We have decided to add erotic photography of us to our blog each Wednesday, now known as Snapshot Wednesday. These won’t be low quality candids or shots taken from our cell phones, these will be photographs we love from our own little photo shoots. Hopefully these pictures will come out more like tasteful erotic art rather than amateur pornography. We will update the gallery each week with a new photo to share with our blog followers.
This week we are again using a photo from our first photo shoot. We actually took a few hundred pictures that day and got a lot of good shoots. This probably will not be the last time we use our first photo shoot for Snapshot Wednesday.
I set this shot up. I asked Ryan to lean back while I put my hand on his chest and hold and lick his dick with the other. He played with the focus and went back and forth from focusing on my face to the ring, to the tips of my fingers. This is the picture we choose to use.