Q&A – Negotiating For A Blow Job

ProstitutionIf you have not had a blowjob for a bunch of years, don’t give up all hope.

I didn’t keep track of the exact date, I didn’t know it was so important at the time, but somewhere around 7 years ago I got my last blowjob.

I read about keeping yourself clean, and doing more housework and bla bla bla, which for my case was a complete waste of time because I already do all that.

So it seems to me the key factors are that my wife went on a trip without me for a few months, I think this allowed her to really see how other people live and what it was like when I am not around to do things for her. If we had not had this break I think nothing would have changed.

Then when she got back she wanted to see a show in Las Vegas, which was not unusual. So I bought the plane and show tickets. Then right before we left we were getting along pretty good so I suggested that if she liked the show maybe I could get a reward in the way of a BJ. She thought about it and kind of made a joke that if it was a good show then I would get one.

In the past she has done this more times than I can count, she promises then never delivers, so I just figured this is one more empty promise and not a big deal.

She agreed the show was fantastic but after the show I asked about collecting and she says she is too tired which is what I expected so I didn’t say anything. The next night at the hotel I kind of said something like your probably too tired again right? and she said something that struck me as odd, she said something like I am too tired to do a good job, or something like that?

The next few nights I made some comment about how I didn’t really expect a BJ that only a well rested person could do.

Anyway, we get back home and she wants this outrageously priced purse and I have never done this before but I said if I buy the purse then I really deserve that amazing blowjob that can’t be done by someone who is a little tired, but only by someone who is really well rested. We laughed about it but I kept making a big deal about it and I bought the purse.  That night I got a pretty amazing blowjob.

She already had the trip and the purse, and she has promised many times before under similar situations and just never delivered. But I think being away for a while made the difference.

I made some joke that she should look for another purse, and the next day she says she wants the same purse in two other colors, so I buy those and get another great blowjob.

The next day she tells me that her sister-in-law really wants one of the purses, and I said does she know how you are paying for those purses? We both had a really good laugh.

Since then I have received 5 more blowjobs, and I just need to figure out how to keep this lucky streak going because she said she doesn’t want any more purses right now.

Venice’s response:
It seems to me that you and your wife have a good system going, one that I think most marriages are based on when it comes to getting what they want, specifically sexual favors. There’s nothing wrong with that, especially if both people agree to doing it. One person wants something from the other, and to get it, he/she has to promise to do something in return.

I’ve done it once actually. Ryan asked for a sexual favor and I agreed to it if he cleaned the laundry room. And when he did, it was spotless. I liked that he did a great job, but I felt bad for even making that deal with him. I didn’t want to become “that wife” who bargained chores for wifely duties. I felt like I shouldn’t have to make these deals with him. I am his wife and we should do things for each other because they’re driven by love and the desire to please each other. I never asked him to do it again.

I hate to judge because clearly for some couples, this type of bargaining works! I won’t say that my and Ryan’s reasoning that there should be no limits for us, including blow jobs, anal sex, and the like. I mean, if you have tons of extra money that allows you to fly your wife out to Las Vegas and buy expensive purses, then use it to your advantage. However, after a while, I foresee the Pavlovian behavior will wear out and/or becoming more and more extreme, i.e. she’ll want bigger, more expensive items or your one blow job will be used to cover something multiple favors (“If you buy me a vacation house, I’ll let you have anal sex for 10 minutes.”) That may extreme, but if you think about it, it could be a possibility.

Remember that she’s your wife. Let her realize that she should aspire to be a good one. So rather than allowing her to use her body to get what she wants, like a little high school bitch girl do, remind her of all the things you do for her (gifts, monogamy, respecting her, wanting her to be happy, etc.). Use your mind to convince her that she doesn’t need ask for favors, or that you should not have to bribe her for rewarding your for being a good husband. These are things that you can both do for each other because they’re what couples in love do.

A blow job every seven years? That’s extreme, isn’t it? We get more eclipses on Earth than you get your wife’s mouth on you. Don’t let your love life be overshadowed by lifeless rocks in the sky.

Ryan’s response:
If she doesn’t mind being a prostitute, and you don’t mind her acting like one, I don’t see the problem.  Well, as long as you never run out of money.

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