Lost a Used Condom Inside My Vagina!
Have you ever lost a condom inside your vagina for 4 days? Yea, me either. But I did read an interesting question from from a young lady regarding her experience. We have decided to do a bit of back and forth dialogue regarding the topic and different scenarios.
I’m 20 years old and have a story about a missing condom. So yesterday I was in intense pain while peeing and immediately called my doctor for UTI screening which I have never had before. The rapid test came back negative and my urine was sent to a lab for more accurate results. The day continues on and the pain decreases as I continue to hydrate and drink cranberry juice…weird.
This morning I pee with little to no pain and when I stand up a piece of condom falls out of me and I’m STUNNED. Never in my life has this happened before and I hadn’t had sex since Friday which means the piece of condom has been in me for 4 days now. We knew the condom had broke, but I didn’t realize that it had broken off inside of me. There is still SLIGHT discomfort when I pee but nothing even remotely comparable to yesterday morning.
I really just cannot stop thinking about this and was wondering if anyone has had similar experiences and knows if there are precautions I should be taking. We are both presumably STI free and I am getting tested soon regardless. I am on the pill and he pulled out, but is there anything else I should be keeping on my radar (toxic shock, infection of some kind, etc), or am I being paranoid? Can anyone share similar experiences?
Venice: I have never had this experience but I do wonder why it would hurt to urinate if she didn’t have a UTI. Unsure how a condom inside her vagina would hurt to urinate.
Ryan: Maybe it was covering her urethra and filling up inside her like a water balloon every time she went to the bathroom?
Venice: Oh my gosh! How do you walk around with a water balloon inside your vagina and not notice!
Another experience with losing a condom:
I had a condom in me all night and the next day. I had no idea and no pain it just fell out when I peed thank fuck. I leaned after that to always check it’s been disposed of and to pay attention to the guy taking it off and if I didn’t see ask.
Venice: Is it like a style for guys to wear baggy condoms now? wtf?
Ryan: Not uncommon for a guy to buy magnum condoms when they do not need a larger size.
Venice: Oh yea, I remember that article. It’s either an ego thing or they just have no idea what they are doing when they put a condom on.

Ryan: What bothers me though is what type of guy pulls out of a woman and notices he doesn’t have a condom on anymore, but doesn’t say anything?
Venice: The worst kind of guy.
Ryan: It’s not like your keys or your cell phone. You don’t forget where you put that dang condom while having sex.
Venice: I can’t imagine pulling out and looking down at your unprotected penis and saying, “Where did I leave that damn condom again? Ugh, let me retrace my steps.”
Ryan: I agree. I would be horrified if my condom fell off after sex.
Venice: Yea, but some guys do this on purpose. It’s like a weird form of stealthing.
Ryan: That’s crazy.
Venice: And illegal.
Another experience with losing a condom:
This happened to me quite a bit, my body rejected condoms and they either always split or the whole thing ended up inside me and had to be fished out. Longest I had some in there was a couple days but I did not have pain.
I would go back to the doctors just in case If I were you!
Ryan: This is a common thing?
Venice: I don’t think so, but we never used condoms so I just don’t have those types of experiences.
Ryan: She just seems way to experienced. I mean, she has fishing expeditions and has a leaderboard on how long certain boyfriends left condoms inside her?
Venice: I wonder if she has ever speared Moby Dick?
Ryan: Oh my… do you think you could lose a condom inside yourself?
Venice: Well, if you never told me, probably. It’s not like I sweep my vagina for foreign objects after we have sex together!
Ryan: But if you knew, would it be hard to find inside your vagina?
Venice: If I knew, no. The vagina isn’t that complicated. But I have experience exploring mine and other women, so I am no stranger to how a vagina should feel. And truthfully, there isn’t much to it. I think the term “fished out” is appropriate, regardless of how bad or funny that may sound.
Ryan: I am sure blogs like these get all the girls super excited about finally having sex with their boyfriends and deep sea fishing inside their vaginas for lost condoms!
Venice: This is definitely on every girls secret bucket list. Have my boyfriend’s used and full condom sit inside my vagina for days, fill up like a water balloon when I urinate until it burns, and eventually come out in parts and pieces.
Ryan: Every girls dream.
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