sort of “completion”.  Sometimes Venice will give me oral sex just to get me erect and use her saliva to lubricate my penis for anal or vaginal intercourse.  Every morning Venice wakes me up kissing on my neck, then under my arms, then each of my nipples, until finally she gets between my lap and will lick and suck on all of my sexual body parts.  Sometimes she will focus on my balls, other times she will lick and suck on my penis.  I never orgasm.   We both know our morning time is for intimacy and enjoying each other, not to get worked up and have orgasms.   It’s our way to show self control and appreciation for each other without turning kissing and closeness  into pure sex.

Those are just a few examples of giving your husband the oral sex he deserves without having to taste his semen.    The key here, like with most questions, is communication.  Talk with your husband and let him know you feel nervous but want to give him oral sex.  I promise you, he will embrace the idea.  Let him know that you would prefer to give him oral as a form of foreplay, rather than a finishing act.  Explain why.  If he has been as patient as you say he is, I have no doubt he will totally understand.   Also, if he knows oral is now something you are interested in trying, he will help initiate, taking away any of the embarrassment you may have felt before.

Now, let’s talk about the taste and idea of semen.  If you think your husband’s semen gross, it will be gross.  If you think his semen is the next best thing since honey, it will be honey.   Whether it be the texture, the taste, the smell, or just the idea from it coming from inside another human’s body, it’s all in your mind.  Let go of the childhood belief and grow into the woman he deserves.  Semen should be everything but gross.  That is the essence of your man, his being, his manhood, his ancestors, his past and his future, his dna, his seeds, his insides, his everything.   His semen is an extension of him.  Enjoy and take your man, all of him.   It isn’t gross or disgusting, and it definitely shouldn’t make you puke.   Free your mind and let it grow with your relationship.    If a man went down on a woman and puked because her juices tasted weird to him, what would you think?  It’s immature and young minded.  As we grow older we learn to appreciate the finer things in life:  the juices inside our partners being one of them.

Venice’s suggstions on  swallowing cum:

Deepthroat.  Our blog has gone into great detail about how I taste nothing, feel nothing, and smell nothing.  If I am deepthroating, Ryan’s semen bypasses all my taste buds and  goes straight to my stomach.   For me, this is definitely neat, especially since you can feel his balls on your lips squeezing with each thrust.  You can also feel his thick urethra tube at the base of his penis, where his kegel muscles are the most powerful, pushing his semen into my body.  For me, the downside is I love to taste Ryan and his cum.  Therefore, I enjoy letting him unload his first shot into my mouth and then slide him down my throat to enjoy the experience of his orgasm.  This is the best of both worlds.

If you cannot deepthroat, try having him cum as far as he can in the back of your mouth.  The goal is to get his semen past your taste buds.  This may not help with the texture, but if the taste if what bothers you, this will help.

Get drunk.    Most of us are just looking for a reason to lose our inhibition.  That 4th or 5th shot of alcohol doesn’t taste anything like the first shot right?  Well guess what, your husbands semen will taste like buttersworth syrup after a few drinks.

Use chloraseptic or some other numbing agent for sore throats.  Not only does the choloraseptic have an decent flavor, but it also numbs the mouth and throat.  This can help you with gagging during deepthroat, or keep you from tasting and feeling the texture of his semen.   Chloraspetic can also numb the taste buds which keep you from tasting anything.

Give him oral in the morning.  I’ve read that the gag reflex is the least active in the morning.  Wake up, brush your teeth, give your man a blow job, swallow his load, head off to work.  This lazy morning gag reflex can also help you get his penis deep in your mouth if you normally deal with a super sensitive gag reflex.

Wash down the semen with something sweet.  Whether it be a coke or cold drink, wash down the semen so the after taste doesn’t make you gag or puke.  Think of his semen as the alcohol and you can pick your own chaser.

Suck on a jolly rancher, tic tac, or a breath mint before oral sex.   If you are skilled enough, keep the jolly rancher in your mouth while working his shaft.  I know this may sound hard, which it may be, but it will  definitely help with the taste.

 Ask your husband to eat pineapples  the night before you give him oral sex.  It is rumored that pineapples make the semen taste much better.   Experiment with different foods and see if it changes his semen’s flavor.

The biggest problem is your mind.  I’d guarantee if you have trouble swallowing, you are the type that overthinks things.  Relax, enjoy life, enjoy your man, take your mind off swallowing semen and think of something sweet.  Truthfully, this is all in your mind.  Grow up.

Practice by taking cum shots in the mouth without swallowing.  This could be something you while taste testing his semen/food intake.   The more you let him cum in your mouth the more you will get used to the texture and flavor.  As you get more relaxed and comfortable, swallowing will get much easier.

Use flavored lubrication.   Use honey!  Although you won’t really need lubrication with oral sex, if you were to lube up your husband’s penis with flavored lubrication, like syrup or honey, the sweet flavor taste will overwhelm your tastebuds.  The sticky sensation may also be amazing for his balls or anus play.  Try it.

We will update this section as we think of more helpful tips in swallowing sperm.

Video: Swallowing Cum While Deepthroating

It’s not easy recording video when you have just two people.  No matter what we try, we end up with footage we don’t really like.   Or, one of us likes and the other doesn’t.   Either way, we originally decided to do a video of a cumshot while I deepthroat because of all the different requests.  Well, we tried.    “Swallowing Cum While Deepthroating”

We are much better at taking photos. 🙂

In a perfect world, Ryan’s cum would have shot up in the air about 8 feet and dripped down his dick on the same side the camera can see so everyone knows he is cumming.  I would then engulf his penis with my throat and let the world watch his balls twitch while cum drips out of my mouth and/or nose.  Yes, having his cum drip out my nose would be an amazing shot!


The reality is, the first cumshot didn’t fly up 8 feet and instead nicely poured out behind the penis so the camera does not pick it up.  Other than some nice bubbles of cum at the base of his penis as I shove his cock down as far as I can (watch closely), it just looks like I am deepthroating.   However, let it be known, Ryan does cum and his entire cumshot goes down my throat.   It doesn’t come out my nose because it is down past my sinuses.    I suppose this is a compliment for him, because I’d assume through my own experience and throat anatomy, a slightly shorter penis (that can make it down the throat, but not far enough to pass the sinus area) would launch out a cumshot and it would fly up into my sinus area (and then out my nasal passage — my nose).  I know this feeling because as I deepthroat, I do get a build up of saliva that will shoot up my sinus area and cause me to get a runny nose.   In other words, I get how a cumshot can end up being a snot rocket.  Wow, these videos can end up being great deepthroat anatomy lessons.  Ha.

“Today class, I will explain how cum snot rockets are formed.”

I assume we will be the only website that ever pops up if anyone was to magically google the term “cum snot rocket.”  Haha.

Anyway, Ryan’s sperm doesn’t stay on the back of my tongue, doesn’t drip back up my throat, down the back of my mouth, and out onto his balls, and unfortunately for the viewers, doesn’t shoot out my nose.   I absolutely taste or feeling nothing.   He cums and it goes directly to my stomach.  This is how that works, so anyone requesting a cumshot while I deepthroat, it’s not the most action-packed video.

For the man though, I’ve heard it feels absolutely amazing.  I believe my mouth can get lower on the cock than even a vagina can, because unlike sex with a vagina where her thighs and his hips stop a man’s body from getting absolute balls deep, a mouth and a deepthroat can keep going.  Ryan has said he can feel the tightness of my mouth deep on his balls, and only my mouth gives him this feeling.

Enjoy the video.  Sorry if it falls short on expectations.

My other deepthroat topics & videos (from how I learned to deepthroating while he urinates):

My Introduction To Deepthroating

Learning To Deepthroat With Video

Deepthroating A Dildo The Size Of My Forearm Video

Deepthroating While He Pees Down My Throat At The Same Time With Gifs 

Photo shoot – Fedora Session part 1: Blowjob, Cumshot, & Swallow

This was our first official photo shoot, which we actually did for our Twitter followers. Twitter has a lot of great open-minded people who seem to be almost all complimentary, so it was very fun for us.  Prior to this photo shoot, most of our stuff was done for our own personal use using our cell phones to take photos and videos.  Some of the photos we take are screenshots from home movies or lower quality shots from our phones.  We are amateur so the quality cannot always be that great, but we are both into photography and artistic presentation, so sometimes we will have some good quality shots.

This photo shoot took place on November 7, 2012.  The session probably took about 45 minutes to an hour, totaling 500+ shots.  Although the footage doesn’t show it, Ryan actually came twice.  The first cumshot I kept my mouth deep on his penis while he came  so you could not see the cumshot on camera.  After he came, I played with his cum while he watched. After a few seconds, Ryan began to stroke again  (he has true multiple orgasms, which I will blog later).  He then came in my mouth a second time (included in this photo gallery), which you can clearly see.

We both felt the fedora was the perfect way to hide part of my face but still keep the vibe sexy.   Ryan and I both enjoyed this photo shoot and definitely have plans for future ones.

PHOTO GALLERY BELOW. The photo gallery can only be  seen by registered members of this blog.  If you are “following” but not registered, please register.   After you log in, you will be able to see all content. 

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