Threesome Memoirs – My First Kiss

Threesome Memoirs: Table of Contents

First KissWhen she arrived at our house, we talked for little bit in the kitchen. I don’t remember what exactly we talked about because I was too busy thinking about the possibility of kissing her for the first time. Kissing any female for the first time for that matter.  We felt out the evening and I knew that tonight was the night I would get my first female kiss.  I asked her if it was all right to get a picture of my big moment.  “Yea, let’s do it!” she answered.   I brought out two pairs of sunglasses for us to use, excited and eager for the moment.  We sat at the edge of the bed and laughed at the thought of the pre-plannedness of it all. We started by posing for a few Facebook type pictures: friendly and nothing I would be ashamed in showing my friends and family.  She then proceeded to get more comfortable by putting her legs across my thighs and posing that way. I put my hand on her calves and tried not to reveal my giddiness as I touched her.  “You smell really good? What do you have on?” I gave her the name of the lotion. Yes, I did put a little on my neck. I remembered all the little hot spots Cosmo taught me about when I was in high school and how just a drop or two of perfumed oil can sizzle under these areas.

“Oh, God, I’m nervous!” I told her and Ryan.

I admit, everything was very methodical and planned, which in a way, took some of the nervousness out of it. She was very patient and comforting.  She knew I was nervous and decided to approach me in a playful way.  She started by saying, “Let’s play patty cake!” Admittedly, I thought this was code for something.  What exactly, I had no idea.  I waited for her to to initiate this “patty cake” game, as she called it.  She sat Indian style on the bed and held her hands out in front of her.  I mirrored the motions, but before I realized that this was indeed the hand clapping game that young children played, I had already looked like a goof.  Fortunately, she forgot the order of the hand claps herself and said, “I have a better idea…do you know how to play ‘Slide’?” Slide? I thought. That’s my specialty!  She took her rings off, none of them a wedding ring, I might add.  I kept my ring on, but turned my diamond sideways so I didn’t hurt her.  Another hand clapping game I grew up playing, it begins by the two players holding their hands out, touching palm to back of hand, and sliding them back to themselves. The game gets progressively faster as you increase the number of times you “slide.”  We got up to round five before stopping and laughing.  It certainly broke the tension for a while, but if her goal was to get me into the perfect kissing position, she succeeded without me even realizing it until just now as I write this.

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Threesome Memoirs – Finding the Third

Threesome Memoirs: Table of Contents

the thirdAfter getting many replies to my ad from ladies (and men) and sifting through profiles I believed would be suited to my needs, it was refreshing to finally find The Third.  For the sake of future blogs, I will refer to her as Eve.  I say “The Third” meaning we were sexually compatible with what we wanted to get from a threesome and what she was willing to do in order to participate in one with me and Ryan.  But she wasn’t always.

Eve e-mailed me from a dating site with a beautiful picture and a one line description of herself.   I replied back and let her know that I thought she was cute and asked exactly what she was looking for.  She again wrote back with a one line answer.  I decided that although she was cute, I needed someone that would talk more.  I wrote her back and let her know that I was afraid that she wouldn’t work out and that I appreciated her at least contacting me.   She wrote back apologizing and let me know she was in an open relationship and was simply looking for another girl to talk with.   At that point, I let her know that we probably wouldn’t be more than text buddies because I am not looking to have any experiences without my husband.  In fact, in one night of e-mails, I told her twice that we probably wouldn’t go beyond being text buddies.  We both agreed that being text buddies could be fun so we exchanged numbers.

The next day, I texted her, and within the first few texts I made the gross assumption that she was boring.  I talk a lot on text so I understand that people have to read between the lines and choose certain words to get an idea across to the receiver. I wasn’t used to her one liners and lack of exclamation marks, so for me, she came across as emotionless and unenthused to talk to me.  I came very close to losing interest in her because of this misunderstanding.  The good thing was, she was actually normal.  Maybe because of all the previous “characters” I had dealt with, I just wasn’t expecting to talk with someone who didn’t give me any real reasons to quit talking.

Prior to sending more photos I told her that I would need to do a voice confirmation to make sure I wasn’t dealing with another “Pat The Squirter.” When I called her that night, we spoke casually.  She seemed to be a better communicator when she was face-to-face with someone, or rather voice-to-voice.  Although she sounded extremely sexy, I still joked a lot about us being strictly text buddies.  I wanted her to understand that if she was serious about not wanting to be with a couple, then she and I could only be friends, which was fine with me. She came off as a sweet person and I would definitely be okay with being her friend. 

After we hung up, I was feeling a bit more frisky and sent her a panty shot with my hand beneath crotch. She immediately called back.  I assume to ensure I meant to send her the picture.  I said I did, of course. She was very easygoing, which was a good indicator as to how good we would get along as friends. I mean, I’m not the best breeze-shooter in the world, but if someone can find the right cues to keep me talking and hold a conversation with me (and vice-versa), then all the better.  This is one factor I would consider in deeming a person as someone I like being around.  As we talked, we realized we lived very close to each other, which at the time I wasn’t sure was good or bad. Her phone call to me was apparently her own double confirmation because after the second phone call, she sent me a few nude pictures of herself.  That night we went back and forth talking and sending racy pictures to each other via text.

All that week, we’d been sending pictures to each other and texting. That Friday night, Ryan and I were outside grilling.  I decided to text her: “You’re so hot, I could just kiss you.”  She answered, “Oh yea? I’ll come over.”  This would be the first time I’d ever met a female with the intentions of doing anything bisexual.  Not just a threesome, but the first woman I’d look at in a sexual way. 

I replied back, “I’m waiting.” 

A few minutes later, her car was pulling up our driveway.  This was the first time she’d been to our house, so as she pulled up, Ryan went inside to get a plate for the BBQ.  He wanted to give us a bit of privacy.  At the time, Ryan was still an outsider and the “kiss” talk was more of text buddies crossing the line.  When I saw her, I hugged her and gave her a kiss on the cheek.  “How are you?” I asked. She said she was fine. I said, “Turn around and let me look at you.  Oh yea, this is the same butt in the selfies you sent me.”  Looking back on that, it was more aggressive than I usually was am and definitely out of my personality. I’m glad I did it though. Because if there’s one thing I learned about getting back into the “dating” scene, pussy doesn’t just fall into your lap. I have to make moves.  We talked outside for about an hour that night getting to know each other. When it was time for her to leave, she asked for a hug, but also asked Ryan to look away. It was an unusual request, especially because I know Ryan doesn’t get off on seeing me hug a female. I do that all the time. Perhaps she didn’t realize that we’ve been married a long time and that he doesn’t react to a friendly hug the way a virgin boy might.  Either way, Ryan gave us a moment of privacy.   When Ryan came back, I immediately hugged her again with him looking. 

The following week, she and I continued to text, talking mainly about me wanting her to be my first kiss. I invited her over again.  And being the planner and thinker I am, I let her know that I liked her and was looking forward to eventually kissing her.

We had meaningful talks (all three of us) in the beginning to establish our comfort levels and our (my and Ryan’s) goals. Our moves leading up to the first kiss were very methodical, so much so that to others could become impatient with our process. She was the perfect “first step” for me – perfect first kiss, perfect first woman I’ve tasted, perfect threesome experience. From an outsider’s point of view, I can easily see how our approach to the events leading to a threesome can be arduous, but not once have I ever said, “If I could go back, I would change how I did this.” We’ve been warned about the myriad downfalls to threesomes: “Venice will want to have a male-female-male threesome eventually,” or “Venice will regret having you experience another woman,” or “Ryan, you’re going to want more,” or “You’re both way in over your heads.”  I think we moved so slow and carefully that we had so much time to process each step we took, so there was little room for mistakes or regret.  And in the end, I can say with great pride that things couldn’t have gone better.

Threesome Memoirs – The Intimidating (The Good, The Bad, The Ugly)

Threesome Memoirs: Table of Contents

intimidatingWe’ve said numerous times that finding a partner for a possible threesome isn’t an easy task, but truthfully, if we were a bit more courageous, it wouldn’t have been that difficult. Yes, it takes patience, but who would want to rush in and make that type of mistake anyway?

We’ve had flaky prospects, men pretending to be women, and ladies that get cold feet.  This is expected.  What wasn’t expected were a few offers that were so aggressive that we actually flat out turned them down.  Not that the ladies weren’t attractive, but instead were openly turned on by us and weren’t shy about what they wanted to do.  Sometimes it wasn’t even what they said, but the pictures they sent that intimidated us.

If the woman was in high heels with a huge sexy ass, swinging on what seemed to resemble either a firehouse pole or a stripper pole, I was immediately intimidated.  Unsure why, I guess I was expecting to spend time with the girl next door type.

It wouldn’t be just the photos though.  If they weren’t shy about letting me know that they were ready to meet immediately and would only fuck my man if it was okay with me, it made me a bit uncomfortable.  The aggression, the lack of communication, the rush of meeting, or just flat out intimidated.  I don’t know why.  It didn’t just scare me though, Ryan was usually the one that pulled the plugs on the wild ones.

At this pont, most readers following along with our memoirs are probably totally confused.  How could a couple that is complaining about the young and flaky find a female that is totally willing to have a threesome, yet write a blog about how it intimidates them.  What exactly do we want?

Good question.  I have no idea.  I do know exactly what I don’t want though.  I do not want a woman who is almost anxious to get me and my husband into the bedroom.  We like to talk, we like to socialize, and we also do not want our experiences to be warped by some sex machine who doesn’t care who she sleeps with, just that she is sleeping with someone.

As much as it is supposed to be difficult to have a threesome, it really is much more difficult when your standards are nearly impossible.  If we had no standards, this would have been a very short memoir section.  “Day 2, we fucked some girl and afterwards we saw her in the parking lot fucking some other guy as well.  I guess she wasn’t satisfied?”

I know this sounds shallow, but I also judged looks.  If I wasn’t attracted to the female, I would let them know that I did not think it would work out.  This actually created a few problems but regardless of personality, I wanted to be attracted to whoever I decided to invite into my bedroom.  We’ve experienced the good, the bad, and they ugly, but a lot less good than the other two.

Threesome Memoirs: Shai Wan

Threesome Memoirs: Table of Contents

shy asianNot everyone can be straightforward. Not everyone can hide behind the anonymity of emails and texts. Sometimes their shyness is apparent in their language and how they project themselves in how they communicate. I’m not mad at them. Sometimes I can lack in the aggression department, and sometimes I feel I’ve said things that were out of my real life personality.

With all this being said, I came across a Asian girl who lived a few cities away and didn’t seem to be like the other females with whom I’d previously communicated. I didn’t know it at first, but she seemed very shy. I’ll call her Shai Wan.  She was the quintessential Asian: tiny, light skin, and long hair. The picture used in this blog is not her, but seriously, she was just as adorable.  In fact, she was so cute I found myself being taken back to my childhood as she reminded me of Sailor Moon and her band of hotties; I’m referring to Sailor Mars. But that’s neither here nor there.

Asians aren’t really my type, but Shai Wan was gorgeous and I couldn’t help but be attracted to her look.  At first we talked via email only. She sent a few G-rated photos of herself and I sent a few of me.  After emailing her a few times, I decided to text her. She was hot in every way, but when she started sending explicit pictures, her panties looked like off white cotton long johns.  I didn’t know if she was wearing thick white leggings or cotton grandma panties.  Either way, it wasn’t as sexy as I hoped but I still responded,    “Hot.”  I then sent an ass shot of myself in panties, too, but mine was a thong with the outline of my lips showing very clearly as if to say, “Look… this is the kind of picture you should be sending!”  But she just didn’t seem to get the hint.   “Send me another one, sexy. Bend over if you can.”  Her granny panty shot was followed with her slightly bent over in the same panties, only it was a mirror shot so the flash reflected just perfectly. Or should I say, imperfectly.  At least I knew they were live pictures and not just part of her “Hanes Her Way photo album” on her phone.

I wasn’t sure what to say. It wasn’t my job to teach her how to send dirty selfies of herself, so I ignored it. I just assumed she was being careful in what she was sending. No big deal. So was I. I then told her, “You have such a cute little ass. I wonder what your pussy tastes like?”   I really wanted to know, in fact, I still do.  I’d love to taste an Asian woman.

Before I could text, “Pull your panties to the side, let me see what you’re hiding,” she said, “Can you use code talk like ‘I want to go to your grandmother’s house for some peach cobbler?’ when asking about my private areas?  I don’t want my husband get to suspicious.”

Go to where?!  For some what?!  Did that mean if I ever wanted to talk about eating her pussy I had to refer to the area between her legs as “grandmother’s house” and her vagina as “peach cobbler”? 

Yes, she was married.  Yes, she let me know he wouldn’t understand that she was bisexual.  At this point, we were both only interested in developing a kinky little text friendship, not a threesome.  Ryan was okay with this, and I wanted to see her sexy little ass.  I guess I understood the code talk.  Like, if he grabbed her phone she would have a bunch of messages about us going to her grandmother’s house for peach cobbler.  Not really sure how she explains the selfies of her in her grandma’s panties though?   I guess she could say she borrowed was trying on her grandmother’s panties after she was done eating cobbler? 

Over the next few texts, I noticed that she started getting more and more brave. Her selfies moved to her breast shots in the mirror.  She labeled the breast picture, “my rubix cubes.”   Although she was looking down, you could clearly see her cute face.  The code talk thing was a bit awkward, but the fact she was gorgeous kept me interested.   From what I could see of her rubix cubes, they were extremely cute. However, it was apparent she had an old fashion cotton top that seemed matched her long john panties perfectly.  Maybe a little bit of black lace would have been more grown up, but I guess it adds to her overall cuteness.  I had a feeling she hadn’t been a flirty texter for very long.  The more pictures she sent, the more I felt awkward looking at them, as if I were watching a B-rated porn on my phone. Or at least Showtime after midnight wondering if this might be the one where I get to see a shadow of a nipple. 

She tried though. Even when she claimed to have accidentally emailed me a home video of her and her husband’s sex tape. Yes she sent me about a 3 minute long sex tape.  This was probably the most kinky thing she did, but unfortunately it wasn’t really a sex tape.  Also, her husband was the “Grocery Store.”  If she texted, “I am going to the grocery store” her husband was home.  That was his nickname. And in the video, that may or may not have been sent to me on purpose, I think I saw a butt cheek. It was so dark. They had sex completely under the covers. All I could see was the covers moving.  It was like a Disney porn. I turned the volume all the way up hoping I could hear a little bit of dirty talk. I heard nothing but a few whispers and  what I think was an episode of “Everybody Loves Raymond” on their bedroom television. 

This woman was beautiful and adorable, but unfortunately, a little too secretive and shy for me to continue communication.  I quickly lost interest in Shai Wan. She did absolutely nothing to stimulate me mentally or physically. I can foresee trying to meet her being limited to sitting across a table from each other with our hands in plain sight and talking dirty in code language, “I want to play with your rubix cubes and tickle your Cheerio.”

Anyway, I guess I won’t be going to the grocery store with more  peach cobbler anytime soon.   We need to find a new grandmother’s house quick, I’m getting hungry!

Threesome Memoirs: The Young and Flaky

Threesome Memoirs: Table of Contents

young and flakyAs you may or may not already know, Ryan and I have been talking about opening up our bedroom and me being with another woman.  Like any strong and open couple, we discussed our fantasies, boundaries, and how we would go about making this a reality.  We took small steps, i.e., not jumping into hard swinging, talking to others who’ve been down the same road as us, and discussing the best ways to go about finding a third, to ensure we didn’t do anything we’d regret later.

Our journey to find a third to join us in the bedroom has been more entertaining then the experience itself could ever be.  Although there is anticipation, let downs, and mini build-ups with each person we talk with, in the end, the time Ryan and I spend together discussing is worth the emotional roller coaster.

We’ve received offers via our blog and a few dating websites and we try to screen each person the best we can, prior to ever talking to them.  And then, AFTER talking to them, we’re forced to be more blunt and straightforward as far as letting people know exactly what we’re looking for.

Location is the key, they must be close.  It seemed that people wanted to be able to “fuck on a whim” and to be ready when the time came. Then there were the more trickier parts: offers from married women and the married women wanting me to have a threesome with her and her husband (which is basically 99% of every offer), single ladies but only lesbian, married but more into sending pictures than actually meeting, and of course, the very small percentage of women actually interested and comfortable with dealing with a couple.

When we first started blogging about losing my girlginity, it generated a lot of interest and even some offers from bi ladies interested in being my first.  I let it be known that even though we wouldn’t technically be adding a third person into our relationship, I still wanted to get to know the woman as a person and not be hit-it-and-quit-it.  We didn’t want to come off as picky, just careful.  Over time we continued receiving propositions, and although we were flattered, we screened each one.  It was a daunting, but fun task because we got to see the range of ladies (married, single, dating, younger, older, etc.) who were looking to experience another woman and/or a married couple.  We were very interested and eager, but there was always something about each of them that just set off a red flag.

A few months ago, I took a huge leap and called a bi woman who agreed to talk to me on the phone. She was one of our first major prospects (first woman I’ve called)  and one who Ryan and I have now  labeled Ms. Flaky.  When I decided to make that call to Ms. Flaky, Ryan and I were sitting outside waiting for our steaks to marinate. This is our relaxed environment. The weather was nice so I made us a few drinks and I was ready to call. My call had two purposes: to verify that she was really a female and not a man pretending to be woman, and to ask more questions that were just too tedious to discuss through texts or e-mail.  She was able to verify all the information, specifically, is it really a female or some pervert pretending to be one. I require this confirmation because I don’t want to talk to guy pretending to be a girl or a girl who’s talking only to please her man (usually people give off a vibe if they’re being coerced into doing something they don’t agree to).

At first, I was nervous calling, but I knew it had to be done, and this would be what they call the first step in a journey of a thousand miles.  Within seconds, I sensed that she was genuine and not someone who had a phone put into her hand by a controlling man saying, “Just talk for a few minutes.”  She was indeed a female, and not only was she a female, a very attractive one.  She seemed to be interested in hooking up with a couple, no boundaries.  She sent me a picture and I thought she was very cute (probably because of her similar mixed heritage, a plus!).  She willingly answered all our questions and was confident in what she wanted. We discussed potential dates to meet, which days would be best for us, etc.

After hanging up, I felt a huge weight lift off my shoulders. I sent her a photo of myself, which she said she liked. Then she asked what Ryan looked like.  I sent two pictures of him, both of which she approved.  That was one of my main concerns, I want the woman to also be attracted to my man.  Because what would that look like: being accepting of a woman who doesn’t think my man’s looks or personality are acceptable to her.  I want everyone to feel sexy and comfortable.

As time went on, Ms. Flaky would send random morning nude photos and halfway attempt to schedule some sort of meet up.  “Maybe we can meet on Sunday?” Yet when asked what time exactly, she’d tell us she would get back to us after she checked her schedule.  Sunday would come and go, and we’d maybe get a few photos but nothing regarding what time she would like to meet.  Of course I don’t want to seem overly pushy, so I don’t beg for a time, and just play each message by ear.  Over the next few weeks, we continued to text. Between texts, she would disappear for a few days, then out of the blue, I’d get another random picture with her soaping up her nude body in the shower.  Ms. Flaky was young so she knew how to string along a young guy I suppose.  But I, on the other hand, have a husband and family. It maybe took me a few of these sporadic texts to realize she was more into the attention we gave her than us as a couple.  Which is okay.  But as the days went on, I tended to pay less attention to her, as we had a few other possibilities lining up.

I joked with Ryan about getting back into the dating scene because it had been so long, but that’s what it felt like trying to get to know a person, texting, making that first call, and hearing them talk for the first time. It was exhilarating, hopeful, and thrilling all at the same time. I knew that getting through this first call would make it easier for me to meet and talk to other women.  Even if our plans with Ms. Flaky never flourished, we’ve taken this step into a lifestyle as a couple, and are much stronger coming in together than we ever were or ever could ever be.   And it is like dating again or almost being sexually reborn.  First contact, first texts, first calls, first meet ups, first kisses, and first tastes.

I still get random messages and photos from Ms. Flaky, but that prospect has passed.  I will take her cute little photos, but meeting up with her is no longer an option.