Naughty Selfies – Chilly Willy and Blow 30

Naughty Selfies – Chilly Willy and Blow 30

I’ll try to keep these selfies limited to new outfits, panties, and ideas, rather than the exact same poses and panties every day. Thankfully, I do change my panties! Unfortunately, until I learn how to stretch and morph my body into alien-like positions,  I am a bit limited at what I can do with my camera! Chilly Willy.

Dear Naughty Selfie Diary:  Chilly Willy and Blow 30!

Oops, I mean below 30!  Not blow 30.  What type of girl do you think I am?

Don’t answer that!

It was below 30 degrees this morning so it was extremely chilly!  In fact, anything below 32 degrees can freeze the pipes.  That’s why I make sure the muff stays warm with my extra winter coat and my actual winter coat!   Can’t let my husband’s pipe freeze.

I can think of more than a few reasons why having sex in cold weather is on the top of my todo list!

As always, I snuck off to the bathroom and snapped a few shots at work.  Listen, even though we don’t make any money through our blog, I at least get paid while taking a few selfies.  Sticking it to the man (no pun).  

The obligatory side by side shot of my husband wearing my used panties the following day.  I actually took these selfies for him so he could see me pulling my panties tightly up into my crotch and getting my juices all over them.  I wanted him to know he’d be rubbing me on himself all day.  We both love it.   

Enjoy the selfies guys (and gals).  Have a good weekend.  Stay warm.


We have started compiling my selfies and putting them in one section of our blog.   Check out all my naughty selfies here!


Naughty Selfies – Red Panty Night

Naughty Selfies – Red Panty Night

I’ll try to keep these selfies limited to new outfits, panties, and ideas, rather than the exact same poses and panties every day. Thankfully, I do change my panties! Unfortunately, until I learn how to stretch and morph my body into alien-like positions,  I am a bit limited at what I can do with my camera!  Red Panty Night

Dear Naughty Selfie Diary:  Red Panties, Heels, and A Sexy Dress.   

So I threw on some sexy heels, my red panties, and a cute dress and headed to work.  It’s red panty night for my husband so when I get home I expect to be wine and dined and then have him go down on me and put his tongue where the sun don’t shine.  And if he does it right, I may let him slide something else in me.

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Naughty Selfies – Baddie with a Fattie

Naughty Selfies – Baddie with a Fattie

I’ll try to keep these selfies limited to new outfits, panties, and ideas, rather than the exact same poses and panties every day. Thankfully, I do change my panties! Unfortunately, until I learn how to stretch and morph my body into alien-like positions,  I am a bit limited at what I can do with my camera! Baddie with a Fattie.

bad·die /ˈbadē/A baddie is a girl who is super attractive. She slays whether she’s wearing a tight dress or sweatpants. She’s usually slim thick and has all the curves in all the right places. She’s also a little bit sassy which makes her that much more attractive.

Dear Naughty Selfie Diary: A Baddie with a Fattie.

Last day of work before Thanksgiving holidays. And it’s a cold one.  That doesn’t stop me from dressing cute! So when you take off all the layers of my outfit: black pea coat, black scarf, black gloves, black beanie…and then lift up my black sweater dress and get exposed to a full black bush. 

But before I expose the bush, I let my panties hold it all creating a nice fattie in my panties.  My husband loves this.

He said to me after he received my selifes:

Damn, looks like you have a fattie under those panties.

Continue Reading Naughty Selfies – Baddie with a Fattie

Naughty Selfies – Santa’s Little Helper

Naughty Selfies – Santa’s Little Helper

I’ll try to keep these selfies limited to new outfits, panties, and ideas, rather than the exact same poses and panties every day. Thankfully, I do change my panties! Unfortunately, until I learn how to stretch and morph my body into alien-like positions,  I am a bit limited at what I can do with my camera!

Dear Naughty Selfie Diary: It’s Nippy November!

I originally posted this photo on my naughty twitter account as soon as the Santa themed nighty arrived.  When my husband saw me wearing it,  he yelled, “Stand still, do not move a muscle.”  

If you look close, you can actually see me standing totally still.  See!  I’m not moving! 

Or…maybe you can see my nipples and thigh gap.  It’s whatevz.  

Although technically not a selfie, for us, anything taken with our cell phones is equivalent to a selfie.  This was taken on the fly. You can check our Erotic Photography section for photos that are sexual, but also taken in an artistic way (we hope).   Our original plan was to redo our entire Christmas photo set, but now I am unsure.  We will see what happens with that.  

You can check out all my naughty selfies here!


Naughty Selfies – For My Daddy

Naughty Selfies – For My Daddy

Sharing a few selfies I took for my daddy.  I’ll try to keep these selfies limited to new outfits, panties, and ideas, rather than the exact same poses and panties every day. Thankfully, I do change my panties! Unfortunately, until I learn how to stretch and morph my body into alien-like positions,  I am a bit limited at what I can do with my camera!

Dear Naughty Selfie Diary:  Daddy Dearest 

After a long 2 year hiatus, I started actively tweeting again on my naughty twitter account this October.  This was one of the first sets of naughty selfies.  I haven’t done that in ages.  Not that I do not take selfies for my husband, but usually I just take nudes. You know, all out with my balls out.  For the blog and social media, I am going to try and keep it classy, but still naughty in a fun way.  

Why do I call my husband my daddy?  Because he is my daddy.  He is the father of my kids, so naturally I refer to him as dad or daddy, even when talking to my children, because it’s how they know him. This is a point that is never really brought up in articles about women that call their husband’s daddy.  Well, when I ask my daughter to tell her father dinner is done, I say, “Tell daddy his dinner is ready.” I naturally refer to him as daddy around the house even when I am not talking to him.  But that isn’t the only reason.  I never really had a father figure that made me feel like his little princess, or gave me the attention I thought little girls got.  From stories or movies.  My father was abusive.  So what my daddy gives me has nothing to do with my biological father.  At all.  It’s more lack thereof.

Continue Reading Naughty Selfies – For My Daddy