3 Years of Anonymous Vagina From Around The World
You are normal. Your vagina is normal. And your vagina doesn’t show how many men you have had sex with or how many babies you have or haven’t had. No matter what your age, number of sex partners, or the the amount of children you have had, your vulva can be small, large, thick, or thin. And guess what? Every variation is beautiful.
Below are self submissions of women from all over the world that have decided to share their vulva / vaginas, to raise awareness that all women are not alike. Empowerment in showing other women that there is nothing wrong with the way their vaginas look. This is 3 years of anonymous submissions, along with commentary from the woman who submitted the pictures.
Self Submission:
Age 33
I’m 33 years old. Never been pregnant/given birth (this seems like relevant info we should be adding). I don’t care what anyone thinks about my genitals anymore, except for my husband. Sometimes I shave, sometimes I trim. Trimmed this week.
Next Self Submission:
Age 20
Sorry about the lighting! I shaved a bit (around my butt and perineum and a bit around the edges, a couple days ago I think), and I trimmed a bit. I kinda like my lady parts.
Next Self Submission:
Age 24
Pregnant with #2. My vagina is okay I guess. I hate the way it looks when I’m standing with legs closed though. Like a little tongue peeking out of a dolphin’s mouth or something.
Anyway, my boyfriend thinks it’s cute usually.
Next Self Submission:
Age 25
I’m excited about this–I have always been self conscious about the way my vulva looks, but it seems like there’s quite a bit of variety here. Anyway, I’m 25. I feel like I have a huge clit hood that’s visible even when my legs are closed (if I’m just standing, etc). And then my inner labia are kind of long, and one is longer than the other. I do often worry about what partners will think.
Next Self Submission:
Age 22
Body image in general is awful, but working very hard to improve it. Honestly, I’ve never been that uncomfortable with the look of my vulva. However, after a select couple of ex boyfriends making “parting shot” comments during the break up about the smell/taste, anyone going near me down there is enough to give me a panic attack. So I guess I’m posting pictures here instead.
I used to shave it all the time, and then got really tired of it. Now a quick trim once a week suffices.
Next Self Submission:
Age 20
Body Image: I’m quite thin and I like my body pretty well (except for my hairy arms and being pale as FUCK). I strongly dislike my vulva though. I want to get some work done down there when I have the money.
Next Self Submission:
Age 29
I hate her. She’s fat and ugly just like me. Also, I’m not usually shaved, but I was bored the other day.
Next Self Submission:
Age 24
I love this project! The human body is a gross and beautiful thing all at once, but IMO far more beautiful than gross 😉
I’m 24. There are some things I used to hate about my body, but in the past few years I’m happy with it most of the time.
Here’s my kitty! This is after coaxing her out of her shell a bit, given some good lovin. Normally I barely have a labia minora to speak of. I have what I’ve considered a tiny vulva, but it’s one part of me I’ve always loved 🙂
Next Self Submission:
Age 20
I don’t mind most things about how mines looks, the outer labia are kinda fat. I wish they were flat against me so in knickers or bikini bottoms it looked nice and neat. I’m so hairy down there too, I like the colour of my pubes but I wish they didn’t spread round to my ass and the tops of my thighs. It’s makes me feel man-ish. I’m usually shaved but I haven’t for a few weeks just because I couldn’t be bothered, taking these photos made me realise I have to shave though. Plus so much gunk and stuff gets stuck in your pubes, I feel much cleaner shaved… continued…
…Most of my insecurity is because of the rest of my body. I’m pretty skinny, yet surprisingly doughy. I don’t look boney, I just look narrow. I’m 5’4” and 98lbs. My skinny legs are out of proportion with my wide looking upper body. I have no curviness, a body like a 12 year old boy. My boobs aren’t anything special either at a 32B (technically 28D but I can’t afford proper bras). I feel like I’ve went on and on about my terribly average body but it feels good to let it out.
Next Self Submission:
Age 20
Age 20. I have always been self-conscious about the brown coloring on the lips of my vulva, as opposed to the ‘perfect’ baby pinks, but I have grown to love myself! My boyfriend had mentioned how beautiful my lady bits looked, and it’s really boosted my self-image.
Next Self Submission:
Age 23
Decent body image.
Next Self Submission:
Age 33
My body image also varies from day to day, but it’s usually negative. I think I’m fat and gross and unattractive most of the time.
Next Self Submission:
Age 21
I used to obsessively wax my vulva completely bare because I honestly thought that every single woman did and that no man would want to have sex with me if I didn’t. However, waxing and shaving really irritated my skin and to be honest I just prefer the look of hair. As I got older and became more interested in feminism I stopped shaving my armpits and legs, but it still took me a long time to convince myself that it was ok to stop shaving my vulva because of my insecurities. I love her now, with her glorious mane, and would never go back to smooth 😀
Next Self Submission:
Age 27
I’m 27 and I am pretty happy with this part of my body. 🙂 Mostly because it brings me a lot of pleasure.
The skin around it is strangely darker than the rest of my skin, but I’m pretty sure that’s normal. Also, as you can see I have a decent amount of extra skin on my clitoral hood and I actually have a mole on the clitoral hood skin itself!
Someone once told me that moles are “where the angels kissed you when God made you”. I’m not religious, but if I was I would think angels were pretty forward!
Next Self Submission:
Age 23
I’ve struggled with my vagina since I basically knew what sex was, simultaneous to when my first boyfriend ridiculed it. My outer labia are not as prominent as my inner labia. Also, as shown, my vulva is very bright pink in contrast to the labia, which are more purpley/deep red/brown in person. This instilled a lot of worry inside of me that something was inherently wrong with me due to my labia being large and dark in tone. However, I’ve heard many positive comments regarding it as well. I’ve heard it compared to a flower. I’ve heard the large labia grip nicely along the penis during sex. I’ve heard it provides more to work with during oral stimulation (among other kinky activities)…
I have experienced some discomfort (lips not separating/being pulled in), but really as long as there is foreplay or lubrication and/or a knowledgeable partner (which I have) it isn’t an issue. I’ve also heard that my vagina appears dirty. I’ve heard that I must sleep with a lot of different people to have such “loose lips.” My vagina has looked like this ever since I could remember…I’ve gone through crying over it, scrubbing my lips so they would look “more clean,” researching labiaplasty. I’ve moved past a lot of that, thanks to a lot of these things of galleries or “molds” that have been put together of everyday vulvas…
Though, I still prefer not to share many pictures of my vulva with my partner, I’m not sure if that has to do with my notion of what I find sexy, or any remaining worry about its appearance. My vagina is my least favorite quality about myself, but that isn’t to say I don’t like it, I just really love my other qualities. I really hope adding images like this improve people’s views on larger and darker labia.
Next Self Submission:
Age 20
I’m not very talented with a razor, I’m quite turrible actually. Just putting that out there.
My body image varies from day to day. I was not even aware of this standard of what a vulva is supposed to look like until I heard some guy friends talking about it, so until recently I hadn’t really payed any mind as to how mine looked. It kind of bothered me that the colouring is kind of brownish, but I’m deciding not to nit-pick at my individual body parts anymore.
Anyway, all of the vulva I’ve seen posted on here are lovely, and I think the variety is a beautiful thing.
The wetness very normal for me. Ever since I hit puberty it’s always wet down there…which is a huge nuisance as I have to wear liners almost constantly, especially if I want to wear my stretchy pants -_-
Self Submission:
Age 21
Quite like my vagina. Never been ashamed of it. Happy to share. 🙂
Self Submission:
Age 22
My body image isn’t so great (shocker, right?) but this is a wonderful idea. The only thing that makes me self-conscious about my vulva really is the fact that I always have red bumps on my skin, but my hubby doesn’t seem to mind and he’s the only one that sees (besides you guys, of course).
Self Submission:
Age 24
I try to eat right, exercise almost every day, and generally try to take care of myself. Like most people, I have days where I feel sluggish or puffy, but mostly I am proud and happy that I’m healthy. I like my vulva too, to me it looks like a cute embryonic peanut.
Self Submission:
Age 29
One month shy of being 30. 3 kids. 5’5 110lbs
Self Submission:
Age 22
Body image: Pretty good! I used to get self conscious about my labia minora being too long, but what I have works well and I’m thankful for the body I have. 🙂
Self Submission:
Age 20
First off, let me start by saying… I love this!! (I’m 20)
What a great esteem booster!
[I have large labia, which are also fairly dark for my complexion, but I don’t worry about it too much. My man loves my lady bits.
Self Submission:
Age 25
I used to have a really bad body image but now that I’m older I’m really happy with myself. I love my little trimmed bush. How Zen. The only person you should compare yourself to is you (cheesy but true). You don’t have to love yourself but liking yourself can make life so much more enjoyable! 😉