Do you ever get turned on or wet during a Brazilian Wax?
We have always tried to help our readers with the various things they go through in their life, from How To Shave Your Balls Properly, to Learning to Deepthroat. Today we are going to go back into the grooming area and talk a bit about being embarrassed to go to a professional for a Brazilian Wax.
Hey, my husband had his penis tattooed, so getting a wax should be a piece of cake right?
What is a Brazilian wax?
With a Brazilian wax, the pubic hair is groomed and removed from the front of the woman’s pubic bone, around the external genitals (labia), between the upper thighs, and around the anus.
Depending on your preferences, you can choose to remove all hair in the area or leave a small strip of hair in the front.
Is Getting Wet Embarrassing or Normal?
To ease the anxiety people feel with going to an esthetician for a Brazilian Wax, we have gathered responses from people who spoke about their experiences getting their private areas waxed, and what they felt about getting wet or an erection during an appointment. Should you be embarrassed or not?
I got very wet the last time I visited my waxing place. It’s not because I was sexually attracted to her. It’s because my new aesthetician was very silent during the process which shifted my focus on the physical stimulus. The ones I’ve had before usually kept me engaged in conversation which kept me distracted. I can’t lie, I am actually too embarrassed to go back to the same aesthetician.
I got extremely wet last week when I went and got mine done. Even worse, it was my best friends new salon she just opened and her waxer was training someone so there were two ladies elbow deep in my vagina.
I used to get laser down there and I didn’t get aroused but sometimes I felt wet wet because it just gets wet for no sexual reason sometimes.
I get wet every time I get waxed, the temperature just does that to me. I guarantee they’ve all seen this reaction before and don’t care. I’ve taken to just taking a pack of wipes and going “wipe break” when I can feel things going on, or tbh sticking a tampon in before my wax and tucking the string in to keep things “contained”. I’ve talked at length with my waxer about her “horror stories” and I promise that a vagina behaving like a vagina is going to be the absolute bottom of her wtf ladder.
Getting wet is very common, and not even in an aroused sort of way. I’ve got a great wax lady and she works with the speed of light on Brazilians – she says mostly because it’s common for the vagina to start self lubricating after about five minutes. A general fear / pain / stimulus response.
So I guess if you’re gonna get wet anyway might as well be the pleasant kind. They probably can’t tell nor care, aside from it being a bit of a hassle?
Totally normal. I actually got aroused the last couple times due to the level of pressure the waxer used when doing the prep wipe. That didn’t phase me one bit. Her always being behind schedule…. a whole different story
The Brozilian Wax
Women aren’t the only ones that get a Brazilian wax. Some men refer to them as “Brozilian” but here are a few of the fellas responses:
I’m a guy who routinely gets Brazilians. You just gotta ask around for a place that will do guys because I’d say at least half won’t. You just treat it like it’s business and no big deal, because that’s what it is.
I had several waxings done with no issues so I was feeling pretty confident about my ability to ummmm “control” myself. Then for whatever reason, I just started getting an erection during one. Not like full on, but a good half chub and I fought that shit like my life depended on it. I was super embarrassed and there is no way the aesthetician didn’t notice, but she continued on and the chub went away like it never happened. I thought that would never happen to me, but it did, and it wasn’t a big deal. I think I handled it as well as one could and I’ll go back once this pandemic is over.
I get an erection sometimes when getting waxed. Sometimes I don’t. I’ve been going to the same person for years and she’s never even mentioned it, besides after the first time to reassure me it happens and not to worry about it.
Just go back when you’re hair is long enough and get the same person if she did a good job. If she didn’t then ask for someone different.
I got a boner the last time I went for a Brazilian wax, which was particularly embarrassing because it was also a training session with a few newbies in the room observing. Fact of the matter is, it’s a job, they’re dealing with people’s privates as a part of the job. I’m fairly certain it’s just something that happens and I doubt they’ll pay it any mind. I mean, I get feeling embarrassed, but I’m also 100% certain that there is no need to dwell on it, either!
If this above happens, be embarrassed. Getting an erection is one thing, but having an actual orgasm during an appointment with an esthetician in training? Notice still, the experienced esthetician doesn’t even bat an eye.
Estheticians Perspective
To ease your fears, we also have a few great responses from a estheticians that deal with all types of body reactions while waxing.
I used to specialize in Brazilians. Don’t worry about it at all. I had a woman orgasm once, it happens. We didn’t talk about it because it’s not a big deal; I just carried on normal conversation like I didn’t notice. Some people apologize but you seriously learn to roll with anything when you’re elbow-deep in vaginas and buttholes all day. No one person is the same.
If she’s like me and would see all kinds of people each day, she probably wouldn’t remember it was you specifically (if she even remembers the incident at all).
I specialize in Brazilian waxing and honestly she probably noticed but didn’t care. It never bothers me, as long as the conversation we do have is appropriate and there’s no complaints it’s fine. Everyone’s different, everyone has different reactions and responses. Go to someone else if you’re more comfortable but I can guarantee you that she didn’t even think twice about it.
Getting wet doesn’t even always mean that you were aroused. Think about excess discharge that happens uncontrollably during times like ovulation. I highly doubt she thought anything of it.
Source: I’m an esthetician
Getting wet is a natural response of having anything around your hoohah. Estheticians deal with this all the time.
I just got my Pap smear a couple of weeks ago. I got wet when they put the thingy in my coochie. I wasn’t wet because I was attracted to having metal and some medical shit in there, but it’s because my body was responding to physical interaction with it. You don’t need to take responsibility for what your body does on its own. It’s natural.
The dos and don’t of how to prepare for your Brazilian Wax:
- Let the hair grow as long as possible (the longer, the better).
- Take two ibuprofen tablets a few hours ahead of my appointment.
- Bring some gentle wipes (non alcohol) to clean off afterwards. Although the Esthetician will tidy it up, make sure you do your own follow up before leaving.
- Ask for hard wax, not soft. The difference? Soft wax is done with cloth, while hard wax is removed sans strips—it just hardens on the skin and then is removed.
- Let it rest. Do not work out afterwards or do an activity where your panties will aggressively rub against your crotch. Your skin will be sensitive for at least 8 to 12 hours afterwards.
- If you are practicing safe sex, sustain from sex until your skin is no longer sensitive. There are reports that shaving and waxing can possibly increase your chances of getting an STD.
- Although you are tidying up your happy trail, there is no happy ending. Unlike massage parlors, there is no secret code or hand gesture (pun) for a happy ending. As mentioned above, a lot of places won’t wax men because they seem to enjoy the attention more than the waxing.
In my opinion, this is a very good way to remove unnecessary hair.
Lisa, do you have a Twitter we can follow?
If you watch the video, the result is impressive, but it seems to me that the procedure is quite painful.