POV – Face Fucking and Deep Throating

My throat as Ryan looks down and face fucks me.

Crazy ass deep throating.


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Photo shoot – Fedora Session part 1: Blowjob, Cumshot, & Swallow

This was our first official photo shoot, which we actually did for our Twitter followers. Twitter has a lot of great open-minded people who seem to be almost all complimentary, so it was very fun for us.  Prior to this photo shoot, most of our stuff was done for our own personal use using our cell phones to take photos and videos.  Some of the photos we take are screenshots from home movies or lower quality shots from our phones.  We are amateur so the quality cannot always be that great, but we are both into photography and artistic presentation, so sometimes we will have some good quality shots.

This photo shoot took place on November 7, 2012.  The session probably took about 45 minutes to an hour, totaling 500+ shots.  Although the footage doesn’t show it, Ryan actually came twice.  The first cumshot I kept my mouth deep on his penis while he came  so you could not see the cumshot on camera.  After he came, I played with his cum while he watched. After a few seconds, Ryan began to stroke again  (he has true multiple orgasms, which I will blog later).  He then came in my mouth a second time (included in this photo gallery), which you can clearly see.

We both felt the fedora was the perfect way to hide part of my face but still keep the vibe sexy.   Ryan and I both enjoyed this photo shoot and definitely have plans for future ones.

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Taxi Cab Confessions

The romantic cab setting.

After spending a few hours at a club in Downtown San Diego, my husband and I head back home. We drove our car, but we both decided to drink and take a taxi home. It is a humid evening and my husband is wearing a black and white plaid shirt with black jeans and I am wearing a short black skirt with a white halter top. As we stand outside of the club and wait for the taxi, drunk, we laugh at the people still waiting to get in. My husband’s breath smells like gum and White Russians as I kiss his soft, smooth lips and nibble on the edges. I move down his neck and smell the sweet aroma of his cologne mixed with his warm sweat. I undo his top button and lick his chest. We start kissing and my husband moves his hands up and down my back as I squeeze the bulge in his pants. The people in line stare at us making gasping sounds, but we are oblivious. I hear the faint brake as the taxi pulls up to the curb behind me. Ryan opens the door for me and I step in first. The air conditioner is on and it circulates the pina colada air freshener. The leather seats are cracked and sticky under my thighs. The cabbie, who is middle-aged with a scruffy beard and wearing an old Polo shirt, asks, “Where to?”   My husband gives him our address and looks back at me. I see his name with his picture on the dashboard: Robert Jones. “And take the scenic route, Mr. Jones,” I add. He puts the car in drive and accelerates away from the club. 

I reach for the lump under my husband’s pants again as I kiss him, “I can’t wait to fuck you Ryan,” I say. “I want you right now.” The cabbie hears the clicking of my husband’s buckle as I undo his belt. At first the he’s uncomfortable because he knows that I’ve pulled my man’s dick out. I put my warm mouth on it and immediately he starts to moan quietly. The cabbie looks into the rear view mirror and his suspicions are right: it is just  in the reflection with his eyes closed and his head tilted back. I reach under to rub my husband’s balls and he moans louder. I slide my mouth down lower, working my way to the base of his dick. My husband’s breathing is getting more intense as my lips get closer to his crotch. I sit up on my knees and now my ass is up in the air; it’s a lot easier to deep throat him now. I lower my mouth inch by inch and gag on his cock. My eyes start to water. It takes me a few tries but I finally swallow him down into my throat. I love feeling it deep in my mouth. I move my throat muscles and massage my husband’s cock. He reaches around and rubs the outside of my pussy lips. When he pulls his fingers away, my froth makes his fingers slick and slippery. I am dripping all over him. My husband sticks two fingers in me and they instantly become coated with the clear, sweet juices that ooze out of me as I swallow his cock.”Your pussy is so fucking wet, girl,” he says to me.  I look up at him and respond, “I only get wet for you,” before I swallow his entire manhood again. My husband lifts my skirt up over my back and exposes me. He licks his fingers clean and sticks them back in me. He fucks me with his fingers, quickly going in and out of me. I’m so wet that the cabbie can hear the loud smacking coming from between my legs. He looks at the rear view mirror and sees my husband’s hand sliding in and out of my pussy. He wants to turn around so bad to get a look at my clean shaven pussy, but he’s still afraid to. Ryan’s moans sound like helpless whimpers now. I bob my head up and down, every other thrust gliding his dick down my throat and covering him in slippery spit. The cabbie finally turns around and gets a glimpse of my ass, but it’s too dark. He sees my husband look at him and is embarrassed, but he can’t help but turn around again. “I want to fuck you so bad Ryan! Let me fuck you, PLEASE!” I beg. But I don’t wait. I straddle my husband’s thighs and sit on him reverse cowgirl. It’s a smooth dip onto his hard cock as the cabbie sees my hands grasp the headrest of the passenger seat. I moan in ecstasy and immediately feel his 8 plus inches hit the back of my vagina. I rock my hips as my nails dig into the seat in front of me. The cabbie undoes his pants too and pulls out his own dick. There is a thick puff of dark hair that sits under his shirt and leading down to his pubic area. He looks like he has never shaved in his life. His dick is short and thick; as he strokes it the cab slows down and we veer slightly to the right and into the other lane. “Keep your eyes on the damn road,” My husband orders him. His eyes go back and forth between my rising and falling body, my husband’s face in the mirror, and the road in front of him. I bounce on my husband faster and harder without trying to hit my head on the roof of the cab. I rest my head on the seat and let my husband grind in me. “Give me your finger,” I demand.  My husband obeys and I leave slimy spit on his finger down to his knuckle. “Stick it in my ass, baby. Let me feel you in both holes.” Ryan happily does it and now I’m whining in pleasure just inches from the cabbie’s face. “Fuck me hard, Ryan!”  My husband speeds up the pace of his pumping cock and the sound of my thighs landing on his legs echoes in the cab. I’m breathing hard; every time my husband’s dick beats deep into my pussy, he jars my body, making my breaths sound like hiccups. “Fuck my ass hard Ryan…show me how deep and far  you are going to cum in me!”


Continue Reading Taxi Cab Confessions

Oral Sex Techniques

OralOral Sex Techniques

Fellatio [fuh-ley-shee-oh]: noun
1. oral stimulation of the penis, especially to orgasm

Oral sex is a powerful tool which can be used during foreplay or by itself to bring your man to full ejaculation.  It’s not as simple as putting your mouth on a dick and making him cum with by pure will and stamina.  The first section includes helpful tips to help build your fellatio game. The second section is different techniques.  Try these on your man and see what he likes.  Once you’ve mastered one, move on to the next one.  Eventually you will be combining two or more during oral sex, giving yourself more “bed cred.”  

1.   Positioning.  Find a position that will allow you to be comfortable.  This is probably the most basic trick you’ll have to master when it comes to oral sex because if you’re not comfortable, he won’t be either.  One way is to have him sit on the couch while you kneel on the floor between his legs.  This position is comfortable for the both of us.  The only shortfall is having to transition to the bed.  I used to have a lot of trouble sucking my man off when he was laying on the bed.  When I’m facing him and between his legs, my neck tends to get tired, my forearm muscles get numb, and shoulders get cramped.  I ended up having to constantly change positions, stop and go again and again, which disrupted him, throwing him off.  I found a simple solution to this problem: shit talking.

2.  Shit-talking.  Talking shit to your man is filler time.  This gives your mouth, neck, jaw, back and all areas which tend to ache with short, but repetitive use, a little bit of recovery time.  If I need a break from the bobbing, the sucking, the deepthroating, I stop.  But I don’t just sit there and do nothing.  I stroke his dick.  I massage under his prostate.  I run my fingers up and down his thighs.  I press down on his ass hold. And now that my mouth is free, I shit-talk.  “Tell me you want my mouth back on your dick.”  “Don’t look at me.  Keep your eyes closed before I put a pillow on your face.” “You want to cum in my mouth bad, don’t you?  Be patient, and I might let you.”  Talking shit empowers you when you’re in a position that is traditionally submissive.  Go ahead.  Ask him, “Who sucks your dick better than me?” and see what he says.

3.  Get into it.  Show your enthusiasm.  Let your man know you love sucking his di ck.  Moan with his dick in your mouth.  It may sound like you’re saying, “Mmm..mmMMmm..mmmmm. Mmm-hmmm. Mmmmmmm…!” But what you’re really saying is, “Oh, my God, yes! Give me some more of this juicy dick.” When you get the chance to shit talk, you don’t have to actually say words.  You can moan with pleasure, too!  If your man knows you absolutely love him in your mouth, it helps with the excitement.  

4.  Tell him what you’re doing.  And similarly, tell him what you’re going to do or want to do.  You know what you’re doing.  He knows what you’re doing.  It’s obvious you’re performing oral sex.  But what exactly are you doing?  “You like it when I stroke your dick fast like this?  Or slow like this?” “I’m going to take this froth off your dick and use it like lipstick.”  “Should I put both your balls in my mouth or just one?” “I’m going to sit on your face and make you suck on my clit.”  Bombard him with the nasty things you want to do to him.  

5.  Describe what’s going on with his body.  I didn’t realize until Ryan asked me one day as I was stroking him, “Is my dick hard?”  It took me by surprise because I figured he’d be able to tell by the way my hand moved up and down on his shaft.  So from then on, I made it a point to give him a play-by-play of what his body was doing. “You’re starting to get thick and heavy in my mouth.  I can feel it growing every time I suck hard.  You like when I lick right there, don’t you?  Because I can see your goose bumps.  Your balls are moving up and tightening.  You’re ready to cum now, aren’t you?”  Not only is he feeling what’s going on, but now you’ve given him a visual with his kinesthetic experience.

 6.  “Give” him control.  Ladies, whether you realize it or not, you have so much power.  When a man lets you between his legs, he is entrusting you with the most cherished part of his own body.  You are the one between his legs. You are the one who dictates how fast or slow you move, and therefore, how quickly he can cum.  You are certainly the ones in control and your man knows it.  Change things by role-reversing.  “Baby, please let me have your cum? Do  you want me to beg you?  Ok then, please give me your cum?  I’ve been  a good girl today, I need to have it.  I need to taste it, please!  Don’t keep your cum to yourself.  If I deepthroat your cock, will you give me your hot cum?” I may even go so far as whining for it, like a little kid begging his mama for a new toy.

7.  Look!  No hands!  Let go of his penis completely and pretend you’re a contestant on Fear Factor: Fellatio Edition.  Start by putting your mouth on the base and nibble your way up like it’s an ear of corn.  If it drops, start over. Hold his dick skin between your lips like you’re rolling lipstick (be careful not to pinch him too hard) and “swing” it back and forth.  Slide up as high as you can and down as low as you can without using your hands.  It becomes a challenge to not use your hands to control where his dick goes, especially when it’s hard. But you can display your oral talents without the use of anything but your mouth.

8.  Look!  Both hands!  You have two hands.  Use them!  If you have a free  hand, use it to cup the balls, press down on his prostate area, do something.  I like to use both hands to grab my man’s dick, right hand over left like I’m holding a bat.  Slowly twist your hands in a circular motion, in opposite directions.  Don’t grab tight or else you’ll end giving him an Indian burn.  Finally, put your mouth on his dick head and suck (how much head you can put in your mouth is dependent on the size of your man).  There are many ways to use both hands; the possibilities are endless.


More Oral Sex Techniques

In addition to the above, there are so many oral techniques I use on Ryan, so this section will be updated often.  As you can see, deepthroating is a prerequisite to many of these techniques, therefore adding to the variety for and pleasure to Ryan.  

Deepthroating in and of itself is a technique that requires a lot of skill and therefore has its own article dedicated to it (see article “Deepthroating – My Introduction”)

Face fucking is also a stand-alone technique (see article “Face Fucking”) and a favorite of mine.  Remember, face fucking doesn’t necessarily have be done is a submissive position; you can stand, kneel, squat, etc.  Once you become more experienced, you’ll be able to gauge at which points your throat can handle the ramming of an erect dick.

Ball tickler. Using one hand, you will be holding both balls and his penis.  Bend the penis before it gets to hard and arm it up.  Pull and stretch both balls up near his penis head. This will create both balls and the penis head to all be in one area.  You can lick down the middle and lick his head and balls at the exact same time.  If your mouth is big enough (or he is small enough), it might be possible to put both balls and his penis head in your mouth at the same time.  I cannot do this, but it’s definitely possible.   I like to do this especially when Ryan has just shaved his balls.  Fun fact: the skin on the penis and the scrotum are the same.

Figure 8.  [A prerequisite to this technique is deepthroating]  Performing a Figure 8 may be uncomfortable, so I don’t recommend you do this unless you’re 100% comfortable with your throat and what you can handle.  Once you’re all the way down, turn your head side to side in a figure 8 pattern.  I say that this may be uncomfortable because his dick is going to hit all sides of your throat causing a clicking sensation in your neck.

The frenulum is the underside of the penis.  Slowly licking the frenulum hits a sensitive spot on a man.

Give him a vagina. [A prerequisite to this technique is deepthroating] This technique is for the more experienced deepthroaters. I’ve seen pictures from his point of view and it really does look like he has a vagina, like his penis is completely gone. 

Hickey. This involves sucking your man’s dick very hard as if you’re giving him a hickey.  Hold the sucking tightness and slowly move your mouth off his dick.  The suction should be enough to where you’d leave a hickey if this were to be done on his neck.  It is very intense, so make sure your partner likes this type of sensation.  Sometimes Ryan likes it slow and soft, sometimes he asks me to suck the skin off his cock.

Jugular. This technique is easier to do while his dick isn’t completely hard. To correctly do this technique, you’ll have his dick in your mouth (not necessarily deep toward your throat) while simultaneously licking his balls. As you can imagine, the harder your man is, the harder it would be to do this. And conversely, the smaller his dick is, even when he’s fully erect, the more of his dick will fit in your mouth as you lick his balls.  This is called jugular because he won’t be in your throat, but rather it will “feel” like he’s in your neck.

Jump rope. This is when you keep his dick in your mouth while licking his body in a 360 degree angle; his dick will move clockwise. Start licking at 12 o’clock; your tongue will be on right side of his dick. As you move clockwise, your tongue will end up on the left side. When it does, you pull your tongue back into your mouth and over to the original starting position (on the left side).

Hummer. [A prerequisite to this technique is deepthroating] By now you’ve realized that a true deepthroat won’t allow you to breathe. But there is a point before the actual deepthroat where you can breathe. When you get to that point, start to hum. This causes a vibration on his dick and, according to Ryan, tickles in a good way.

Murder sounds.  [Prerequisites to this technique are deepthroating, jugular, woodpecker and/or washing machine]  To get a real good murder sound, you’ll have to have your man’s dick in your throat, but as you come up, try to “talk.”  You won’t be able to of course, but it will sound like you’re being murdered, drowned, choked, etc.  It’s a turn on to appear to be dominated.  I like to “scream” as loud as I can when being deepthroated because it is, to me, a self-inflicted masochistic maneuver.

Another variation is drowning Instead of going down as far as you can onto his dick, go down about an inch into a deepthroat and bob up and down in short, quick bursts before coming up for about one second. Repeat.   Each time you come up, breath and“scream.”  To me, it sounds as if someone is trying to drown me.

Nose diving.   [A prerequisite to this technique is deepthroating]  This is a 69 position with Ryan on the bottom.  As his dick is in my throat, I lift up my legs and my nose is buried in his balls.  Knowing your man’s dick and how it’s shaped will help in learning how to nose dive.

Pee hole.  This is merely sticking the tip of your tongue as far as you can down his urethra (a.k.a. the pee hole).  It’s a simple and pleasurable technique, for some men.  Some guys may not like the sensation, as my husband has said it feels very  unnatural tp feel tongue slide inside his body.  He loves it, depending on the mood he is in.  Know your man’s penis and his moods.

Washing machine. [A prerequisite to this technique is deepthroating] The washing machine is similar to the woodpecker, but instead of coming up a few inches, you’ll come up as high as you can while keeping his dick in your mouth, then going back all the way down. Do this repeatedly.  When you get really good at this, you will be slamming your nose into his pubic bone, then moving all the way off his dick until you feel his head touch your lips, then sliding it all the way back down again.  As you move up and down, you can also twist your head and put his dick through the spin cycle.  This is a very high-level technique because of the roughness on your throat.  Have fun, find the right angle, and be careful.   

Woodpecker. [A prerequisite to this technique is deepthroating] Once you’ve learned “give him a vagina,” you’ll be able to do the woodpecker. The woodpecker requires you to put your nose to his crotch as you deepthroat, but as you come up, you’ll only lift up about two inches and then go back down. Do that repeatedly and you have the woodpecker.  This technique is very similiar to the washing machine, except you barely come off the penis and he can feel your nose almost like vibrating on his crotch and pubic bone.

If this wasn’t enough for you and you want to see everything there is to know about giving the perfect blow job, read The Blow Job Bible.

Deepthroating: My Introduction

Yummy banana.
What is deepthroating?
My definition of “Deepthroating” is taking a dick past the soft palate in your mouth and sliding it down into your throat.


My First (Real) Deepthroat
 The first time I heard about deepthroating was from a girlfriend of mine in high school. Not only did I hear about it, but they shared a video of her performing the act.  I can remember thinking that her boyfriend’s penis was small, but they both seemed happy.  And I admit, to my young eyes her technique was amazing.  She could take his penis and put it all in her mouth, and then lick his balls (see article: “Oral Techniques“). Although she bragged about her deepthroat prowess, in my mind I called it “deep mouthing.”  By the looks of it, I doubt his penis was even hitting the back of her mouth.  When I met my husband, Ryan, I guess I was a bit cocky. Maybe I was competitive with my girlfriends but that old video stuck in my mind and I knew I could do it better than my friend.  I was going to take all of him easy, I didn’t care he was 6’4 and I was just a little Filipino girl.   And then I realized, all men aren’t built the same.  I tried to take Ryan’s longer, fatter dick deep in my throat, and almost gagged immediately. His head hit my soft palate and my lips were only at the edge of his circumcision scar, which was not even a third of the way down. Ryan would grind his hips into my mouth, but his dick would just bend and I would eventually gag and switch to only sucking and kissing on the tip of his penis. Although at the time I didn’t realize I wasn’t deepthroating him (it felt deep), I just figured I was deepthroating as much as I could. If Ryan asked me to deepthroat, I would stick his dick back as far as I could in my mouth and press it hard against the back of my tongue and soft palate. The pressure from my tongue (coupled with my panic of choking/gagging) kept my throat closed and his dick from going down any further. I wasn’t doing it on purpose; it was an instinct to keep me from feeling like I was going to choke. After I’d press for a few seconds, I would gag and Ryan would give me positive reinforcement by saying, “Good girl.” I was naïve to believe that deepthroating just meant putting as much of the dick in your mouth as possible, but my husband was happy I was at least trying and I just felt his penis was too big.


What is a true deepthroat?
You have the hard palate and the soft palate.  It takes a little bit of coaxing to get your man’s dick past the soft palate because you’re not used to having something so big and wide in your throat.  You have to remind yourself that you will not choke on it; you can lift up or pull away if you “feel” you are in danger.  Additionally, if the dick is really in your throat you will NOT be able to breathe.  If you can breathe, you’re doing it wrong.  A true deepthroat will cover your entire throat and prevent air from going in or out.  I was intimidated at first because my husband’s dick circumference is nearly 6” around and during the first few days of learning, it was like a bee stung me in my neck and my throat was closing up.

When my husband asked if I was willing to learn how to really deepthroat, I was down for the challenge.  And yes, there was a lot of watery eyes, coughing, and gagging at first, but only because I didn’t know the proper techniques or that there were even techniques to learn.  I thought it was as simple as swallowing or eating.  But it truly is an art.  I tried to look it up online, but I didn’t get too much help.  I knew then I was going to have to learn by hands-on experiences.  Quitting was not an option.

Continued: My Experience Learning To Deepthroat