Question for men: Are you against having your ass touched and/or tasting your own cum? And if so, why?

eat your own cumQuestion for men: Are you against having your ass touched and/or tasting your own cum? And if so, why?

I’m asking because every single man I’ve been with (including my current boyfriend) has been firmly against those two things. The men I’ve fucked have constantly touched/entered my ass enjoying anal.  They have also shoved their fingers in my mouth after fingering me without it even being a second thought or discussed.  Even though I am totally cool with it, I just want to know why men won’t kiss me after cumming in my mouth.  It seems silly to me I don’t get it.

Venice’s response to tasting your own cum

I find it silly as well.  In fact, for me, this isn’t even something I’d accept.  Anything I feel like doing, I am going to do to my husband.  We can even mix those two scenarios together.  If I decide to finger his asshole and stick it in his mouth, he better suck on my fingers.  I’d be upset if he didn’t.  With that said, we are married.  It took a long time for us to get comfortable with each other, trust each other with all our dark skeletons and kinks, and be able to do whatever it is two humans can possibly do to each other without having to worry about judgement.

I’d think with dating or random hook ups, the man risks kissing you after he cums and not knowing if you will keep his secret.  He hasn’t talked to you enough to know you would love that type of thing.  He also hasn’t talked to you enough to know that you wouldn’t tell every single friend how he licked his cum off your chest after he came.  Whether we accept it or not, a man doing those types of things may emasculate him to other men that hear about it.  So they keep their guards up. 

Until they trust you… and then you can stand them on their heads and milk their cocks into their own mouths.

Ryan’s response to tasting your own cum

Without a lot of experience with women other than my wife, I can’t say what I would be like as a single man.   I do think women who are okay with tasting themselves, shows me they are confident, know their body is clean, know their pussy is good, and to taste themselves is a huge turn on for me.  If a woman was grossed out by her own body, I would probably be turned off.  Or just want to get it over with as fast as possible.  

Let’s flip the coin.

If a man eats his cum, or goes down and eats his own creampie, not all women find that attractive.  They may actually see it as emasculating, or beta.  Something cucks do.  Although we don’t kink shame here at sexblogging, not all women want a man that is beta or a cuck.  So a man has to worry about looking weak, or looking like a beta to a female.  Even if he wanted to kiss you after he came in your mouth.  It goes back to the idea of women can do gay things and not be judged by other women, while men doing gay things are looked down on by straight men.  

And as far as boyfriends, dates, or short-term relationships go, a man may just stay reserved.  If you break up with him, who knows who you will tell about how he gargles his own semen after he drinks it from your vagina.  Like Nessa said, it’s probably something you will find out men enjoy when you are in long-term relationships, or married.


Have you ever lost a condom inside your vagina?

condom lost and foundLost a Used Condom Inside My Vagina! 

Have you ever lost a condom inside your vagina for 4 days?  Yea, me either.  But I did read an interesting question from from a young lady regarding her experience.  We have decided to do a bit of back and forth dialogue regarding the topic and different scenarios.  

I’m 20 years old and have a story about a missing condom.  So  yesterday I was in intense pain while peeing and immediately called my doctor for UTI screening which I have never had before. The rapid test came back negative and my urine was sent to a lab for more accurate results. The day continues on and the pain decreases as I continue to hydrate and drink cranberry juice…weird.

This morning I pee with little to no pain and when I stand up a piece of condom falls out of me and I’m STUNNED. Never in my life has this happened before and I hadn’t had sex since Friday which means the piece of condom has been in me for 4 days now. We knew the condom had broke, but I didn’t realize that it had broken off inside of me. There is still SLIGHT discomfort when I pee but nothing even remotely comparable to yesterday morning.

I really just cannot stop thinking about this and was wondering if anyone has had similar experiences and knows if there are precautions I should be taking. We are both presumably STI free and I am getting tested soon regardless. I am on the pill and he pulled out, but is there anything else I should be keeping on my radar (toxic shock, infection of some kind, etc), or am I being paranoid? Can anyone share similar experiences?

Venice:  I have never had this experience but I do wonder why it would hurt to urinate if she didn’t have a UTI.  Unsure how a condom inside her vagina would hurt to urinate.

Ryan:  Maybe it was covering her urethra and filling up inside her like a water balloon every time she went to the bathroom?

Venice:  Oh my gosh!  How do you walk around with a water balloon inside your vagina and not notice!

Another experience with losing a condom:

I had a condom in me all night and the next day. I had no idea and no pain it just fell out when I peed thank fuck. I leaned after that to always check it’s been disposed of and to pay attention to the guy taking it off and if I didn’t see ask.

Venice:  Is it like a style for guys to wear baggy condoms now? wtf?

Ryan:  Not uncommon for a guy to buy magnum condoms when they do not need a larger size.

Venice:  Oh yea, I remember that article.  It’s either an ego thing or  they just have no idea what they are doing when they put a condom on.

Ryan:  What bothers me though is what type of guy pulls out of  a woman and notices he doesn’t have a condom on anymore, but doesn’t say anything?  

Venice:  The worst kind of guy.

Ryan:  It’s not like your keys or your cell phone.  You don’t forget where you put that dang condom while having sex.  

Venice:  I can’t imagine pulling out and looking down at your unprotected penis and saying, “Where did I leave that damn condom again?  Ugh, let me retrace my steps.”

Ryan:  I agree.   I would be horrified if my condom fell off after sex.  

Venice:  Yea, but some guys do this on purpose.  It’s like a weird form of stealthing.

Ryan:  That’s crazy.

Venice:  And illegal.

Another experience with losing a condom:

This happened to me quite a bit, my body rejected condoms and they either always split or the whole thing ended up inside me and had to be fished out. Longest I had some in there was a couple days but I did not have pain.

I would go back to the doctors just in case If I were you!

Ryan:  This is a common thing?

Venice:  I don’t think so, but we never used condoms so I just don’t have those types of experiences.

Ryan:  She just seems way to experienced.  I mean, she has fishing expeditions and has a leaderboard on how long certain boyfriends left condoms inside her?

Venice:  I wonder if she has ever speared Moby Dick?

Ryan:  Oh my…  do you think you could lose a condom inside yourself?

Venice:  Well, if you never told me, probably.  It’s not like I sweep my vagina for foreign objects after we have sex together!

Ryan:  But if you knew, would it be hard to find inside your vagina?

Venice:  If I knew, no.  The vagina isn’t that complicated.   But I have experience exploring mine and other women, so I am no stranger to how a vagina should feel.  And truthfully, there isn’t much to it.  I think the term “fished out” is appropriate, regardless of how bad or funny that may sound.

Ryan:  I am sure blogs like these get all the girls super excited about finally having sex with their boyfriends and deep sea fishing inside their vaginas for lost condoms!

Venice:  This is definitely on every girls secret bucket list.  Have my boyfriend’s used and full condom sit inside my vagina for days, fill up like a water balloon when I urinate until it burns, and eventually come out in parts and pieces.

Ryan:  Every girls dream.

The Pushback -The Untalked About Mechanism Used To Create Better Orgasms For Men

The Pushback – The Untalked About Mechanism Used To Create Better Orgasms For Men

The Pushback is a descriptive word that can possibly help you understand the mechanics behind sex and the male orgasm that hasn’t really been discussed before.  And what’s really cool, just understanding The Pushback can possibly help you give you and your partners better orgasms.  So let’s get into the important stuff shall we?

A great example of the mechanisms in action during a man’s orgasm.  The area spasming is the perineum (also known as the guiche/taint).   This is also the base of the penis (under the balls towards the anus) where the prostate is located.


The Pushback, The Mechanism Behind A Man’s Best Orgasm

Fellas, you can make your orgasms much better if you know what exactly is causing them.  Let’s start with a simple example so we can all be on the same page.  Ladies you can follow along too! Make a cylinder with your hand and gently put it around your thumb.  Now move your thumb slowly in and out.  You will feel a slight tickle sensation across your thumb’s surface area.  You will also feel that you have a good sense of all the various textures and ridges in your hand. Now, do the same thing except squeeze your hand tighter around your thumb.  As you move in and out, you will notice that you actually feel less detail of the hand because of the pressure surrounding the thumb as a whole.  However, you can feel the resistance and it is obviously much tighter.  Now ask yourself, why does a tight vagina or anus feel so much better than a loose one?   First, your penis isn’t your thumb.  It is much more sensitive and has very sensitive nerve endings at the tip of the head and frenulum area.  The tight sensation around your penis also creates much more friction as it  rubs through a woman’s walls.  The idea of friction makes immediate sense, because if it’s tighter, it creates more friction and that just better around our penises right?  So this is why tight pussy feels better?

Not so fast… Sex Secrets Slowed Down

There is more.  Go back to putting your hand around your thumb and squeezing.  As you move in and out, I want you to pay attention to the knuckle at the base of your thumb.  In fact, you can actually visually watch your knuckle respond to the motion as you move your thumb in and out of the hand.   The tighter you squeeze, the more resistance, the more you will see that thumb knuckle move around the base of your thumb.  That is what we call “The Pushback.”  And that knuckle in comparison to your penis, is your prostate.  

If you are following along, I feel like this is the moment the light bulb goes off in your head and you have just been awoken.   It’s that simple.  Something that has never been put into words or talked about, makes all the sense in the world when you finally hear it.   Let me let you take your time to register that example for a second. The  untold Sex Secrets.

Continue Reading The Pushback -The Untalked About Mechanism Used To Create Better Orgasms For Men

The Biggest Penis Secrets Exposed: The Untalked About Mechanism Used To Create Better Orgasms For Men

The penis and its biggest secret.  How to create better orgasms for men with a little knowledge and something that has never been talked about before… The Pushback. Sex Secrets

Oh my God, has sold its’ soul to the internet devil and is publishing penis enlargement articles!?!?!   No, we will never sell our soul.  We’re all about the home grown, amateur, never make a buck, smut peddling, making up our own sex terms, ignorant opinions, awful sex suggestions, and horrible relationship advice that we have been doing now for over 7 years online.  Today is no different.

There is no toy called The Pushback and it is not a device you can buy on Amazon or your local sex shop.  The Pushback is a word that can possibly help you understand the mechanics behind sex that hasn’t really been discussed before.  And for free.  And what’s really cool, just understanding The Pushback can possibly help you give you and your partners better orgasms.  So let’s get into the important stuff shall we? Sex Secrets

The Pushback, Our Biggest Sex Secrets Revealed

Fellas, you can make your orgasms much better if you know what exactly is causing them.  Let’s start with a simple example so we can all be on the same page.  Ladies you can follow along too!    Make a cylinder with your hand and gently put it around your thumb.  Now move your thumb slowly in and out.  You will feel a slight tickle sensation across your thumb’s surface area.  You will also feel that you have a good sense of all the various textures and ridges in your hand. Now, do the same thing except squeeze your hand tighter around your thumb.  As you move in and out, you will notice that you actually feel less detail of the hand because of the pressure surrounding the thumb as a whole.  However, you can feel the resistance and it is obviously much tighter.  Now ask yourself, why does a tight vagina or anus feel so much better than a loose one?   First, your penis isn’t your thumb.  It is much more sensitive and has very sensitive nerve endings at the tip of the head and frenulum area.  The tight sensation around your penis also creates much more friction as it  rubs through a woman’s walls.  The idea of friction makes immediate sense, because if it’s tighter, it creates more friction and that just better around our penises right?  So this is why tight pussy feels better?

Not so fast… Sex Secrets Slowed Down

There is more.  Go back to putting your hand around your thumb and squeezing.  As you move in and out, I want you to pay attention to the knuckle at the base of your thumb.  In fact, you can actually visually watch your knuckle respond to the motion as you move your thumb in and out of the hand.   The tighter you squeeze, the more resistance, the more you will see that thumb knuckle move around the base of your thumb.  That is what we call “The Pushback.”  And that knuckle in comparison to your penis, is your prostate.  

If you are following along, I feel like this is the moment the light bulb goes off in your head and you have just been awoken.   It’s that simple.  Something that has never been put into words or talked about, makes all the sense in the world when you finally hear it.   Let me let you take your time to register that example for a second. The  untold Sex Secrets.

Continue Reading The Biggest Penis Secrets Exposed: The Untalked About Mechanism Used To Create Better Orgasms For Men