3 Years of Anonymous Vagina From Around The World
You are normal. Your vagina is normal. And your vagina doesn’t show how many men you have had sex with or how many babies you have or haven’t had. No matter what your age, number of sex partners, or the the amount of children you have had, your vulva can be small, large, thick, or thin. And guess what? Every variation is beautiful.
Below are self submissions of women from all over the world that have decided to share their vulva / vaginas, to raise awareness that all women are not alike. Empowerment in showing other women that there is nothing wrong with the way their vaginas look. This is 3 years of anonymous submissions, along with commentary from the woman who submitted the pictures.
Asian, 22 Years Old.
Honestly, I’m pretty fine with my genitalia. Growing up, I didn’t see many naked people, but the naked people I did see (mom) had hair, so I couldn’t actually see very well. The best I had to go off of was a “teach your kid about sex” book that I read alone. I had a small mirror for lip gloss and I compared the diagram in the book to my own parts and it looked like the diagram, so I figured I was good to go (age 10-12). I didn’t realize until semi recently that there are many different shapes and colors and sizes, and they are all unique. Additionally, I always preferred completely bare, and have de-haired the area consistently since prepubescence through now. I recently tried growing a cool landing strip, but due to constant wax/pluck, my hair is very sparse and will never grow to look great ( think middle school boy tries to grow a mustache).
Sometimes I’m self conscious about the color, as it’s darker than I thought it “should” be. Other times, I am self conscious because one of my lips, the left I think, is just slightly slanted or just longer. Due to constant grooming, I also can get some ingrown hairs, which sucks!
I see ladies with nice and big labia, or a great landing strip and I wish I could have those things too. When I am aroused, I don’t think anything really noticeably changes, maybe my clitoris girth.
Overall, I’m very satisfied with the way it aesthetically looks, but I am ALWAYS self conscious if someone is looking at it. I just feel like it looks tastes feels smells gross, so I sort of obsessively bathe and groom it.
The photos are : closed legs, open legs, a view of my clitoris, and a view of my labia minora.
Next Self Submission:
Age 29
I used to despise my vulva, I loathed how large my labia were, and dearly wanted a labiaplasty to “fix” them.
It took me a long time to accept the appearance of my vulva. I think I was around 25 when I finally realised I wasn’t a “freak” and that my vulva looked perfectly normal.
But my insecurities about my labia, along with my other body image issues, prevented me from becoming sexually active for a long time. I was too afraid of what others might think of my naked body, and that they’d have been as repulsed as I was (at the time).
Right now, I have a very full bush. I do like and enjoy having a bush, but I will probably get a wax when it’s summer so I can wear a bikini (!)
Next Self Submission:
Age 21
First pic: Normal/spread. I think my vulva is aesthetically pleasing. It’s my best sexual feature in terms of looks, and I’ve never really had a problem with it. However, I sometimes wish that I didn’t have the dark pigment that surrounds it. It’s especially noticeable when I have a bit more hair and around my anus.
Second Pic: Sitting down. I find this position to make my bits both horrifying and hilarious.
Next Self Submission:
Age 27
I’m 27 years old, 5’3, 112 lbs, no kids. I’ve never had problem with my vulva. Few time ago I spent quite a lot of time to be smooth, shaven down there, but recently I just trim the hair. My left labia is a tiny bit bigger than the right and they might be a bit darker than the average. But I love them the way they are. Didn’t have a lot of boyfriends, but none of them looked like they care about the size, shape or color of my labia, being hairy or not…
Next submission:
Age 26
I am 26 years old and have been unhappy with my vulva as long as I’ve been aware of it. My right inner labia is significantly longer and rufflier than the left. I’ve never had a partner comment, but I am self concious being naked, or even in skimpy underwear. Once I have some money saved up I’m considering getting labiaplasty just to be more symmetrical.
Next submission:
Age 27
I’m 27. The only thing I used to be concerned about was the skin discoloration. It’s darker than the rest of me by what I think, is a lot. Not a huge deal though, I’ve been reassured that it’s normal.
Next submission:
Age 21, No Pregnancies
I have a lot to say about this project! When I was a little girl, I thought I was growing a penis because I had a large clitoris (HAHA!). Once I understood the anatomy of the female reproductive parts, I became extremely uncomfortable and embarrassed. I did not allow my sexual partners to perform oral on me, because I didn’t want them looking at my lips that closely. I researched labiaplasty and thought it would be the only way I could be comfortable. Today my mentality has entirely changed! I LOVE my vulva, even if it is a little funny looking.
Picture 1 How it ‘settles’ naturally. An image like this used to upset me.
Picture 2 I think it looks a lot ‘prettier’ with my inner labia spread. This picture makes me happy because I think my vulva looks like a pretty butterfly!
Picture 3 With labia fully spread. I also want to add that here you can see I have a small amount of extra skin between my vulva and anus – this also used to make me feel very ashamed (mostly because I thought it was NOT normal). A previous boyfriend of mine commented once “What is THAT??” and made me feel very worried. Today I think it is cute and know its just another bit of my body 🙂
Picture 4 Here is an image where you can see my clitoris. Normally it is entirely hidden by the clitoral hood.
Picture 5 Here you can see the way my clitoris sticks out from between my labia majora. This also used to be a big problem for me, as I wanted that adorable labia-minora-free look. I was worried you could see them underneath my underwear or a bathingsuit (you can’t actually).
Picture 6 This really shows how much my large clit can stick out. I’ve learned to embrace it though! If I squat with my legs apart and shake my butt, my clitty weeble-wobbles back and forth. With some added sound effects, I think I’m pretty damn funny! I also can’t complain too much because my pleasure center is never hard to find, for me or my partners.
To wrap up, I succumbed to body image issues early on but with loving partners and the help of /r/sex in general I freaking LOVE my sexy parts! When I start to wish I had a ‘cute’ vagina again, I remind myself as a bisexual woman that I also love all other vaginas and their shapes, so I need to love mine as well. It KILLS me to see other women saying bad things about their vaginas when they should be loving them.
edit: I was waaaay too excited and used too many exclamation marks.
edit again: After reading about others insecurities, I wanted to add some more things! The more we all share, the more we understand and the less ashamed we can feel. When I hit puberty and began having normal amounts of discharge (lets call it wetness from now on, discharge sounds diseased), I thought something was wrong with me. I don’t understand why girls aren’t taught that your vagina produces wetness on a constant basis. Nowadays I have a lot of normal daily wetness and will either put a tissue in my undies to change periodically, or just change my undies twice or more in a day.
Next submission:
Age 32
I am 32, I have two kids age 3 and 1. Pregnancy left me with stretch marks on my tummy and inner thighs, but they are pale. I mostly don’t like the extra skin on my tummy. I am very self conscious of my body, even though I am a runner, and I am not overweight or anything, because my husband and I have a dead bedroom (since getting pregnant with our youngest). I feel like I am super unattractive, but now that I’ve seen pictures of myself, I don’t think I look bad downstairs (except for that I haven’t shaved in a week, haha).
Next submission:
Age 19
I am 19, and have always been self-conscious about my body. I know my vulva is normal and while I have accepted it, I do not think it is pretty.
I have very large Labia Minora and a somewhat smaller Labia Majora. My lips are rosy, with very small colour-difference between skin and genitalia, and they are wrinkly or curly. I have always been very self-conscious about my lips, and when I was younger I was strongly considering Labia plasticity. I was warned of the dangers of losing sensitivity, but every once in a while the though of small, straight lips still cross my mind. I am much more comfortable in my body today that I was years ago. I am also always shaved because the hairs surrounding the lips will make the itch like crazy upon touch. The longest I can have them is not even 5 mm., and the itching often reminds of a yeast-infection despite there being none.
Even when I pull from the top of my vulva, the lips will never uncurl or unwrinkle.
This is not the most spread they can be, but is often how they look right after sex. It feels very uncomfortable when they sit like this.
This picture was taken to show how my lips is not ‘surrounded’ by my Labia Majora. They ‘flow freely’ as to speak. Again, I was and am, to some extent, still very self-conscious of how big they are.
This picture is taken to show how much my lips extent away from my body. I have always hated this, and one time I even managed to tie a know with them.
I’ve read stories about girls and women who hated the way their vulva looked because of a preconceived notion of what it *should* look like so this is pretty neat series.
Also, yay, I’m glad you guys are back blogging again!
I would be honored to enjoy any of these vulvas.