3 Years of Anonymous Vagina Submissions From All Over The World (Part 2)

3 Years of Anonymous Vagina Submissions From All Over The World (Part 2)

You are normal. Your vagina is normal.  And your vagina doesn’t show how many men you have had sex with or how many babies you have or haven’t had.  No matter what your age, number of sex partners, or the the amount of children you have had, your vulva can be small, large, thick, or thin.  And guess what?  Every variation is beautiful.

Below are self submissions of women from all over the world that have decided to share their vulva / vaginas, to raise awareness that all women are not alike.  Empowerment in showing other women that there is nothing wrong with the way their vaginas look.  This is 3 years of  anonymous submissions, along with commentary from the woman who submitted the pictures.


Self Submission:

Age 25

Body image: AWFUL. I am pretty overweight and I hate my body. I think my vulva and breasts are actually some of my best features; unfortunately not many people get to know that!


Next Self Submission:

Age 23

So here I am, a woman with her vulva. I have a very normal body and I love what it allows me to do and feel. At various points in my life, I’ve worried about how parts of it look (primarily to men). Being small chested has bothered me at times; I felt I had a boyish rather than womanly figure. I still struggle with moderate acne, which really impacts my confidence. I could go on with other insecurities, but why bother. I am slowly, slowly realizing what an incredible gift it is to reside in this normal body; honoring that by being body positive for myself and others is a work in progress, and some days are better than others.

A handful of years ago, I suddenly became aware that women with vulvas that look like mine have been going under the knife to trim them down. I am as vulnerable to insecurities as the next girl, but somehow I managed to discard this one. I just can’t dislike my labia. They are too personal, too much a part of me, and it is entirely my choice who gets to see them and consider their aesthetic value…which I guess today is everyone.

Sorry for being wordy.


Next Self Submission:

Age 21

I have actually never seen my vulva before… never bothered to look, I guess. Now that I have, I don’t really care for it. Also, the stubble looks really weird from this point of view. I need to shave… haha.



Next Self Submission:

Age 23

I’m 23, and I’m pretty happy with my body inage. I have a curvy figure, and I’m plus sized, but I think I’m sexy. I like my pussy, it’s got nice lips. I love all vulvas, as a bisexual woman, they all have their merits.


Next Self Submission:

Age 24

I just lost 38 lbs in the past 27wks. I have never felt so confident in myself.

I love my pretty pussy.


Next Self Submission:

Age 18

One part of my body I will never be self conscious about 🙂


Next Self Submission:

Age 40

That weird line at the top of my pussy which turns it into a triangle is the remnant of two c-section scars from the first and last of my four kids births. Yes that is a clitoral hood piercing which I have had for about 3 years (mid-life crises are a bitch…you have been warned!) Also I have had laser hair removal so now I only have to shave my pussy about once every two weeks (damn white pubic hairs!) and I don’t have to listen to my husband bitch about stubble LOL!

My body image is just fine. Yes my stomach is a train wreck but I have gorgeous and brilliant kids so I figure its a pretty good trade off. And I think my pussy looks fine as far as pussies go.


Next Self Submission:

Age 24

Body Image: I don’t have the greatest overall body image but I don’t mind my vagina/vulva. But I still get really self conscious with someone staring right at it, I’m not sure why. Also I never realized until fairly recently that my inner labia are so small, they’re almost nonexistent. If there’s one thing that bothers me the most about that whole region it’s that I have a pretty prominent pubic bone. If I’m laying on my back it sticks out, and some clothes make me look like I have a FUPA when I don’t, it’s just a bone.

Also, I never really cared one way or the other about my vagina but the guy I’m dating now complimented me on it when we first met and it really stuck with me and I feel a lot better about it now.


Next Self Submission:

Age 23

Spent most of my life insecure about my dark, lippy vulva and feeling like I needed to go under the knife to fit the ideal. Here’s one small step towards acceptance.


Next Self Submission:

Age 25

Body image is ok but I like my vulva! Normally it’s pretty clean shaven but I was lazy.



Next Self Submission:

Age 24

I feel pretty okay with how it looks.


Next Self Submission:

Age 19

Body image: Improving a lot over the past few years thanks to involvement in feminism and my wonderful partner. I actually used to be incredibly self conscious about my pubes– recently I’ve been growing the bush since it’s been years since I’ve had it all grown out. I think my favorite hairstyle is trimmed, though!

(Continued ) Here’s a pic of it shaved as well Edit: Never noticed how large my clitoral hood is (maybe clitoris, too?) . Guess I’m a tad self conscious about that now, but hey, I could never hate the pleasure center!


Next Self Submission:

Age 21

The only thing I don’t like about mine is that the inner labia are small to the point where it’s hard to give them any attention during sex, which sucks because what I do have is a very erogenous zone. I also wish the skin wouldn’t get so dry lol, but otherwise hey it’s a vulva.

Next Self Submission:

Age 31

I know it is not the best but it was just after getting it pierced.

My body image varies from day to day. I will be honest, I am a plus size girl and my appearance gets to me at times. 90% of the time, I am a confident and positive person. We all have our insecurities but it is how we handle them that makes us who we are.


Next Self Submission:

Age 18


Lips spread.


Next Self Submission:

Age 20

I get waxed, for myself and my SO. I am embarassed by how I look down there, I have bad esteem issues in general.

Next Self Submission:

Age 24



Part 1 and Part 3

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What does pussy smells like?
PS. I’m gay so idk lol

rotten sardines?

Very beautiful pussy

a lovely assemblage of finger nails. Thanks. 😉