The Art of Sniffing Cum
During my 31 Days of Cum Shots (January 2013), I found myself tagging @DRTYFUKNBASTARD because, as his name implies, he’s one dirty fucking bastard, and probably one of a few folks who can understand my fetish of catching and eating my husband’s cum shots. During one of the last few days of our photos, this dirty bastard sent us a picture of several girls around a glass tray simulating a cocaine sniffing party, except sniffing cum. Our minds started spinning. My husband asked if I wanted to make a video of me sniffing his cum. I admit to being hesitant at first. What the fuck…how am I going to pull that off? I imagined it would be like doing a frontward somersault in a pool where the water would burn your sinuses before eventually draining. Could I do it? I honestly think I couldn’t.
Since the smell of cum doesn’t bother me, I looked at my husband and said, “Bring it bitch.”
As a practice run, I tried to sniff a little bit of water on a hand mirror. The water kept sliding down to the edge and out of my nose’s range. My husband then suggested we use something other than a mirror to which I responded, “The whole idea of sniffing coke would be pointless if we don’t have a mirror. Too bad we don’t have a straw, then it would really look official.” I remembered I had a sweet tea with my lunch a few hours earlier so I took the straw and cut a 3” piece off. I added more water to the mirror and again tried to sniff the water through my nose. It worked, and this time it burned like a mother. If this was how it felt now, I was really afraid I wouldn’t be able to do it. I thought I would gag or have a coughing fit, and end up ruining the shoot entirely. If that happened, I knew I’d want to do it again. I am soldier and no amount of cum is going to make me back down.
After we set up the cameras and the lights, we got into place and I held the mirror under his dick. He began to fondle himself as I tugged lightly on his hanging balls. I told him repeatedly that I wanted him to shoot that hot load onto the mirror and that I was ready to lick every drop off that cold reflective glass. He put his hands on his hips and tilted his head back, enjoying how I was now stroking his growing penis. I put the mirror down and grabbed his ass with both hands as he pulled my head down to his crotch, my lips against his balls until I ran out of breath. His cock was now shiny with my spit. He started jacking his own dick as I kept telling him I was hungry for his juices. Soon he told me to get the mirror ready. He carefully controlled his juicy cargo into the shape of Mickey Mouse. I reached for my straw and inserted it into my right nostril. I plugged the left one and inhaled a long, deep sniff. It wasn’t a burning sensation like I expected. It went up through my nasal passage very smoothly as if my nose was runny and I was sniffing it back in. As soon as the first drop slid back smoothly, I knew I could easily finish! I cleaned off the mirror, sniffing every drop down and making a slurping sound, the kind you hear when you get to the bottom of your soda can. I licked off both sides of my straw and cleaned the mirror surface.
The perfect finish? Using the muscles in the back of my mouth to work the cum to the back of my throat to finally regurgitate and display the sticky mess on my tongue, then swallow it back down for the camera.
I understand that some people my never get this or any of my other dirty little fetishes, but I do things to the extreme to show my love for my husband. I LOVE his cum and I’d do anything to show my dedication to him.
Although we have since deleted the video, the photo posted is from the screenshot we originally uploaded to our xhamster account.
I love it
Thank you er-je!
that was OFFICIAL!!!
Thank you 🙂
I was sucking cock one time and the load was so big, so sudden (precum, precum, precum, – come on… bam), so fast – it came out my nose. It surprised me and everybody watching, so there was a long stringy bottom heavy translucent whitish drip slowly elongating from my nostril. My head went back enough that it fell on my lips and chin, I snorted what I could, then licked what I could with my tongue, and scooped the rest with my finger. A quick lick of my digit and I had gotten it all to my and everyone’s surprise and delight. Any way I would snort cum again especially if the exhibitionist in me is piqued. S
What a awesome idea! That was really hot. You two reached new limits.
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed 🙂
Just because YOU love Ryan’s cum doesnt mean everyone feels the same. MAYBE they don’t like it running down their ass crack for hours afterwards or out their vagina for hours either. Doesn’t mean that they are wrong, sneaking around or somethings up. These types of responses (which is soley your oppinions) are the reasons added to make people over think situations and causes more issues instead of solutions. Maybe your reply should be to have them talk about what going on instead and find a compromise that they both can live with to make their sex life better. Not every man or woman is a professed porn star who wants to be ass fucked or swallow cum. That’s their on personal preference. So furthermore give advice that’s helpful not damming.
You must have replied to the wrong blog.
However, some people don’t like kissing, because swapping saliva is gross or they don’t want to taste another persons lips on theirs for hours after they make out. I’d say to that person, grow up, stop being selfish, and take care of your significant others needs. Is your “I don’t need” more important than his/her needs?
Again, you can make everything seem gross, even holding hands, if your attitude is negative. Cum is not gross, bad, or something women should think of as anything other than positive, especially if your positive attitude makes your man love you that much more. And nothing will ever change that.