How Long Does Cum Stay Inside Our Vaginas?

cum vaginasHow Long Does Cum Stay Inside Our Vaginas?

Most people do not really think about this type of thing because it’s nature.  Why is the sky blue?  Why is the grass green?   Why is water wet?  Does God exist?  What is the meaning of life?  How long does cum stay inside of our vaginas?

Although it seems like a silly question, it’s asked quite frequently.  Especially when new to sex and the idea of having someone else’s fluids inside you seems weird. 

Studies show that rape kits / swabs can detect the presence of semen up to 48 hours after ejaculation.  This means, your boyfriend’s sperm can stay inside your vagina and around your cervix for up to 2 days.   However, sperm doesn’t stay still.   Those little guys were built to swim.  So after a man ejaculates inside you, his sperm begins the journey up your cervix so they hang out inside your uterus.   As reported by the Mayo Clinic, sperm can live inside the uterus for up to 5 days.  What’s even more interesting is the y chromosome from a man is detectable inside our vaginas for up to 8 days!   The gift that keeps on giving.

So after two days and you feel your panties getting slightly wet, don’t be ashamed to giggle and know, yes, that is a little bit of your guy still leaking onto your panties while you work.  Be proud!

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I like that, the gift that keeps on giving!