I would just like to say I came upon your site at Xhamster.com, and I really liked your videos, so I joined your blog. I think Venice is very sexy looking, and my wife loves Ryan’s cock says it looks great. Just want to say “I need to see more videos from the both of you”. You now have a new follower.
P.S. I love your thinking for the way u want to live your lives and marriage, we have been married for 36 yrs & still have a great sex life ( my wife finally tried anal sex for the first time five (5) years ago and loved it) trying new things really works to keep things going.
Love You both,
Thanks John, I am glad you enjoy the different blogs and videos we have created. Ryan and I can only hope to one day say we have been married for 36 years. Your an inspiration.
It’s not easy recording video when you have just two people. No matter what we try, we end up with footage we don’t really like. Or, one of us likes and the other doesn’t. Either way, we originally decided to do a video of a cumshot while I deepthroat because of all the different requests. Well, we tried. “Swallowing Cum While Deepthroating”
We are much better at taking photos. 🙂
In a perfect world, Ryan’s cum would have shot up in the air about 8 feet and dripped down his dick on the same side the camera can see so everyone knows he is cumming. I would then engulf his penis with my throat and let the world watch his balls twitch while cum drips out of my mouth and/or nose. Yes, having his cum drip out my nose would be an amazing shot!
The reality is, the first cumshot didn’t fly up 8 feet and instead nicely poured out behind the penis so the camera does not pick it up. Other than some nice bubbles of cum at the base of his penis as I shove his cock down as far as I can (watch closely), it just looks like I am deepthroating. However, let it be known, Ryan does cum and his entire cumshot goes down my throat. It doesn’t come out my nose because it is down past my sinuses. I suppose this is a compliment for him, because I’d assume through my own experience and throat anatomy, a slightly shorter penis (that can make it down the throat, but not far enough to pass the sinus area) would launch out a cumshot and it would fly up into my sinus area (and then out my nasal passage — my nose). I know this feeling because as I deepthroat, I do get a build up of saliva that will shoot up my sinus area and cause me to get a runny nose. In other words, I get how a cumshot can end up being a snot rocket. Wow, these videos can end up being great deepthroat anatomy lessons. Ha.
“Today class, I will explain how cum snot rockets are formed.”
I assume we will be the only website that ever pops up if anyone was to magically google the term “cum snot rocket.” Haha.
Anyway, Ryan’s sperm doesn’t stay on the back of my tongue, doesn’t drip back up my throat, down the back of my mouth, and out onto his balls, and unfortunately for the viewers, doesn’t shoot out my nose. I absolutely taste or feeling nothing. He cums and it goes directly to my stomach. This is how that works, so anyone requesting a cumshot while I deepthroat, it’s not the most action-packed video.
For the man though, I’ve heard it feels absolutely amazing. I believe my mouth can get lower on the cock than even a vagina can, because unlike sex with a vagina where her thighs and his hips stop a man’s body from getting absolute balls deep, a mouth and a deepthroat can keep going. Ryan has said he can feel the tightness of my mouth deep on his balls, and only my mouth gives him this feeling.
Enjoy the video. Sorry if it falls short on expectations.
My other deepthroat topics & videos (from how I learned to deepthroating while he urinates):
I can say with confidence that time, experience, and humility have transformed me from the little girl I was in high school into the brave, secure woman I am today. When I say little girl I don’t mean someone who is younger than 18-years-old or someone who hasn’t gone through puberty. I mean my attitude and outlook on my sexuality.
As a girl, I was taught to keep place a napkin on my lap during meals and say “please” and “thank you.” But society, additionally, has emphasized the importance of waiting until marriage to have sex, not having more than one sexual partner, and not letting a man disrespect you in the bedroom. Although I didn’t clutch my bible and do everything perfect, I adamantly refused to be sexually disrespected by a man. This wasn’t in high school, this wasn’t in college – this was when Ryan and I first got married.
We were both young when we got married. I was young-minded, still carrying these heavily-instilled pre-marriage beliefs in me. It seems like I was bombarded with messages reminding me to cherish, honor, and obey my wedding vows, but no one gave me the okay to be a freak in bed and that letting a man control you was normal and not looked down upon. I cleaned, did laundry, paid bills, and made sure my man never went hungry, but I had yet to learn to be an awesome and enviable wife.
Being disrespected in the bedroom meant so many things. If Ryan even put his hand on my head and made the slightest indication to push it down or make me go faster, it pissed me off. If he wanted me in a certain position, I refused to compromise. If he suggested exploring different things, I felt like he was using me to fulfill his slutty fantasies. All these things were because I was insecure and made me feel less of a woman. Women’s lib really did a toll on me.
Over time I came to realize that Ryan wasn’t controllingme. In fact, he only does to me what I allow him to. Because in reality, if I truly did not want him to control my head, all I had to do was tell him not to touch me. It’s like we walked on eggshells around each other. I didn’t know how to express myself, I didn’t know how to compromise, to be a sexual negotiator. I was afraid that letting go of my inhibitions would weaken me and eventually become too submissive to ever go back. But I’ve learned that part of a man’s masculinity is being able to control his woman in bed, an extremely sensitive place and one that can make or break a relationship. I now understand that by giving him this control over me, I ultimately am the one in control.
What I once considered disrespectful is now kinky, freaky, and dirty. I make him pull my hair. I let him hold my head in place as he rams his cock deep down into my throat. It turns me on to gag as his dick head touches the deep recess of my esophagus. It excites me knowing I can absorb the impact of his 6 foot 5” frame as he fucks my ass. I used to get pissed off if any of his cum got on my face instead of ending up all in my mouth; now I lick it off my fingers as I push his semen into my mouth. I lick my man’s ass, crack, and thigh creases when I stroke his cock. I rub my face in his sweaty places and lick him clean. When a woman does all this, there is NOTHING left for a man to control her with. This is the ultimate control.
Call this a review or whatever you want to call it, but my experience with the stainless steel butt plug so far has been amazing. Venice received her package in the mail, three separate stainless steel anal plugs, and immediately asked me to put the small one in. Before I knew it, Venice was asleep and in bed for night. I moved my body closer to hers and felt over her ass cheeks. She always sleeps totally nude, so I slid my hands over her pussy lips and ass hole, and felt she was still wearing her jewelry. It must be pretty comfortable.
In the morning she woke up me up in typical fashion, kissing me on my neck and whispering in my ears how much she loves me, licking under my arms, and sucking on my nipples. Before I could open my eyes, I felt her sucking and jacking off my total package. Somehow she managed to grab my balls and penis in one hand and was licking and stroking everything between my legs in one motion. I had never really felt that before, so I opened my eyes and looked down at her, but she didn’t notice because she seemed to be enjoying her new technique as much as me. She’ll probably blog about it. 🙂
As the minutes pass, knowing we both have to be at work soon, I feel her deepthroating me, which tells me she is either done for the morning or lubing up my penis to sit on it. Thankfully, this morning it was the latter. As she sat up on me and grabbed my penis, I felt my dick slide inside her. However, today something felt a bit different. She is Asian so naturally she is very tight, but this morning, I could really feel my dick struggling for room inside her. I begin to move a bit faster because I do not like the competition my dick seems to be in – I want all of her pussy to be mine. No matter how much I stroke, I can feel this bulging feeling on the underside of my penis, almost trying to push me out of my girl’s vagina. I realize pretty quickly it is the butt plug, and instead of fighting for room, I start enjoying the idea of her ass being full of an object while I fuck her pussy. What’s even more amazing to me is this is the very small plug, so I cannot wait to see what it feels like as she moves up in size.
How it looks wearing it during the day.
As I am fucking Venice, I begin to talk dirty about the idea of DP (double penetration). Not that this would turn me on, as I have no need to ever see or feel my woman get fucked by another man, but the feeling is so intense on my dick, the idea overcomes me. I ask her if she would like to feel her body full of dick, knowing she is pleasing two men at once, or maybe even three men if she is deepthroating as well. Her body, so powerful that she could get three other bodies to orgasm all at the same time. She moans, and answers, she never wants to be with another man, but the idea turns her on so much. Her pussy is soaking wet at this point, I almost can’t feel the anal plug anymore, other than this slight thud on my dick head as I pass by the area it rests at in her anus. She moans that she wishes she had two more of me, so she could please me with every hole at the same time. I moan with her as she begs me to sit up and get behind her so I can see the jewel sticking out of her ass as I pound her pussy. I immediately hop up and begin fucking her doggy style. Now the jewelry is thumping on the other side of my penis, and the harder and faster I move, it seems my penis no longer can hit a “stride.” If I pull out a little too much, like we normally do, her vagina hole immediately closes and my penis slides underneath her body rubbing past her clit. This toy demands room. I pull the toy out and look at her hole immediately tightens back up. I slide my head over her ass and let it slide inside her. She moans, loving the feeling of real flesh inside her ass compared to hard, stainless steel. I notice that her ass is much more loose and easy to penetrate. I love it. I get my dick about a third of the way in before stopping. I enjoy the feeling but notice she tenses up a bit as my dick gets deeper. I lean down and kiss her neck and whisper, “We will finish tonight.”
This isn’t anything new, as our blog Our Morning Ritual explains our morning routine. We spend time together in the morning to enjoy each other, to live in the moment, to not regret or underappreciate what we mean to each other. The orgasm, although a great feeling, can almost take away from the meaning of our mornings. If our goal is to cum, we may talk dirty, get rough, and cheapen the moment by getting this feeling we are using each other just to get off (some women feel a man only hugs or kisses on her, just to get sex — vice versa). If I am getting oral sex or we are fucking each other, not to orgasm, but to enjoy each other as much as possible without trying or even thinking about cumming, it seems to emotionally attach us much more. We both know we can orgasm together at night, so there is no need or urge to move our intimacy into a desperate sex mode, to get our cums off while we can just in case we do not get the chance in a few more days. We make sure we have our chances, daily. This works for us, although very much off topic.
As Venice got ready for work, we both agreed she should move up to the medium size plug, as it seems like the perfect size for preparation. She also didn’t really get too much pressure from the smaller size. She enjoys anal sex just as much as vaginal, so her anus is used to the pressure. She sent me a message this morning saying the medium size one is definitely more noticeable but makes her feel extremely sexy. It will also make penetration in her ass tonight much easier. However, I am unsure about how her pussy will feel. I am excited to try both. I love the idea of fighting for room inside her. She loves the idea of knowing she loves it in the ass. You don’t wear butt jewelry if the idea of anal sex isn’t something you are totally infatuated with.
As I was about to leave for work, Venice kissed me and asked me to think about this: “A woman with a strapon in one hole and your dick in the other.” I smiled. She devilishly grinned and followed up with, “That is the only DP I ever want.”
Serving in the U.S. military as an office for 11 years, I have decided to upload a gallery dedicated to the men and women warriors, past and present, who serve(d) their country. At first, I saw a tweet from @women4warriors asking for women to send panty pictures of themselves so they can retweet for the men serving their country. I thought this was a great idea, especially since I have my old BDUs (camouflage) and uniforms still lying around (I even found a flak jacket and gas mask – but that probably wouldn’t be a good look). Hopefully the lady warriors get a little bit from my pictures as well, as there are also a lot of beautiful women serving our country. Rather than just showing my pussy with a flag stuffed in it, or shooting a cell phone shot of my asshole for soldiers to gawk at, I will try to give a little eye candy to the women as well. As a woman who is also open-minded and bi-curious, I’d prefer my eye candy to be a bit less raunchy.
I will save the raunchy stuff for my other galleries, haha.
A little more info:
I am withholding which branch I served in because let’s face it, there aren’t too many females of my ethnicity(ies) who were in the military. After graduating college I went straight in. Even more, I served during wartime. You know those stories of soldiers who have been approached by strangers thanking them for “what they do”? That’s real. It happened to me: in the doctor’s office, at the grocery store, at the bank – you name it. As long as I was in uniform people were drawn to the pride, safety, security, loyalty, and patriotism I represented. A small, and a lot of times scared Asian woman, dressed up in heavy BDUs and a gas mask, preparing for the worst. Even though I was a soldier ready and willing to die for my country, I was still a lady on the inside.
We will be adding more to the gallery as we take new shots.
Sexy Women In the Military – OUR PHOTO GALLERY BELOW.