Dirty Talk: Gang Banged by a Bunch of Old Men

Gang Banged by a Bunch of Old Men

The Dirty Talk Intro & Disclaimer:  Everything in the story below is random and created on the spot while massaging and giving a handjob to my husband.  No filters, no rules, no boundaries; just a story and situation created to help my husband orgasm and enjoy our experience together.  We do this for intimacy and find handjobs less destructive on our bodies than having sex daily (our bodies just can’t handle penetrative sex each day).   All dirty talk is usually pure fantasy.  I use this dirty talk as a form of mental porn for my husband while he is in a vulnerable state due to being touched and massaged.  Sexual intimacy can also help reduce feelings of anxiety and depression as it triggers the release of three mood-boosting chemicals — dopamine, endorphins and oxytocin.  I usually also get really wet because my own naughty thoughts push my own personal boundaries and really turn me on.  This is why it’s so fun.  Unlike giving a blowjob or going through the theatrics of sex, you both connect thoughts together and create sexual stories in the heat of the moment.  He trusts me and we both love this natural vulnerability.  I can almost get inside his head and control his fantasies, dirty thoughts, and talk him into an orgasm in the exact moment my story hits it’s climax.  During my stories he will ask me questions while I talk.  I will include these to the best of my memory.  In fact, every story is to the best of my memory, as I do not know remember all the exact details.   

Dirty Talk:  Gang Banged by a Bunch of Old Men

I am in a room with a bunch of old guys and I can tell they want to fuck me.  

describe them…

They are all over 70, grey hair, nude.  One is skinny with a smaller slim penis, tight balls, and a salt and pepper grey bush.  I can almost see his skeleton frame as he is very slim.  (Guy 1)

Another one is build like a square, not chubby, but you can tell he used to be muscular.  He has a bit of a belly and his shoulders are wide.  His penis is small in length but thick.  He also has tight balls like he is already ready to cum.  (Guy 2)

does he have crotch hair?

He has a huge bush that is also salt in pepper.   All the men have crotch hair.  I find them all sexy and prefer to see them hairy.

what about the other guys?

The 3rd guy is tall and slim.  His balls are extremely big and hang very low.  His penis isn’t small, but his balls hang much lower. (Guy 3)

do you find older guys sexy?

I love older men.  They are probably my biggest kink. 

do you want to be fucked by a bunch of older men?


The 4th guy is short with a normal size frame.  Like he kept himself in shape.  He has the biggest penis of the group.  It is thick and about 6 inches long.  His balls are also loose and hanging.  I can tell when he fucks me I will feel his balls slapping against me. (Guy 4)

does that turn you on?

Yes, I love it when I can feel your balls slapping against me.  Or laying on my face while I am being face fucked.

keep going…

The last guy looks like Ron Jeremy when he is old.  He is hairy all over.  His balls are small and tight and his penis looks proportional to his body. (Guy 5)

what do they do to you?

Guy 1 comes over to my face and sticks his dick in my mouth.  I grab his small balls and start to stroke under them as I suck his dick.  He immediately gets hard.  I notice that all the guys are touching themselves and started to get hard all around me.

did you want the small skinny guy in your mouth first?


I grab two other guys by their dicks and hold them in my hand as a third one is in my mouth.  I am on all fours with my elbows on the bed.   The fourth guy comes up from behind and starts eating me out from the back.   The last guy stands next to my face and I start putting both of their heads in my mouth. 

the last guy’s penis is frothing and dripping precum into your mouth…

Yeah…both of their heads are now slippery because his precum is rubbing against the other man’s head in my mouth.   I suck on their heads and try to taste the old man’s flavor off his penis…

does it taste good?

They taste amazing.   I want to feel two cocks in me so I ask the guy 4 to lay down so I can climb onto his dick.  He is the longest of the group so I want to make sure he stays inside of me.

I climb onto his dick as the guy behind me is still licking my vagina, taint and ass.  He doesn’t care there is a guys dick inside me.   I want to feel 2 dicks in my vagina.

you think you can handle 2 dicks in your little hole?

Yea, I want to feel 2 dicks rubbing together inside me.  

The guy licking my ass sits up, his dick is hard.  I am still sucking on a dick while massaging two other guys with my free hands.   The guy behind me forces his dick inside my vagina, almost ripping my taint area.  I love it.

I squeeze his dick harder as I massage his shaft.  He moans.

how does it feel?

It feels amazing.  I can tell their cum pipes and heads are rubbing together inside me.  Their balls are rubbing against each other as both of them moan because it feels so good.

I stop for a second and start rubbing my husband’s balls and ass as I talk about the  old mens’ nuts rubbing together.

they love the feeling of a pussy and their dicks moving against each other…

Yea.  Its the most amazing feeling in the world.  One of them is moving much faster and I can tell he is already about to cum.

do you want them to cum inside you?

I start stroking my husband’s dick harder so he can go through the same sensations I am trying to describe to him.  As I put thoughts in his head, I rub the same body part I am mentioning.

One of the guys moans as he releases inside me.  This is more cum than I have ever felt.  His dick is twitching on the other man’s dick as he lubricates my entire pussy with his semen.  The guy below me has the other guy’s cum dripping down his shaft and balls.  He starts to move faster himself because of all the new sensations he is going through.  The wet.  The warmth.  The soft.  The pulsating of another man’s balls and cum pipe on his dick.  He starts to moan and jerks his body as hard as he can inside me.  This almost forces the other man’s smaller dick to pop out of my body.

My husband’s body tenses up, his legs lock, and his feet and toes aim downward.   His skin has goosebumps as he rubs his own nipples.  His balls begin to tighten and go up into his stomach.  His dick is huge and as hard as it can get in my hands as I sit Indian style between his legs.  His penis head is nearly up to my collar bone as he lifts his body up in the air.

The second guy can’t hold back and as the first guy shoves his dick back in me to finish himself inside.   I can now feel the guy on bottoms dick pulsating and shooting cum inside me…

I see my husband cum gush out of his head.  I quickly catch his first gush and wrap my lips around his dick.  I moan as I feel each shot fill my mouth.  I like to audibly let him know each time I feel more of his cum shoot into my mouth.  The longer he goes, the more delighted my moans sound, as if I want him to know this is a huge load.  When I am done, I will sit there and listen to his instructions for me.

Let me see my cum…

I open my mouth and show him his cum on my tongue.

Blow bubbles with it…

I slowly start to blow bubbles with his cum and when the cum bubble pops on my lips, I suck it back in and do it again.

Does it taste good?

I nod my head and continue to show him his cum and play with it at the edge of my mouth.


I do what my Daddy says and swallow all of his cum.   When done, I will use my teeth to scrap any extra semen off my lips and drag it into my mouth.  I will then rub his balls and go to the base of his penis as tight as I can, and force up any cum left in his shaft.  As I see a drop, I go down and lick it off his dick.  This process takes about 15 to 30 seconds, so I will continue milking him until he has no more drops in him.

I grab my toy and he stands over me and puts his dick in my mouth while he plays with my nipples.  I quickly cum twice, each time I orgasm, he shoves his dick down my throat so I can’t breath.


For the record, we may hit on this topic again, as the old guy theme seems to be a favorite of mine.  We do not really finish our stories, talk about actually doing it, or act any different when we are done.  We’re open, fantasies are just fantasies, and we have no intentions on turning any of this into a reality.  But it’s fun and kinky to talk about.   In fact, you can look into other kinks at sites like CammiesOnTheFloor.

For other couples, it’s totally okay to dive into things you may never want to really experience, with your minds.  We read this a lot on relationship forums.  Sometimes it creates mixed signals, sometimes it creates insecurities.  So talk to your partner, let them know a fantasy is just a fantasy, and assure them it will never go beyond that.  This will help everyone open up and dig into their heads further than they ever have.  Or at least out loud.


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what a sexy read!

your story has turned me on!