The Mystique of Human Female Hair

avi-photoshoot-000From a very early age, I knew there was something very sensual about a woman’s head of hair, and I was fortunate enough to have hair that I could use as a tool.  It was naturally curly so I never had to perm it.  However, I did have tons of mousse, curling spray, gel (super hold and for that “just out of the shower” look), straightening plates, hair dryers, and even a hair curler.  I was a typical girl.  When I was nine-years-old, too young to make my own decisions about my hair, my mother took me to a beauty salon to have it cut shoulder length.  I hated it.  From then on, I vowed to never let her or anyone else touch my hair.

I remember “big hair” in grade school and how all the popular girls wore them.  Of course, wanting to fit in, I wore mine just as big, Aqua Netting it in an ocean wave of frozen hair atop my head.  All the girls did it.  In fact, if you DIDN’T, those girls were considered the out-of-place non-conformists.  My neighbor missed first period one year because she had to wash her hair and start the process all over again.  I walked alone to school that day.

But let me go back even further.  Disney’s “The Little Mermaid” made it a point to show us how fluid Ariel’s hair was in the water.  It symbolized femininity and beauty.  It flows around her head slow and gracefully.  Then as she becomes human for the first time and races to the surface of the water, she throws her head back, her hair following in a red arc trailing sea water.  It’s a little disheveled at first, but when she gets cleaned up, her hair is flawless and radiant.  Disney did a great job changing from the pinned up tresses of Snow White and Cinderella to drawing Ariel’s hair to reflect her ferocity and disobedient nature.  The female characters after that have since then had long, flowing hair (Belle, Mulan, and of course, Rapunzel.  Well, can’t really count her.)

So after the big hair phase came and went, my hair problems and the upkeep diminished significantly.  It was still long, almost to my waist.  I had it chemically straightened and kept it down most of the time.  I played with it subconsciously as I talked to people, watched TV, and stood in lines.  I was always putting it up in a bun, or a half bun, or a pony tail.  I had hairbands on my wrist at all times and chopsticks in my purse.  That’s the beauty of being a woman – we get to have hair to cut, straighten, curl, pin up, let down, dye, and to use as an extra flirtation device. 

Ryan has said so man times to me that he loves feeling my hair on my face when I’m riding him, kissing him from on top.  He loved smelling my hair conditioner right after a shower as well as the natural scent thoughout the day.   When he is on top of me, grinding his body into mine, after a long day and we are both exhausted, he buries his face deep in my neck, moaning with each thrust, releasing his stress inside me. He has said nothing makes him feel more at happy and at ease than smelling the sweat behind my neck and my hair.  When I suck his dick slow and sensual, he loves to  guide my hair away from my face and behind my ear, so he can watch my lips slowly slide up and down his cock.  If a few hairs drop from behind my ear and dangle in his lap and in front of my eyes, it only turns him on more.   If I am sucking his dick hard and slamming my face all the way into his lap as rough and deep as his cock can reach in my throat, sometimes he will grab all my hair and use it to control my head movement.  When I fuck him reverse cowgirl and I tilt my hair back, he loves feeling the ends of my hair tickle his crotch.  When he fucks me doggy style, he loves gathering my hair in his hand and pulling on it, holding me close to his body and keeping me from inching away from his hard cock.  I love being the demure librarian who takes her hair down and shakes her hair as it tumbles over her shoulders.  Here’s an example of what I feel like as I take off my glasses and let loose.  Ladies: our hair is a powerful tool.  See for yourself…

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