Q&A: Is masturbation wrong if your wife is sleeping next to you

Sleeping?  Who cares.
Sleeping? Who cares.

Dominic via the internet,

Venice u sexy as hell shorty.  im just sayin.  if ya man ever drops the ball and you get lonely hit a nigga up on kik or skype.   u feel me?  i left my tags on the bottom of email if you get that itch only a bbc can scratch.  trust me on this shorty ya man aint got the tools to scratch that.  ill show you wassup.

any way, ima just get straight to the question before ya man get emotional.   if im with my chick in bed and for whatever reason she is not tryin to deal with a nigga can i just pull my shit out in bed next to her and do my thing?  my girl say she aint feeling it when I do that.  she says real niggas dont that.   but it ain’t none of her business after she said no.   real niggas gotta nut and at least i aint out tryin to fuck some bird  from around the way.   if she bugs out because  the bed bouncin next to her or she gettin jealous cause i pull out a booty mag then she should just help a nigga out right?  how you gonna turn a nigga down but get mad he handle his own shit.  she been thrown out my mags but now i use my phone to check shit out.  she better not fuck with my phone.   let me know what you think shorty, i dont really care what ya boy think.  hit me up on skype shorty.


Venice says:

I’m from the hood, but I can barely understand what you’re saying.  From what I’ve gathered, you’re asking if it’s all right to masturbate in bed, with your girl next to you,  if she turns you down for sex. What’s the problem?  Is she sick? Tired? Not in the mood?  It sounds like you need to talk to each other.  I understand you have your needs, so tell her that.  And although there’s nothing wrong with porn, the way you insist on talking to me on skype, I’m afraid you might graduate to other things, like strip clubs or prostitutes.  It doesn’t sound like you are committed to this relationship.   You’ve already started resenting her for not giving you sex by the way you don’t care if the bed shakes while you jack off.  That’s pretty childish.  She’s not telling you to stop jacking off, so take it to  another room.

Nip this problem in the bud before it gets worse.  If she doesn’t give you sex, you jack off.  If you shake the bed jacking off next to her while she’s sleeping, don’t be surprised when the next day she’s still mad and doesn’t give you sex again.  You both need to grow up.  She needs to stop being a prude and you need to stop being a douchebag – one of you needs swallow your pride.  It’s a vicious circle and you are both to blame.

Thank you for offering your BBC, but I don’t have any itches in my LAP that Ryan’s BWC can’t scratch.

Ryan says: 

I agree with your girl, real niggas don’t jack off.

Penis Size – The World’s Averages

How do you measure up?
How do you measure up?

Below I have posted a research on penis size.  I know us ladies are not supposed to care about this type of thing, but I do.  I find it interesting that Asian men, especially Thai men, are extremely small.  Using common sense, I will suggest that this same information could also be used to suggest that Asian women also have the smallest vaginas.  Our bodies adapt to our counterpart, and with Thai men growing outward only so much, I assume the same would be for our vaginas growing inward .   Now I get why Ryan complains about my vagina being too tight and compact.   No disrespect to the larger vaginas of the world, but if you are a woman from Congo, I suggest you say you are from somewhere else, maybe Thailand?   Thai woman can be very dark too 🙂

Article below:

Research on average penis size has confirmed racial stereotypes, with Africans coming out on top, Asians at the bottom and Europeans somewhere in between.

Richard Lynn, emeritus professor of psychology at Ulster University carried out the research, which is published in the scientific journal Personality and Individual Differences.

113 nationalities were included in a study of average penis lengths.

In the penis size league tables the Daily Mail reports that men from The Republic of the Congo take top position with a porn star like 7.1 inches, with the Ecuadorians, Ghanaians and Columbians not far behind with 7 inches, 6.8 inches and 6.7 inches respectively.  The average for the African continent as a whole is a whopping 6.3 inches.

The Icelanders come top of the Europeans with 6.5 inches.  The Germans are Mr European average with 5.7 inches.  The Brits come out above the French, beating the more traditional country of love and romance, by a full 0.2 inches.  The Brits also beat the Australians (5.2in), Americans (5.1in) and Irish (5in).

At the other end of the table, North and South Korea measure in at 3.8 inches. India and Thailand are only slightly bigger at 4 inches.   The overall average for north-east Asians was the lowest at 4.2 inches.

How reliable are these figures?
According to The Telegraph critics have claimed that Mr Flynn’s research is flawed because the penis length data was gathered from websites.   The Telegraph quotes Jelte Wicherts, professor of methodology at Tilburg University, Holland as saying, “This is a brave paper in a controversial area but the data has no methodology.”

Some of the average penis sizes by country:
Republic of Congo, 7.1
Ecuador, 7
Ghana, 6.8
Colombia 6.7
Iceland 6.5
Italy 6.2
South Africa 6
Sweden 5.9
Greece 5.8
Germany 5.7
New Zealand 5.5
UK 5.5
Canada 5.5
Spain 5.5
France 5.3
Australia 5.2
Russia 5.2
USA 5.1
Ireland 5
Romania 5
China 4.3
India 4
Thailand 4
South Korea 3.8
North Korea 3.8

Photo Shoot – Our Daily Sexy Christmas Photos – Happy Holidays!

Photo Shoot – Our Daily Sexy Christmas Photos – Happy Holidays!

We are taking xxxmas photos each day (some days may have 2 photos), up until Christmas.  Our Christmas photos are intended to be fun and different.

This blog entry will remain sticky until the end of December.  All photos will update in the gallery below.

Q&A: I caught my husband masturbating when I was sick

Alyssa via the internet

I was sick the entire weekend and on Sunday (still suffering but nearing the end of my sickness) my husband was acting really sweet to me.  He came upstairs and asked if I needed anything.  I let him know I could use a glass of water and maybe some cuddle time.  He went downstairs and brought me a huge glass of ice water and kissed me on the forehead.  He said he had to finish up some work on his computer and he’d be right back to cuddle.  After about 20 minutes I was restless so I got up and walked downstairs to check on him.   I thought maybe I would lay in his lap or something while he finished up on the computer. 

Appalled, I watch from the top of the stairs as he is jacking off watching a silent porn on his computer.  At this point I am pissed off so I walk downstairs and stand right behind him.  He has no idea I am there, and I realize he had on headphones.   I hear him grunting and whispering to himself and then I watch him ejaculate.  This was the most disgusting thing I have ever seen him do, I cannot believe my husband still behaves like a horny teenager that jacks off as soon as a responsible adult isn’t around, especially when this responsible adult is sick.  As cums, he puts his head back in chair.  Immediately he notices me standing there.  He hops up as fast as he can trying to put his pants back up.  His filthy cum is all over his hands and clothing.   I absolutely want to vomit at this point.  Disgusted, I reach down and grab his cum off his hand and belt and then slap him straight in the face with it. 

I didn’t say a word and I haven’t spoken with him since.  Did I overreact?  Is it normal for a husband to be so fucking callous and ignore my sick request to cuddle, and instead go downstairs and masturbate to some fucking porn stars?  This behavior is disgusting and I do not know if I will ever get over it.  I also do not get how he could think it was okay to masturbate downstairs, wipe off his little dick and ball germs and come up stairs and hold me?  Again, did I overreact?  Thank you.

Venice’s response:   Have you guys ever addressed this issue before?  Obviously he knows it’s something he needs to keep from you, hence the headphones and the lying about work he had to do.  First, I do believe you overreacted.  This is the kind of reaction I expect  if you caught him having sex with another woman.  But he wasn’t.  Second, he wasn’t having phone sex either, which is still bad because you have to pay for it.  Third, it’s porn.  You can access it on your phone, on your computer, on your television, and even at the gas station.  It’s everywhere.  You can’t keep him from it unless you specifically tell him, “I don’t approve of you watching people fuck.”  Then your husband would know exactly what he can’t do.  Fourth, your situation is a double-edged sword: if you want him to only have sexual relations with you and not porn, then he’ll be an insensitive ass for asking you for sex while you were sick; if he turns to porn, he’s a pervert.  He’s damned if he does and he’s damned if doesn’t.

So where do you go from here? Talk to him about it.  Tell him what exactly pissed you off.  Tell him how disgusted you feel see him jack off.  Tell him you don’t think you’ll ever get over it.  But before you do, think about what masturbating really is.  Every single guy in the world has done it – your dad, your brother, your garbage man, your minister, your high school principal, and the President of the United States.  Your husband isn’t fantasizing of the porn star who’s taking it up the ass by five different dudes and how she’ll iron his clothes in the morning, how she’ll hold him when he’s sleeping at night, or how she’ll comfort him when he’s feeling down.  There’s nothing wrong with what your husband is doing.  It’s as if men are programmed to expel semen their bodies at any and all costs.

What I’m saying is that it’s not the end of the world.  As I said, porn (and sex in general) is everywhere, staring him at the face, making him buy a certain beer, wear a certain pair of shoes, and drive a certain kind of car.  He’s bombarded with it.  The important thing to remember is he’s not acting on his physical impulses.  That would be a different story.  Porn: it’s everywhere, and if you can’t beat ’em join ’em.  Blow your man’s mind and learn to outdo every porn star your husband watches.

Ryan’s response:  I get why you are mad, I think.   You are mad because he was insensitive to your needs, correct?  Not only was he insensitive, he went down and masturbated like everything in life was perfect.  A sick wife upstairs suffering (really?) and wanting to cuddle, but he doesn’t care, he has decided he is going to lie to you so he can go downstairs and watch porn while beating his meat.  I get it.   However, understand this, you were sick all weekend and a man has needs.  Whether you like that idea or not, would you have preferred him to come upstairs and cuddle you, slowly trying to remove your panties so he could stick his dick inside you? Would you have been disgusted if he was cuddling you and got an erection from being turned on (by his sick and suffering wife)? Your sickness doesn’t stop his testicles from producing sperm and hormones that scream in his head all day, “JACK OFF OR GET PUSSY RIGHT FUCKING NOW YOU FUCKING IDIOT”.

You admit that he was being really sweet, so obviously he was taking care of you.  It sounds like he wanted to release some tension and stress and before he did, he wanted to make sure you were totally okay. Obviously cuddling wasn’t in his plans, as he was already worked up and horny.  You carry around  our balls and hormones for a day and let’s see how long you last not getting the release that your most primal instincts are ordering you to do.   It isn’t easy, but he tried to make sure you were okay.  Unfortunately you caught him, which is punishment enough in my opinion.   Even reading this question I was embarrassed for the guy.  Not only did you catch him but then you slapped him in the face with his own semen?   Jesus, the guy has paid his dues already.  Let it go.  Yes, you overreacted.  To answer the question again, yes, you overreacted.  I used to wake up and release my tension, then head to the kitchen and make Venice breakfast.   Do you think she would be disgusted by me for bringing my dick germs to her food?  I think she’d enjoy the meal and an awesome morning of me being able to be sweet to her without ripping off her clothing because I am so horny.  But maybe I am wrong.

Control Freak

Anal Morning
Venice this morning, controlling the show

When I first married Venice I quickly learned that she was a morning person.  How did I learn?  Each morning before I could wake up I would feel something rubbing between my legs.  Whether it be pulling my loose ball sac up, which usually hangs below my thighs, up between my legs so she could fondle me, or wrapping her hand lightly around my penis and tickling me in a jack-off motion.  Sometimes I would wake up fully erect with her stroking my penis, sometimes I would wake up as she was pulling off my covers to get on top of me, and sometimes I would wake up right as my dick slides inside her body.   Because of work, responsibility, or just opposite schedules, this morning ritual stopped.

This morning,  I felt Venice’s hand reaching around my body.  For the past week, she has clawed for my penis and usually falls asleep with it in her hand.  I figured she woke up and noticed we moved apart, so I scooted near her so she could hold my penis and get back to sleep.  After I scooted back, I fell back asleep.  I woke up, possibly 10 minutes later, semi erect and Venice rubbing my crotch with dirty intentions.  At this point, I rolled over so she could feel all of my cock rather than half, as half tends to tuck in my lap as I lay sideways.   She moaned in my ear, finally being able to really feel my full cock in her hand.   She doesn’t hesitate to climb on top of me and slowly work her vagina down on my dick.  She wasn’t as wet as she normally is, so she had to carefully work me in, inch by inch, making sure not to tear her insides.  As my dick bottoms out inside her, her vagina begins to wet my entire crotch.  She rides me in a way that her inner g-spot gets rubbed hard enough, that her vagina will leak a very large amount of fluid.  I am not talking normal wetness, I am talking about almost like a physical orgasm that drenches both of our bodies.   This is actually what Venice wanted, because she immediately lifts her body up just high enough for my penis to slide out of her body.  She lowers herself quick enough so that my erect cock slides behind her body, up her back, through her ass cheeks, and rubbing over her anus.  She moves my dick back into her body to reapply her juices, and again, let’s me slide out just enough so that she can lower her body and have my dick slide up her back.   Each time, her ass cheeks and ass get wetter.  The last time, she lifts up, and I feel my dick slide inside her wet vagina again.  I moan, as I feel her tightening her thigh muscles and squeezing my dick.  I look up and she asks, “You like that?”

I whisper back, “I love your pussy.”  I can’t really say much because I am high from the chemicals released in my brain during sex.  I am lost in this feeling, which I admit I am addicted to.

She looks at me and smiles, “That’s my ass, Ryan.”

I snap out of my high for a second and try to feel the texture I am sliding in and out of.   To be totally honest, if done right and the woman is in total control, the change can be very subtle, especially since Venice’s Asian pussy has always been extremely tight.   I close my eyes and concentrate on what I am feeling.  Indeed, I am inside her wet asshole.  I am not sure when the switch was made, but I assume it was that last time she slid down on my dick.  I immediately ask her if she wants me to roll her over and put my cum deep in her ass (please read our article regarding how Venice has became addicted to the cum in her ass — the hormones, it changes her personality, and it makes her extremely horny for the rest of the day).  She looks down and tells me not yet.  She grinds her ass in my lap, moaning the entire time.   She will look down every other minute and ask me to tell her where my dick is.  I immediately respond, half high from our sex, “Your ass baby.”   She moans and smiles, pressing her body against mine as hard as she can to feel my entire dick deep in her body.

I eventually get the sex rush and want to take back my control in the bedroom.  I roll her over, keeping my dick inside her ass, buckle down and start to ram my dick in her as hard as I can.   She moans but still grabs my throat, pushing my head off her body.  She squeezes her hand and tells me to slow down.  Still holding my throat, she warns me, “You better not cum until I tell you.”  The control move failed and I’ve learned my freaky wife loves to be in charge, a true control freak.

I am now putty in her hands and do whatever it is she wants to do while I slowly feel her ass with my swollen dick.  After going over with me different ideas she has for a photo shoot tonight (lol – yes), she calmly says, “Okay, you can cum now.”

I came.