Naughty Selfies – Jailbait and Jailhouse Stripes

jailbait assNaughty Selfies – Jailbait

Don’t let the jailbait title confuse you, I am of age…barely!  

I saw these panties and thought they looked like prison stripes.  Anyone want to break me out of jail?  

The obligatory spiel about this section and our goal:  I’ll try to keep these selfies limited to new outfits, panties, and ideas, rather than the exact same poses and panties every day. Thankfully, I do change my panties! Unfortunately, until I learn how to stretch and morph my body into alien-like positions,  I am a bit limited at what I can do with my camera! Either way, hopefully you guys have a great week and enjoy another edition of our naughty selfies.    

Dear Naughty Selfie Diary: Jailhouse Striped Panties

jailbait panties

jailbait stripesI repeat, I am of age!  I know, my smooth skin complexion and youthful legs may mislead….

Okay, let me stop.  I wish!

I decided to flash a bit of bling and give a little extra to all the fellas locked down doing hard time.  Now you will be doing hard time, and hard time.  

As always, snuck into the bathroom real quick and took a few selfies.  The old barely legal knees can’t handle to much more of these squatting selfies.  It takes me about an how to stand back up!

If you only knew how hard it was to hold my breasts and the camera at the same time,  you’d love me much more.   The selfies came out great though so I figured I would share.   Hopefully you guys enjoy the views.


My husband and I went camping the following day so although he wore my used panties, he couldn’t take a mirror selfie.  What he did do was take a quick shot of him taking them off before he showered at the campsite.   Sorry ladies (and fellas)!  

And the good news is, yes he wears sandals while in a public bathroom while taking a shower!  A man that cares about his feet and germs, probably has an amazing smelling dick and balls.  Just saying…

Well, I guess in his case, that isn’t true.  His dick and balls always smell like my vagina from yesterday.


You can check out all my naughty selfies here!


Naughty Selfies – Ugly Ass Panties

Naughty Selfies – Sexy Ass, Ugly Panties

Sometimes you hit and miss.  This time, we missed!  I found a Victoria Secret bag while cleaning up my closet.  To my surprise, it had 5 brand new pairs of panties in it.  What’s even more funny, it must have been around the time I thought thongs were cute, because two of them were thongs. Unsure of when I bought them, but it had to be about 4 or 5 years ago.  Although not as pretty as I remember, they make for a great blog title!  Because these are some ugly ass panties.

The obligatory spiel about this section and our goal:  I’ll try to keep these selfies limited to new outfits, panties, and ideas, rather than the exact same poses and panties every day. Thankfully, I do change my panties! Unfortunately, until I learn how to stretch and morph my body into alien-like positions,  I am a bit limited at what I can do with my camera! Either way, hopefully you guys have a great week and enjoy another edition of our naughty selfies.    

Dear Naughty Selfie Diary: Victoria should have kept her secret!

Every pair of panties has a story.  Here is mine:

The first thing my husband said when he saw these:

Oh my…


But it wasn’t a good “Oh my…”  It was more of a, “So abstract art on your crotch is a thing now?” type of ‘Oh my.’

But it doesn’t matter what he says.  Because the best part about these ugly panties was I knew my husband would be in them the next day himself.  Not to tease him, but it’s fun knowing he will also have to wear these ugly things the day after I have used them up.

Now, let’s put the ass in these ugly ass panties!

The way he stretches the fabric makes the design looks like a QBert video game melted on his hips!







You can buy these ugly ass used panties if you like.  Click here to find out size and your special request!  Want to see some other designs?  You can check out all my naughty selfies here!

thong song

Naughty Selfies – Thong Song

thong songNaughty Selfies – Thong Song

Anyone remember the thong song?  Thongs were big in the 90s.  Since I really am not up on my panty trends, they still may be big, but as far as I know they are a bit out of fashion.  However, a good ass will never be out of style!  And a good ass in a thong will probably always turn heads.

The obligatory spiel about this section and our goal:  I’ll try to keep these selfies limited to new outfits, panties, and ideas, rather than the exact same poses and panties every day. Thankfully, I do change my panties! Unfortunately, until I learn how to stretch and morph my body into alien-like positions,  I am a bit limited at what I can do with my camera! Either way, hopefully you guys have a great week and enjoy another edition of our naughty selfies.    

Dear Naughty Selfie Diary: Thong Tha-Thong Thong Thong

Although they are thongs, they seem to have a nice front area.  I don’t feel them riding up between my lips and irritating me.  This may be good for my husband tomorrow, as they may be able to hold his balls in place.  I sent him a few of my ass shots and here is his response:

Oh God, thongs again?   You look hot but now I am dreading tomorrow!



thong songI think he looks great.  He confirmed that they do hold his package in place but the back side, well…it’s a thong.  What does he expect?!  He told me he is scared to fart because it may whistle and alert his entire office that he is wearing panties!  


And since it’s a thong song, what better place to put our asses front and center.  Enjoy the view!

You can check out all my naughty selfies here.

Naughty Selfies – Make Sure Your Panties Match Your Shoes

Naughty Selfies – Make Sure Your Panties Match Your Shoes

You never know when you are driving home and end up in the back of an ambulance with your pants shredded so they can put a leg splint on you.   You have no control over that.  But you do have control over  making sure your panties match flawlessly with your shoes!  And even though it my coordination was a pure accident they wouldn’t know that.  I’ll just lean back in my oxygen mask and keep faking it until I make it (to the emergency room).  Either way, today I am ready for anything.

The obligatory spiel about this section and our goal:  I’ll try to keep these selfies limited to new outfits, panties, and ideas, rather than the exact same poses and panties every day. Thankfully, I do change my panties! Unfortunately, until I learn how to stretch and morph my body into alien-like positions,  I am a bit limited at what I can do with my camera! Either way, hopefully you guys have a great week and enjoy another edition of our naughty selfies.    

Dear Naughty Selfie Diary: Coordinate

And here is a quick shot of the back side for those that don’t care about the shoes.   

No culture having….

I am texting a few of these selfies to my husband and letting him know he better match me tomorrow

Here is his response:

Dang, super cute.
Your shoes match your panties!


Now let’s wait and see what he comes up with tomorrow.  Maybe he will spill a bit of milk on his shirt to match the stains I left on my panties?  LOL

Checkmate girl.  The hat matches panties…


So he sent me that message showing off that his hat matches my panties.  Smh.  How is he going to get all cocky and text me checkmate when he is taking a selfie wearing my dirty ass panties from the day before.   Checkmate my ass.  Plus, I didn’t realize this was a competition.   


You can check out all my naughty selfies here.

Naughty Selfies – Be My Valentines

be my valentines day pantiesNaughty Selfies – Be My Valentines

It’s Valentine’s Day so let’s celebrate with my valentine’s day panties.  They will leave your heart warm!

The obligatory spiel about this section and our goal:  I’ll try to keep these selfies limited to new outfits, panties, and ideas, rather than the exact same poses and panties every day. Thankfully, I do change my panties! Unfortunately, until I learn how to stretch and morph my body into alien-like positions,  I am a bit limited at what I can do with my camera! Either way, hopefully you guys have a great week and enjoy another edition of our naughty selfies.    

Dear Naughty Selfie Diary: Valentine’s Day Panties

valentines day panties


valentines day assAs always, I ran to the bathroom during my work day, which thankfully is Friday!  Not only Friday, but Valentine’s Day.  I took a few selfies with my Valentine panties and sent them to my husband.  I posted a few on my social media, and now I am adding them to our blog.  So much work to take these dang selfies!  Not much else to say, hopefully all the couples that read our blog, gay, straight, or bi, enjoy our Valentine selfies.  Have a great weekend!   Don’t be too naughty.


valentines day pantiesThe following day, my husband was wearing my used panties and ran to the bathroom before we checked out to take a quick selfie for the blog.  Nothing like celebrating Valentine’s day twice in one weekend.   lol!

I think he looks great!







You can check out all my naughty selfies here!