Naughty Selfies – Red Sweater and a Scarf

Naughty Selfies – Red Sweater and a Scarf

I’ll try to keep these selfies limited to new outfits, panties, and ideas, rather than the exact same poses and panties every day.  Thankfully, I do change my panties! Unfortunately, until I learn how to stretch and morph my body into alien-like positions,  I am a bit limited at what I can do with my camera!

Dear Naughty Selfie Diary:  November 15, 2019. 

I found a photo that I had posted on social media in the past and wanted to share it for the blog today.  If you look close, you can see my piercing.  I actually wore the same outfit and scarf to work today because I knew I was going to share this picture!   I wanted to be authentic.   lol. 

Check out all my naughty selfies here!


Naughty Selfies – Bikini Bridge

Naughty Selfies – Bikini Bridge

I’ll try to keep these selfies limited to new outfits, panties, and ideas, rather than the exact same poses and panties every day.  Thankfully, I do change my panties! Unfortunately, until I learn how to stretch and morph my body into alien-like positions,  I am a bit limited at what I can do with my camera!

Dear Naughty Selfie Diary:  Hello November!

I took this photo on the bed while Ryan was taking a shower.  It was the first time I attempted to show a bikini bridge with my panties.  When Ryan saw his phone after he got out, his mouth dropped.  He had never heard of the term bikini bridge, but he loved it.  


Check out all my naughty selfies here!


Naughty Selfies – Like A Virgin

Naughty Selfies – Like A Virgin

I’ll try to keep these selfies limited to new outfits, panties, and ideas, rather than the exact same poses and panties every day.  Thankfully, I do change my panties! Unfortunately, until I learn how to stretch and morph my body into alien-like positions,  I am a bit limited at what I can do with my camera!

Dear Naughty Selfie Diary:  November 19, 2019. 

Like a virgin, selfie for the very first time!  Again…. 

Oh gawd, did my age just show?  Madonna would be proud. 

This is one of the first naughty selfies I took when I started tweeting again on my naughty account.  I am sure I got 2 major reactions.  One, people looked at it and said, “WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT AND WHAT IS SHE WEARING.” 

Shut up, I know someone that likes it!

And the other response is from the few people that actually remember me from when I was very active on social media a few years ago.  “Wow, she never dared take a photo like that before…”  They are right, I wouldn’t.  And I probably won’t again.  Just because I post naughty selfies doesn’t mean I am not insecure and self conscious.   I’m working on it! 

Check out all my naughty selfies here!


Naughty Selfies – Camping

Naughty Selfies – Camping

I’ll try to keep these selfies limited to new outfits, panties, and ideas, rather than the exact same poses and panties every day.  Thankfully, I do change my panties! Unfortunately, until I learn how to stretch and morph my body into alien-like positions,  I am a bit limited at what I can do with my camera!

Dear Naughty Selfie Diary:  October 14, 2019. 

A few photos we posted on social media when we were camping this weekend.  We were drinking and I was relaxing on a bean bag when my husband told me to hand him his phone.  He wanted to take pictures because my bush has grown out and my hairs were showing at the seams of my booty shorts.  In case you guys haven’t heard, we are growing out our body hair and turning into hippies.   During the pictures I admit I was a bit paranoid because there was a guy fishing on a boat watching us the entire time.  My husband was a bit tipsy and said, “Who gives a fuck, he is the one being nosey, we’re in our space.”  

“Open your legs more so I can get a good shot….”

I am not sure in hindsight that made any sense, because we were totally out in the open without any privacy or personal space at all.  lol.  My husband was just extra fucked up.

Here is a selfie I took of my thigh gap and my most favorite thing in the world, my husband’s dick.  I bet that fisherman watching us could have caught a huge fish if he asked to use that worm for his lure.  LOL!

Check out all my naughty selfies here!