DIY: Make Your Own Penis Milking Table – Do It Yourself in 10 Minutes
First, we do not get paid any percentage of the items we link below that you’ll need to build your own milking table. Sex blogs are not allowed to have affiliate links to Amazon. Therefore, our links are simply to help you guys find the materials and tools needs to create your own milking table.
Materials for Milking Table
We have searched for the cheapest options possible. You could get a used drill at Goodwill if you do not already have one. You can find a table on various websites or local stores, but it will need to be a 72″ table. In our project, we used a 72″ plastic folding table. All videos and pictures were taken with our homemade table. Although the weight limit is 100 pounds on this table, Ryan is 6’4, 245 pounds. But because we just wanted a quick experience and not a full time furniture piece, we risked it a bit and put together a fold-away milking table very quickly.
- $12.99 Silicone Lips
- $5 Electric Tape
- $84 72″ Table
Optional Extras:
Satin Sheet that fits table exactly
4. $20 2″ Hole Saw Drill Bit
5. $30 Drill
If these tools and materials already turn you off, that’s okay. By demand, we have decided to help readers and make the table for you. Please note, we can do a 2″ or 4″ hole and customize it somewhat, but it’s going to be the exact table we use in the photo and videos with the material above. Because shipping on this item is so high (over $75 UPS), we’d highly suggest trying it on your own first. We don’t mind doing it for you, but please note we have no control over shipping costs. Check out the shop now: Homemade Milking Table. You will need to contact us first so we can make sure we know what you are looking for.

A Brief History on our Milking Table Journey:
Our first idea was to use a cheap massage table you find on Amazon. We quickly learned that because of all the wires and cords which stabilize those tables, it really isn’t possible for a person to comfortable sit underneath. And I have no idea how safe your penis is with wires all around it. We then started looking at the expensive homemade tables that have thick wood, cushions, and all the works. The only problem was we do not want a full time milking table, and we definitely did not want to pay $600+$100s in shipping. We really just wanted to record a few videos for fun and see what the experience would be like. This led us to search for the cheapest possible option to simply put a hole in it, climb on top or underneath it, and milk or be milked. With any DIY project, please make your own decisions on what you feel is safe or unsafe. Personally, if we used this table more than 4 or 5 times, I’d invest in a professional table that is sturdy and safe. Proceed with caution.
Milking Table Instructions
It’s pretty self explanatory. Lay the table out and position your body on top of it. Do not get in the center because most tables have a center piece that goes down the middle to help keep the table stable. Therefore, move over to one side about 6 inches. This actually also helps you reach around and pull your penis and balls through the hole, as you are closer to one side and it makes it easier to reach around. Position your body as if you were laying on the table face down. Make sure you slide down a tad because the table folds in the middle and you obviously do not want to drill a hole there. Once positioned properly, mark the spot with your hand. That is where you will put the hole. With the drill bit I linked, this will literally take 5 seconds. Since the table is plastic, it immediately creates an exact 2″ hole. If you just want your penis to go through, get a smaller drill bit. Or make 2 holes. One for your dick, one for your dick and balls. With just the penis, it creates the illusion of a longer dick, since the balls stay on top of the table and your entire shaft will be below. If you know your measurements with a cock and ball ring, perfect. Because for me, it was the exact size of a perfect cock and ball ring. So it not only holds me in place, but it has a tight enough grip that it makes the dick harder and veins more prominent.
The table linked is not that sturdy, but sturdy enough if you are under 250 pounds. However, we placed two high stools on each side just in case the legs gave out.
Once you have the holes drilled, simple cut off about 2 inch pieces of electric tape and go from top to bottom of the hole, making sure to cover all the edges of the new hole. This will make the hole comfortable so you do not get scratched. This tape also reacts well to lube so your penis and balls can easily slide in and out when needed. That’s it! Have fun with your new milking table!
Other Do It Yourself Ideas For A Milking Table
*Edit. We have been getting a lot of questions about stability.
“How can I secure the legs and make the milking table more sturdy?”
For us, we used 2 stools/benches that we had in our kitchen. The height was about the same and we put the stools on each side of the table. The stools did not touch the table and were placed there just in case something happened with the legs of the portable folding table. We have never had an issue, but it’s better to be safe than sorry. For us, we wanted a milking table that we could record videos and take photos, but easily put it away when we were done. So the portable table was perfect. However, there are other much more sturdy do it yourself designs that you could easily put together for the same amount of work. Just get 2 sawhorse stands and a used door at your local thrift shop. It may be a bit more costly, but this would be extremely sturdy. You can follow the steps above and drill the hole in the center of the table. Please note, you will probably lose 1 to 2 inches of penis on the underside of the table due to the thickness of the wood. With our original design, very little penis is lost because the table itself is made of a very thin plastic.

Enjoy Our Milking Table Pics and Videos Below!
Enjoy the pics we captured from our home video we filmed last night! During the shoot, I had a vibrating wand balanced between my legs with my feet and a glass of wine off to the side! If you want to see what type of creative things I do with my husband’s cum, read here!
Interested in seeing other milking table pictures and videos? Check out the cool reddit we found: r/milkingtable
More videos here: Milk Dicks
Check out our other extreme experiences and positions here!