A Beautiful Cock

Venice Bloggs and him Twitter promo pic

Artwork.  For me, artwork is looking down at Venice’s naked ass in front of me as I watch my cock go in and out of her body, either hole.  Artwork is hearing her moans, which is usually the only soundtrack to our sex sessions.  Shooting cum onto my canvas, her body, is also my idea of artwork.   Most men probably feel this way, but I have my own fetish ideas of artwork that may not be normal.  I like the way my balls hang and slap against Venice’s body when we fuck.  I like the way any man’s balls slap against a woman’s body.   In fact, I get more excited thinking about how my balls look and sound than anything else going on during sex sometimes.  I feel a growing penis, halfway erect, is artwork.  I feel a penis is artwork.  I love watching myself half growing in Venice’s hand or mouth.   As much as I love her body, I love watching parts of my own body react to her body.  This is probably a fetish and why I consider myself “open minded”.   I have never done anything with another guy, but I will openly admit that watching another man with his partner would turn me on. I love to watch how both bodies function. I love how a flaccid penis looks.  I love the anatomy of how nipples get erect and a penis grows.  I love to watch a woman’s asshole squeeze as she cums.  I love to watch how the hidden hard dick under a man’s balls, twitches, releasing each cumshot into his shaft and out of his body.  This is artwork for me.  I describe the above as being a body enthusiast.  I can appreciate the beauty of a hard penis, but that doesn’t mean I want to suck it.  The same as I can appreciate a great painting doesn’t mean I want to be a painter.  However, it gives me a great appreciation for what Venice does with her mouth and body.  I can watch her and understand she isn’t just sucking my dick or fucking me, she is making art.  Silly right?

A dick is beautiful and any real woman should want it just as much as the man it’s attached to.  When I was young and would grab my dick, it was almost like it had a life of its own.  I had to hide it from everyone, even myself.  If I was ever caught even touching it, it was wrong and inappropriate.  This thing that hangs openly between my legs, like a whole other limb on our body and we absolutely cannot acknowledge its existence.  So when we finally get a few moments alone, we pull it out and study it.  I would squeeze it and look at the head, and know one day it would be inside a girl’s body and she would love it as much as I loved the thought.  I’d stroke my dick and notice every vein, every curve, every ripple, and excitedly wait to see my semen shoot out from its beautiful head.  I didn’t just think this once, I thought this daily.  After a shower, I would get out and look in the mirror, loving how my dick and balls hang.  I always trimmed myself and kept my penis presentable.  In the bathroom, every time we pee, we grab our dicks proud, feeling if it’s fat from a previous erection or thinned out and shriveled.  If it’s thinned out, it’s a bit depressing, because we love our dicks and we definitely do not like the idea of it being small and malnourished.  Silly right?

We grow up.

Now, as a man, I am supposed to be okay with a woman loving me but not being totally attracted to my penis?   I am supposed to be okay with a woman who doesn’t suck on my dick like it’s the most gorgeous tool she has ever laid her eyes on?  This dick, that I have waited years to share with another person, is an extension of me.  This isn’t just a fucking piece of meat that grows when you take your clothes off, it’s my manhood.  It’s what makes me a man.  It’s artwork.

 I don’t think most women get it.

Fortunately, Venice gets it.  She gets how my mind works and how my penis reacts.   She won’t just tell me my penis is huge, she will describe each inch of it, the same as I would do in my head as a kid.  She will lick down and follow each vein until it disappears into my body, and find another one to trail back up with her tongue to my gland.  She will softly massage my cock for an hour straight, caressing around my legs and balls, studying how it grows and gets soft in her hands.   She loves my dick.   I do not say this as some naïve statement where she has the wool over my eyes and I do not know better, because she didn’t always love my dick.  I know the difference.  She needed time to understand me.  She needed time to get how her man thought.  She is a woman, crafty and adaptive, making sure she keeps what is hers, hers.  I’m hers.

Thankfully Venice also knows how to talk to me.  Maybe, if her husband wasn’t such an enthusiast she could get away with screaming out during sex that she loves my large cock, which, like with most couples, is how she learned to talk dirty from the beginning.   She now leaves that play out of the playbook.   She says things like, “Oh god, you are only halfway in and I can already feel you in the back of my pussy.” She doesn’t have to be vague and say I am big, she can describe what we are doing and still get her point across.  “I can feel your head rubbing against my back walls and your pee hole opening so our insides are touching.”  As she says something like this, I can also feel my pee hole being opened as she grinds her body in circles, my dickhead rubbing her back walls and smashing around inside her.  She doesn’t just talk dirty, she talks anatomy.  She describes my body and its functions to get me off.  She reaches for my balls and tells me how heavy they feel, and that she can feel my cum inside them.  She notices my balls bouncing off her ass or vagina and describes what she feels, even suggesting that she bets all that cum in my balls is splashing around inside them.   When she talks about my sperm, she says things like she will squeeze as hard as she can while I cum, so she can feel each squirt travel through my entire dick and into her body.  If I am in her ass, this isn’t just talk, as we can both feel my sperm slowly travel up my shaft through the tightness, into her body.  The ass seems to be much more sensitive to detail, as she can feel the ridges in my gland, my large veins under my penis, my balls twitches on her butt cheeks as I cum, and each shot of my sperm being left inside her.   A paragraph or a sentence can’t capture the moments, because the entire point was she doesn’t go off a script.  It’s hard to type random comments or behavior, as they constantly change.   Her shit talk is part of our sex, as she describes what she thinks is going on with our bodies, rather than just saying she wants to be fucked harder.  The dialogue changes with each session, which shows me she isn’t off in space somewhere moaning out words to get me off, rather, she is very much in tuned with our bodies and trying to capture with words, what is going on.  Her shit talk is cerebral.  She knows this makes me tick, as she can say something as simple as, “show me where you like to cum”, and I will dig deeper in her body, without her needing to say the cliché, “go deeper”.  She has her own language and we both get it.

Learn each other, learn to love his beautiful cock, and learn to speak your own language.  Your man’s dick is your dick forever, take pride in it.

The Little Things That Make a Huge Difference

Her Hand
Venice’s sleeping hand (photo taken last year)

Last night I was tired and ready for bed. I believe Venice was up working on her blog about her nipple bells self destructing after a photo shoot. Before she was done, I was out for the night. I slightly remember her waking me up saying there was an issue with the video posted, but I was so tired I couldn’t help. I suppose a half hour later, she worked her way into bed. Not only did she climb in bed, but she nuzzled her body up next time mine and started clawing her way around my stomach. I scooted closer to her so she could get arm around me and get to sleep. Instead, I felt her fingers walking down my crotch, reaching for my penis. I scooted up a bit more, I think, so she could get a good hold. I was out.

I woke up about 4 am in the morning and my penis was completely erect. I did a short kegel to feel my erection and I noticed that Venice’s hand was still wrapped tightly around my penis. I looked down, and she was still holding on to me, even while she slept. I nicely unwrapped her fingers to get up and go to the bathroom, but I smiled the entire time. A woman in love doesn’t go to sleep holding a man’s penis, unless she loves the man it’s attached too. I do not care how someone else tries to analyse the situation, she loves me. Not only does she love me, she loves my penis. And not in a way every wife is supposed to love their husband’s penis, she really loves it. Her actions do not lie and after years of marriage, she still wants to grab my penis at night before bed and just hold it all night for no other reason than she likes the way it feels in her hand.

 I can’t blame her though, I have been feeling myself all my life and have yet gotten tired of it.

Ladies, girlfriends, wives, gay men, whatever. It’s the small things (no pun!) that make a huge (yes pun!) difference. How much energy and effort does it take to hold your man’s penis while you sleep?

If your goal is to be his “perfect” spouse, this could possibly get you one step closer in the right direction, even if he already has you on that sacred pedestal.

Video: The Sound of Christmas Sex and My Broken Nipple Charm

Video was removed from hosting site.

From December 1st until Christmas, Ryan and I decided to do naughty Christmas cards and post them on Twitter, 25 total.  For our 5th card, I took bell earrings and turned them into nipple charms.  Using two wire pliers, I hooked tiny little hoops (four sets of 10), draped them from the ends of each piercing with the bell dangling in the center.  I didn’t put too much effort into tightening each hoop because I would only be wearing them long enough to snap a few photos.

I noticed that the picture turned out better than we expected as I looked at the finished product.  I joked with Ryan telling him, “I bet you want to make these bells ring.”

I untie his robe and run my nails along his inner thigh, spreading his legs and exposing his dick to me.  I grab both balls with my left hand and stroke with the other.  He grows thicker and fatter with each second.  I quickly put my warm mouth around him.  He moans excitedly, slowly pumping his hips upward.  I bob my head up and down, gently at first, with slight ‘tink tink tink’ noises coming from beneath me.  I see him reach for his phone.  “Keep going,” he tells me.

I bob my head faster and faster and the bells get louder.  I slam my face down into his body, deepthroating his cock.  The bells stop momentarily as my nose hits his crotch.  I lift up, alternating deepthroating and sucking his balls.  I’m slurping, gagging, slobbering, all down his balls.  ‘tink tink tink tink tink……tink….tink tink tink.’

I climb off of him and straddle his hips.  I rest my hands on his chest and work his dick into my pussy.  It slides in with ease.  I waste no time and get back into my bouncing.  I  put my hands on his legs behind me and tuck my feed under his armpits.  I rock my ass back and forth, but the jingling isn’t as loud.  I want to hear the jingling.  I sit back up, forcing the bells to ring with each up and down motion of my body.  I get eager, bouncing faster, louder, and more intense.

Just then the sound of the bells are no longer in stereo, but in mono. One has fallen off completely.  I get up to turn on the lights fearing the balls from my piercing have also fallen off.  But it hasn’t. Ryan’s eyes grow wide.  I follow his gaze.  The left bell has indeed fallen off and the right bell is hanging at one side.

My MacGuyver-style nipple charms didn’t survive the vigorous bouncing.  Ah, well.

What resulted, however, was an audio recording  (edited to make shorter).  I invite you to close your eyes and press play.


Hand Fetish – Big Hands, Long Fingers

hand fetish
Big hands and long fingers

 When I met Venice, her long slender fingers were gorgeous.  I used to tell her how sensual it made her look.  I still feel the same but since my penis is now a blog model, I have noticed that the large hands make my penis look much smaller.  It reminds me of a porn scene when a woman is stroking a man’s dick and he looks huge.  His veins popping out and his balls look oversized.  As he is about to cum, he reaches down and moves her hand so he can stroke himself for the camera and unload on her face.  All the sudden, his huge cock becomes very average, sometimes even small, with his whole hand covering almost his entire shaft.   I mean, he goes from being stroked with two hands to barely being able to even move back and forth with one of his own hands.   I always get a kick out of this porn illusion.

Anyway, Venice and I were bored at work one day and we started a text conversation.  It all started the night before when I leaned over and asked Venice to put her hand in my lap.  She laughed and said, “What the hell, it is!   Do you think my hands are so big that they feel like a cover laying across you?”   We both laughed.

The next day I sent her a message :

Ryan: Your hands are so big you go to a basketball game and they think you are wearing the huge number 1 glove
Venice: My hands are so big when they called out “left hand yellow” during twister, I put my hand on the sun
Venice: My hands are so big I slapped you on the butt and you had to have your L3 – S2 spine replaced
Ryan: People walk up to you at events and ask where you got the hulk fists
Venice: My hands are so big I was ETs stunt double
Ryan: Arseno Hall said “Damn bitch, you have some big ass fingers”
Ryan: After sex you look over to the side of the bed and say, “give it up for the dog pound” “RUU RUU RUU RUU RUU”
Venice: Things that make you go..hmmmm
Venice: My hands are so big I could scratch your entire back in one stroke
Ryan: You waved goodbye to someone and accidently gave face of the moon a black eye
Ryan: In fact, you waved goodbye to someone and that was the last time they were ever seen.  Goodbye.
Venice: My hands are so big I use a telephone pole to order pizza
Ryan: lol
Venice: My hands are so big I use a paint roller to do my nails
Ryan: And you wear xxxxxl sweaters and use them as gloves in the winter.
Venice: My hands are so big I went to a palm reader and she had to take a cab to see where my life line ended
Ryan: Your palms are so big the palm reader tried to read your lifeline and said
Venice: “Wtf, you are immortal!”
Venice: My hands are so big when I played duck duck goose I smacked the runner from across the circle and said “sit down mf”
Ryan: lol
Ryan: You play slap jack with 20 people at once and never lose
Ryan: Your fingers look like arms
Venice: :O
Venice: My hands are so big you originally had to give me a hula hoop to propose
Ryan: LOL!
Ryan: I just have to fucking figure out what you mean most of the time ^
Venice: Lol!
Venice: A team of cryptologists from the FBI took 2Weeks to decipher that I wanted it have lunch with you on Friday.
Ryan: When you turn down the tv, it turns the fucking tv up, turns it down, makes the menu screen pops up, brightness, contrast and the mother fucker turns off all at the same time.
Venice: Lol!
Ryan: How you dial numbers (1234567890 1234567890 1234567890) 1234567890 1234567890 1234567890 – 1234567890 1234567890 1234567890 1234567890
Venice: Lol ok ololololol!
Venice: My hands are so big I had the keypad from an arthritic telephone transferred into my cell
Ryan: In grade school people use to play the reflex game where you see if you are fast enough to slap hands
Ryan: Noone ever challenged you.
Ryan: A game of slaps with you was like a death sentence
Ryan: 9 people have died from playing patty cake with you
Venice: Lol!
Venice: Youngest person ever to be tried for involuntary manslaughter
Venice: My hands are so big I was testing out the water in Thailand and that caused the tidal wave of 1993
Ryan: lol @ tidal wave
Ryan: Your fingers are like loafs of bread
Ryan: I’d like some lettuce and mayo with your thumb and index please
Ryan: Thank you
Ryan: When you wave down a cab, you literally wave down the fucking cab.
Ryan: Destroyed
Ryan: When you hitchhike cars stop all over the fucking world.
Venice: My hands are so big when I sign language you can see it from space
Ryan: lol
Ryan: When you throw up gangsigns out your car window, they are actually drivebyes
Ryan: When you put your hands outside of your window to let the window blow your hand up and down your fucking car takes off and becomes a b52
Venice: When I tap my fingers on my table people in the western union think I’m sending a telegraph
Ryan: When you do jumping jacks, you fly.
Venice: Lol!
Venice: When I throw a football, a puff of air explodes into a sonic boom
Ryan: lol
Ryan: When you performed “stop, in the name of love” at your high school talent show, no one knew it was going to be in 4d.  Everyone left with black eyes and whip lash.
Venice: Nice!
Ryan: They use your hands as forklifts
Ryan: Your fingers shooting the peace sign look like old tv rabbit ears
Ryan: When you shoot the bird…. You do not shoot the bird… you stab the bird in the fucking chest with your middle finger
Venice: Lol!
Ryan: I’m your husband, they call me handy man
Ryan: When we walk in as a couple, everyone calls you HANDsome
Venice: Lol
Ryan: You have to carry two duffle bags to use as your pockets
Venice: When it’s cold and I rub my hands together I start a forest fire
Ryan: LOL!!! OMG
Ryan: Your hands look like catchers mitts
Venice: Lol!
Ryan: When you clap they call it a handing ovation
Ryan: You always get handicap parking
Ryan: Your thumb looks like a boxing glove
Venice: Lol!
Ryan: Your fingers look like your arms have cornrows
Venice: Ewwww!
Venice: I use handcuffs for thumb rings
Ryan: lol
Ryan: You can jack me off, rub my balls, put a finger in my ass, rub my feet, and massage my back all at the same time, with one hand.
Venice: Lol!

We jumped to another topic at this point, maybe another blog?

I have always loved Venice’s hands, of course the jokes were just exaggerations.

TAGS: Big hands, hand fetish, long fingers, finger my asshole, finger ass while getting a blow job, does a finger in the ass feel good, large hands, handjob, hand job, the best hand job ever,

A Beginner’s Guide to Anal Sex

anal sex 01
Mentally ready, I relax myself for entry

A common belief still exists in many women today: anal sex is taboo. I’m not saying all women believe this, I’m not saying anal sex is or isn’t taboo. I’m simply stating that once an idea has been embedded into our culture, there will still be people whose minds cannot be changed. The acceptance of anal sex may be one of those ideas. It has been looked down upon, appreciated by those with an anal fetish and directly connected to homosexual men, creating an even more deep-rooted stigma. Now, anal sex is so common: men with men, women with men, and women with women. I dare you to find a porn out there that have some sort of anal penetration.

Before I start, here’s a little background on my old view on analing. As a young lady, I was taught by society and the media that sex and your body is special, and anal sex was something that girls did that was disrespectful to themselves. I firmly believed it. I was afraid of anal sex, wary of it. I protected my rear end and wouldn’t let anyone near it. I snickered at every prison rape joke, but inside I knew that taking someone’s back end was the ultimate form of disrespect. I took this belief to heart into adulthood, and when I got married, it caused problems. It was hard to let go, and when I did, I vowed to only give it to my husband once a year on his birthday. It was that special to me.

As we grew as a married couple, we started to realize that the limitations we put on each other caused resentment that only builds up. The disgruntled feeling toward anal sex was one of the first walls I knew I had to tear down. My feelings went from “I’m doing this once a year to make him happy” to “This isn’t so bad.” From there I realized that Ryan is my soulmate and the “prized possession” (my ass) is something that only hecan have. My ass, my love, my heart –all belong to my husband. Once I realized this, our sex life became the best it’s been. Now, I no longer give him anal sex to begrudgingly make him happy; I do it because I love him, I want to be close to him, and this is a whole new feeling of fantastic sex.

Today, my husband and I have anal sex 5 or 6 times a week, give or take. Sometimes I even prefer it to vaginal sex because of the sensations and stimulation I feel in my ass. If you’re thinking about trying anal sex but were afraid to, here are a few things to keep in mind: 

anal sex 02
Being well lubed and relaxed is the key

1. Relax your body and mind. If your mindset is still, Anal sex is gross and I’ll never like this, then guess what –you’re going to have a hard time opening up. It doesn’t help to think of your “happy place.” Your happy place is an imaginary (or real) place where you take your mind in order to bear with the atrocities of the current situation you are in. Anal sex should not be something you would rather avoid by pretending to be in a place you’d rather be. Both your body and mind have to accept analing, not regard it as something that must be endured. Don’t tense up; allow his dick to enter you, take pleasure in the textures and different areas being touched for the first time. It will feel uncomfortable, awkward, and maybe even painful at first, but this new sensation will turn into feelings of pleasure.

2. This is not vaginal sex. And no matter how experienced and careful you are, there is always a chance you will get chafed, torn, ripped. Gentlemen, the same goes for you, too! Sometimes I get so into, I don’t notice until I’m washing off. During the last few minutes of sex, I start talking a lot of shit: “Fuck my ass harder,” “Slam your cock into me,” “Show me how deep you want to cum.” It feels so good! Don’t worry though. You will heal in less than 48 hours. But also remember, this is your body and you should think about anal longevity, not living in the moment.

3. Talk to your partner.  You’ve heard that communication is the key to a good relationship. It’s also the key to a successful anal session. I know my husband isn’t a mind reader, so if I have some reservations about anal sex at that moment, I’m sure to let him know. If I’m sore from going to the bathroom, I tell him before we have sex. If during sex I want him to go slow and deep in my ass and not shallow and fast, I tell him. Talk before you start, during, and afterwards. Was it what you expected? What could each of you have done to make it better? Is it better slower or faster? Listen to each other’s questions and answer honestly. If communicating about analing seems like a stupid idea to you, stop analing or one of you will end up with hurt feelings or a sore ass/dick.

4. Use lube.  Lots of it!  Don’t be afraid to lather it on. There’s nothing worse than not being properly lubricated. Because of the little ridges, you may not even see the tiny tears, but you’ll feel them when you wash. And believe it or not, just because you’re lubricated on the outside doesn’t mean you’re lubricated on the inside. You’ll be able to tell you’re dry on the inside lining because your ass hole is able to glide on the penis skin, but the lining feels like it’s being pulled. I find that anal sex is more enjoyable the more lubricated we are.

Keep it within arm’s reach. Sometimes the bottle will roll off the bed, fall of the table, or get lost in the sheets. It’s bad enough to having to stop in the middle of sex, but even worse when the something you’re looking for to help extend the sex goes missing. Don’t have lube on hand? Use spit. If he is open to it and into you, he won’t have a problem sticking his head in and loosening the rim up a bit then sticking his face down on your ass and wetting the inside with his tongue and spit. As a woman, make sure you communicate to your man that it’s okay if he uses his tongue to lube up. You should know when you are clean or not. And because I say “not clean”, that may gross people out. But anal sex isn’t always CLEAN. Which is why I’d suggest only doing this with someone you love. I’d never suggest ass sex to some random dude. Disgusting on him and her.


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Anal sex done properly is amazing

5. Once in the ass, stay there. There isn’t anything wrong with his dick going from your mouth to your pussy or from your pussy to your mouth. They’re interchangeable. But once his dick is in your ass, it’s a different story. Sometimes I get carried away when I’m in my sex zone and I put his dick back in me even though his dick head has been in my ass. I try to avoid it, but occasionally I slip up. Put totally intended. A while back I had a urinary tract infection which I believe came from switching from back door to front door. It was an accident, but your body doesn’t care. Unless you like going to the hospital, sitting in the waiting room, getting tested, sitting in the back waiting room, going to the pharmacy, waiting even more, and taking antibiotics for a week, take the proper precautions. It’s anatomically more difficult for a man to get a urinary tract infection because bacteria takes longer for it to travel up his urethra. But it’s definitely possible. While it’s sexy to go from hole to hole to hole to hole, be careful.

6. Positioning. There is going to be so much going on – you’ll be scared, nervous, you won’t know what to expect, you’ll be afraid of pain, you’ll clench up. All these factors will get in the way. I found that being on my back was the best position for me. I noticed the angle was the best for me. It didn’t hit any curves the wrong way and it just seemed to “hurt the least.” As I became more experienced, I started experimenting being on my stomach, me on top reverse cowgirl, both of us standing. Eventually we were doing all the regular/popular vaginal sex positions, only he was in my ass.

At first I wouldn’t ride him. Now it’s my favorite position. I can control my movement 100%, control depth, speed, how it goes in, and how wet your ass is prior to getting it pushed inside yoru body.

I feel doggy style is a more experienced position.  If I was to take a dick in my ass doggy style, without knowing what it felt like prior, I’d hate anal.  I could never relax wondering when it is going in, or how it is going to feel.  Not to mention, bending over doggy style tightens your asshole beyond its normal tightness.  How easy is it to make a woman scream doggy style when having vaginal sex?  How easy is it to poke her insides especialy hard, because you bottom out so much quicker?   Doggy style is a great position, but it’s not for beginners as it does not give the anus the ability to stretch properly.   This is probably the reason most first timers never do it again.  People see anal sex as something you naturally do in doggy style position, when I feel just the opposite.  Anal sex should be done in your traditional missionary position, so the woman  can relax, watch the penis penetrate, and be comfortable with a position we find ourselves in  a lot while having vaginal  intercourse.   We can also grab him, love on him, whisper in his ear, and get into the act, knowing he will take care of us, in a position we are the most familiar. As time goes on, you can do each position, but in my opinion, missionary is the best way to start

7. Be considerate. Guys, this is directed to you. Appreciate what your woman does for you in bed. If or when the time comes when she is without a doubt committed to giving you her back end for sex, remember these things: you still have to work your way in there; don’t just shove yourself in. Take care of her area because if she tears, you will most likely tear, too. Ladies: take care of yourselves. If you’re in pain or uncomfortable, speak up. Anal sex takes practice and patience. But once you’ve both opened up to its pleasures, it may be one of the most satisfying feelings you’ll ever experience.As our society changed, we’ve become more tolerant of unconventional ideas, such as anal sex. I used to be one of those people who used to think boys wearing earrings was strange, but by the time I was in middle school, it was everywhere and it became normal. As an adult, I thought anal sex was something I could never get into. “Things were made to come out of your butt, not in it!” I thought. But it was thoughts like these that kept me from exploring my sexuality and discovering the joys of anal sex.

If this is your first experience, share your story with us!