Designer Dildo Contains Your Loved One’s Cremated Ashes

It’s a sex toy that someone — maybe you — will be dying to use.

Dutch designer Mark Sturkenboom has just created a sex toy that includes a mini-urn to hold the cremated remains of that special someone.

The erotically-shaped urn is part of “21 Grams,” a memory box devised by Sturkenboom to help grieving people feel the presence of their loved ones.

The title refers to the purported weight of the human soul based on a now-discredited study by Dr. Douglas MacDougall, an early 20th century physician who weighed patients before and after death to see if there was a change in weight, according to

Besides the death-oriented dildo, Sturkenboom’s memory boxes come with a perfume diffuser that can hold the departed’s signature scent, and an iPod amplifier so the bereaved can play songs that remind them of the deceased, reports.

The box can also hold other keepsakes related to the dead loved one, and comes with a brass key that can be worn as a pendant, Yahoo! News reports.

Sturkenboom said an elderly neighbor inspired him to create the memory box.

“I sometimes help an elderly lady with her groceries and she has an urn standing near the window with the remains of her husband,” he said, according to the Metro. “She always speaks with so much love about him but the jar he was in didn’t reflect that at all.

“In that same period I read an article about widows, taboos and sex and intimacy and then I thought to myself ‘Can I combine these themes and make an object that is about love and missing and intimacy?'”

Sturkenboom hasn’t officially marketed the boxes yet. He told The Huffington Post that the price hasn’t been determined.

He also hopes that people focus on the reasoning behind the concept and not the sex aspect.

“I would much appreciate if the term ‘sex toy’ or ‘dildo’ are not the headlines,” he told HuffPost by email. “It’s a conversational piece. A metaphor.”

Source: RSS Feed Huffingtonpost   We used a Clone-A-Willy to make clones of Ryan’s penis.  If he passes away, maybe I can put his ashes inside his own penis clone.  I have no problem with this idea and think its absolutely wonderful!

Sex Organ Beauty Pageants Bulging Out All Over (NSFW)

Beauty contests once focused on the whole package. Now some are just focused on the package — literally.

On Saturday, the Brooklyn-based Kings County Saloon held its 3rd Annual Smallest Penis Contest.

In addition, Autoblow, a company that makes a machine designed to perform artificial blowjobs, is now holding a contest to find America’s “most beautiful vagina.”

Add to the mix Brazil’s asinine Miss Bum Bum contest, where women compete to win the coveted title of having the country’s most shapely posterior.

Having pageants focused on particular body parts might seem impersonal, but Jesse Levitt of the Kings County Saloon, says it was a personal relationship that inspired the first “Smallest Penis Contest” in 2013.

“My business partner Amy had a bad romantic experience with a guy who was too big,” he told HuffPost. “We wanted to give a shout out to the smaller guys who go the extra mile in bed. [The contest is] not about smallness, but confidence and heart — guys who are proud to be who they are.”

This year’s winning weiner belongs to a contestant named “the Puzzlemaster,” who climaxed the peewee penis pageant with a altered version of “Goldfinger,” to reflect his endowment.

“Every girl, beware of his cock and balls… this cock is small!” he crooned, according to the Daily Beast.

smallest dick contest

Levitt admits the “Smallest Penis Contest” is “taboo and voyeuristic, but figures it’s also a statement about equality.

“We have a lot of things that objectify women’s bodies, but not as many for men,” he said.

Brian Sloan, the owner and founder of Very Intelligent Ecommerce Inc., the parent company of Autoblow, says his “Vagina Beauty Contest” isn’t meant to objectify the vagina, he just wants to improve the quality of his products.

“A dirty little secret of the adult toy industry is that the majority of vagina masturbators that are supposedly molded from porn stars and sold as replicas are, in fact, not molded from porn stars and are far from being replicas,” Sloan told HuffPost by email. “If you lined up all of the vagina toys available today, you’d find 75 percent of the vaginas to be strikingly similar.”

Sloan is also aware that the beauty contest is actually looking for the best looking vulva, not a vagina, but said he’s being scientifically inaccurate in the name of good branding.

“Vulva doesn’t have the same ring to it as vagina,” he said. “Yes, I’ve taken some linguistic liberty with the name of this contest, but people will just deal with it.”

The “Vagina Beauty Contest” currently has 15 vulvas competing to win cash prizes of $5,000, $2,500 and $1,500.

The top three vote-getting vaginas will be flown to Los Angeles. The sex organs will get a 3D scan that will allow them to be duplicated publicly on future Autoblow products.

Sloan doesn’t want his own personal biases to get in the way of sales, hence the need for a contest. He realizes vulvas come in all shapes and sizes, a fact he demonstrates using lunch meat in a not-safe-for-work video about the contest.

The winning vaginas will be used in various products, but the women they belong to, will remain anonymous and without royalties.

“This particular contest isn’t about who the winners are, but only what their vaginas look like,” he said. “Royalties are more fit for a situation where we profit from some else’s achievements or abilities. This contest is simply about what nature has bestowed upon them and I think for that, a one time payment is fair compensation.” Contact The Author 

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