Our Naughty Friends Give Us a Photo Shot Out

Since we started sexblogging.com we have met some freaky couples, crazy singles, and overall nice people.  Most of our socialization comes in the form of xhamster and twitter, so we have included with each photo their xhamster or twitter names.   We would love for other great singles and/or couples that enjoy our blog an stories to show us their creative side and send us their own photo shot out.   It can help cross promote your own twitter page as well as let some of our blog readers know how freaky and crazy our friends can get!

For the first man that can write http://sexblogging.com on his penis I will do absolutely nothing for you, as God has already done enough.

You can submit a photo to our email via our contact page or post it on twitter with our name, @sexblogging in the message.

Photo Shoots Gone Wild

Eggnog teardrops and pink balls
Eggnog teardrops and pink balls

Don’t let the title fool you. This blog will not end up with 18-year-old white girls flashing their titties to us on webcam for e-beads.  This blog is more of a warning for guys out there married to an Asian wife who has wild ideas and a slight case of OCD.  Do not start a month long photo shoot unless you mean it.

I remember starting the XXXmas photo shoot thinking it was going to be fun and something we do for like five minutes a day.   Boy, was I wrong.  In fact, after the first photo shoot of me aiming my penis at a cookie and letting my liquids flow, watching Venice eat the entire cookie, and then dipping my dick in milk as she sipped, I was satisfied.   Maybe I just wanted to see her eat my juices off a cookie, which was actually a first for us, I think.  I am not counting the time I came in her ice cream and watched her lick it off her spoon, because technically ice cream is not food.  It’s more of a frozen liquid.   Anyway, after the December 1, 2012 cookie photo shoot, I could have went on with the rest of the month and never touched a camera again.  However, Venice had different plans.

Tonight, I come home and Venice had purchased a half gallon of eggnog, a baby medicine dropper/mini baster, and two rolls of gift wrap.   As the night went on, I noticed she had taped two pink ornament/balls to each gift wrap, about seven inches down (Apparently Santa is the man!).   She put our life size Santa Claus upstairs and asked me to put on my Santa outfit.  A little tired, I asked if she was sure she wanted to do all that.  She excitedly motioned for me to hurry up.

So I walk upstairs and I see her down on her knees nude, placing the gift wrap near her mouth, giving our life size Santa a huge gift wrapper penis.  I laughed and thought it was extremely creative.  I set up the lighting, and spent the next ten minutes getting things focused and ready.  After a quick test run using the timer, I stood on the other side of Santa and we held our gift wrapper dicks in Venice’s face.  After she was satisfied with our positions, she asked me to grab the eggnog she had placed in her mini baster and squirt it on her.   Uncertain as to what she wanted, I put a little on her chin.  She looked at me and said, “Oh my God, is that how you cum on my face, Ryan?  Is that how Santa would cum on my face?  Blast me with it!”

I interrupted her and said, “Hopefully if Santa was to cum on your face it would turn into snow flakes in mid air, or possibly magic fairy dust with little elves dancing around your head singing Christmas carols before they nicely vanish leaving no mess at all.”

Venice rolled her eyes, ignoring my comment. “Squirt it all over my chest, my nose, and my eyes. Do it right.”   I did what she said, but was unsure about squirting the eggnog in her eyes so I didn’t.  I motioned like I was finished and tried putting the mini baster down.  She grabbed my arm and demanded, “My eyes, Ryan, make me cry eggnog sperm.”

Listen, although this blog was done tongue in cheek, when is the last time your wife asked you to squirt eggnog in her eyes, while mock sucking two Santa Clauses at once?


Q&A: Is masturbation wrong if your wife is sleeping next to you

Sleeping?  Who cares.
Sleeping? Who cares.

Dominic via the internet,

Venice u sexy as hell shorty.  im just sayin.  if ya man ever drops the ball and you get lonely hit a nigga up on kik or skype.   u feel me?  i left my tags on the bottom of email if you get that itch only a bbc can scratch.  trust me on this shorty ya man aint got the tools to scratch that.  ill show you wassup.

any way, ima just get straight to the question before ya man get emotional.   if im with my chick in bed and for whatever reason she is not tryin to deal with a nigga can i just pull my shit out in bed next to her and do my thing?  my girl say she aint feeling it when I do that.  she says real niggas dont that.   but it ain’t none of her business after she said no.   real niggas gotta nut and at least i aint out tryin to fuck some bird  from around the way.   if she bugs out because  the bed bouncin next to her or she gettin jealous cause i pull out a booty mag then she should just help a nigga out right?  how you gonna turn a nigga down but get mad he handle his own shit.  she been thrown out my mags but now i use my phone to check shit out.  she better not fuck with my phone.   let me know what you think shorty, i dont really care what ya boy think.  hit me up on skype shorty.


Venice says:

I’m from the hood, but I can barely understand what you’re saying.  From what I’ve gathered, you’re asking if it’s all right to masturbate in bed, with your girl next to you,  if she turns you down for sex. What’s the problem?  Is she sick? Tired? Not in the mood?  It sounds like you need to talk to each other.  I understand you have your needs, so tell her that.  And although there’s nothing wrong with porn, the way you insist on talking to me on skype, I’m afraid you might graduate to other things, like strip clubs or prostitutes.  It doesn’t sound like you are committed to this relationship.   You’ve already started resenting her for not giving you sex by the way you don’t care if the bed shakes while you jack off.  That’s pretty childish.  She’s not telling you to stop jacking off, so take it to  another room.

Nip this problem in the bud before it gets worse.  If she doesn’t give you sex, you jack off.  If you shake the bed jacking off next to her while she’s sleeping, don’t be surprised when the next day she’s still mad and doesn’t give you sex again.  You both need to grow up.  She needs to stop being a prude and you need to stop being a douchebag – one of you needs swallow your pride.  It’s a vicious circle and you are both to blame.

Thank you for offering your BBC, but I don’t have any itches in my LAP that Ryan’s BWC can’t scratch.

Ryan says: 

I agree with your girl, real niggas don’t jack off.

Penis Size – The World’s Averages

How do you measure up?
How do you measure up?

Below I have posted a research on penis size.  I know us ladies are not supposed to care about this type of thing, but I do.  I find it interesting that Asian men, especially Thai men, are extremely small.  Using common sense, I will suggest that this same information could also be used to suggest that Asian women also have the smallest vaginas.  Our bodies adapt to our counterpart, and with Thai men growing outward only so much, I assume the same would be for our vaginas growing inward .   Now I get why Ryan complains about my vagina being too tight and compact.   No disrespect to the larger vaginas of the world, but if you are a woman from Congo, I suggest you say you are from somewhere else, maybe Thailand?   Thai woman can be very dark too 🙂

Article below:

Research on average penis size has confirmed racial stereotypes, with Africans coming out on top, Asians at the bottom and Europeans somewhere in between.

Richard Lynn, emeritus professor of psychology at Ulster University carried out the research, which is published in the scientific journal Personality and Individual Differences.

113 nationalities were included in a study of average penis lengths.

In the penis size league tables the Daily Mail reports that men from The Republic of the Congo take top position with a porn star like 7.1 inches, with the Ecuadorians, Ghanaians and Columbians not far behind with 7 inches, 6.8 inches and 6.7 inches respectively.  The average for the African continent as a whole is a whopping 6.3 inches.

The Icelanders come top of the Europeans with 6.5 inches.  The Germans are Mr European average with 5.7 inches.  The Brits come out above the French, beating the more traditional country of love and romance, by a full 0.2 inches.  The Brits also beat the Australians (5.2in), Americans (5.1in) and Irish (5in).

At the other end of the table, North and South Korea measure in at 3.8 inches. India and Thailand are only slightly bigger at 4 inches.   The overall average for north-east Asians was the lowest at 4.2 inches.

How reliable are these figures?
According to The Telegraph critics have claimed that Mr Flynn’s research is flawed because the penis length data was gathered from websites.   The Telegraph quotes Jelte Wicherts, professor of methodology at Tilburg University, Holland as saying, “This is a brave paper in a controversial area but the data has no methodology.”

Some of the average penis sizes by country:
Republic of Congo, 7.1
Ecuador, 7
Ghana, 6.8
Colombia 6.7
Iceland 6.5
Italy 6.2
South Africa 6
Sweden 5.9
Greece 5.8
Germany 5.7
New Zealand 5.5
UK 5.5
Canada 5.5
Spain 5.5
France 5.3
Australia 5.2
Russia 5.2
USA 5.1
Ireland 5
Romania 5
China 4.3
India 4
Thailand 4
South Korea 3.8
North Korea 3.8

Photo Shoot – Our Daily Sexy Christmas Photos – Happy Holidays!

Photo Shoot – Our Daily Sexy Christmas Photos – Happy Holidays!

We are taking xxxmas photos each day (some days may have 2 photos), up until Christmas.  Our Christmas photos are intended to be fun and different.

This blog entry will remain sticky until the end of December.  All photos will update in the gallery below.