A Woman Caught Giving Oral Sex for Car Deal

A real sucker for a good deal.

At around noon on March 20, 2013, dispatchers received complaints of indecent exposure at a BP gas station parking lot in Blountville, Tennessee.  Crystal Frantzen, 28, was spotted performing oral sex on 58-year-old Gary Tipton in public “in exchange for a better deal” on a 90’s Cadillac she wanted to buy from him.  The act was allegedly taking place inside the very car that Tipton was trying to sell.

When Frantzen allegedly confessed, she never specified exactly what price she was hoping to get out of the oral agreement.  If the blow job would have gotten her a few new floor mats or maybe a couple hundred dollars taken off the car price, either way, she was a sucker for a good deal.

Gary Tipton was also found to be in possession of valium.

Frantzen was charged with prostitution, while Tipton was charged with patronizing a prostitute and drug possession. Both have been released on bond.

Source: Times News

Let Your Man Be A Man

Let A Man Be A Man
Let A Man Be A Man

Part of my transformation to becoming a woman was to pinpoint my shortcomings and rectify them.  Just because Ryan and I picked each other over the billions of people on this planet doesn’t mean everything is perfect.  I had to step back and look at myself in another light, a light that wasn’t very flattering.  I’m not saying that I’m right or wrong, but I do know through experience what works for me.

In looking at myself and seeing the way I treated Ryan and sex over the years, I’ve come to the conclusion that a woman should never suppress a good man from being a man.  Let me try to  explain.

We know that men are naturally built more physically superior to women: they’re taller and for the most part, stronger.  They also have deeper voices that connote aggression.  It’s the sound of the baritone coupled with non-physical aggression that can submit others without having to use physical force.  Women can learn to harness this aggression in a positive way to use it to their advantage; this means realizing that a man is capable of violence (protecting his woman during a bar fight, carrying her out of a burning building, etc.).  We look for these characteristics in a man and we are drawn to them for survival aspects.  Additionally, society has also taught us that men wield this natural power and have the ability to overwhelm more delicate creatures. Yes, I know there are exceptions.  But for the most part, men are the more physically superior sex.  As women, we learn to control this physical strength and make it our own.    I don’t want to get to far ahead of myself, so let’s stick to our men for now.

One way men release their aggression is through the use of force.  They punch walls, they break things with bats, they lift weights, they train and release stress with physical activity, and yes some even fight or start fights.  Unfortunately, for the men who can’t control themselves, their significant other can become a target of this aggression.  These aren’t the men I am talking about in this article, the ones that become violent with a woman, those men are garbage.  A real man uses his natural strength and aggression to protect what he loves the most, his wife and family. Because men have this natural advantage over women, they should never use it against them.

This is where trust plays a big part in a relationship.  If you have seen your man at his worst, his all-time low and he still wouldn’t think of hurting you, you know you can open the doors to physically trusting him.  If you have seen him angry and he still protects you physically and emotionally, then how could you not trust him when he is happy?  When I say happy, I mean during sex.  Most men are at their happiest when they are inside their woman.  The drug-like reaction to sex gives men a natural high.  I’ve given Ryan a blow job and watched his eyes roll back in his head like my mouth was a heroin injection.  Sometimes he will mumble something that makes no sense, like he is completely gone from this world.   I get this same reaction when I ride him or when he is going deep and slow inside me.  This is when he is at his happiest.  Maybe not in life, but daily.  Nothing will make him feel the way I make him feel each day. With that being said, again, if you can trust your man would never physically harm you when he is upset or angry, then you can trust he would never purposely hurt you when he is happy.  As his aggression comes out during sex (commanding you to a certain position, pulling your hair, pinning your arms down, fucking you hard and using his dick to punish the bottom of your pussy, spanking, etc.) by all means, let him be the man his instincts are telling him to be.   Trust that your man will never really hurt you.  These inner desiress are what makes a man tick.  The more you let him experience, the more he will appreciate you.

A prime example of this is our HIDDEN CAMERA video.  I placed my cell phone on a chair at the end of the room and called Ryan into the room.  He seemed pretty surprised since we don’t usually fuck in any rooms aside from the master bedroom. My intent was to record how I could take the reins in the bed, be in control, and be the dirty, nasty woman he loves that I can become.  I took his pants and boxer briefs off and sucked his cock, making him moan with every undulating wave of my throat around his manhood.  I do this as a warm up.  Before I knew it, our roles were reversed and he was giving me sexual commands.   I listened and did everything he said without hesitation.  As he picked me up off the bed and spun me around preparing to fuck my face, I took the role of the submissive female he needed at that moment and let him totally take me.  After getting my face fucked for a few minutes, he turned me over and rammed his tongue down deep in my asshole, wetting me up just enough to make sure his dick would slide in my anus without ripping it.  This wasn’t my plan, and the young me definitely would not let him take my ass without a couple months notice and a lot of begging.  My original intent was to take control and dominate him.  Not with strength, but with my sexual prowess.  But once the animal instinct in him was roused, I knew what I had to do: I had to let him be a man.  To  suppress his urge would be emasculating him.  Never suggest to your man that you do not want him to be a man, especially when you know his intentions are good.  A man needs to feel like an animal, he needs to lead his pack.  It’s his instinct to ravish his woman and make her swoon underneath him.

I strongly believe that it’s crucial for a man to be able to show his manhood, not only in day-to-day life, but also in the bedroom.  Not every single moment, but a woman must allow him to “flex his testosterone.”  It’s a man’s job to protect a woman with his strength, that’s why a woman seeks out the taller, stronger, and all around more manlier male. Women are drawn to someone who can protect her. These are the genes she wants to pass to her offspring to ensure survival.  It’s instinctual in all species. Once a man has found his mate, it means he has found someone who has made him happy and complete. His priority is to PROTECT the one thing in the world that makes him happy.  Protecting his woman is protecting his own happiness.  The better the woman treats him, the more he wants to protect her. Not just physically, financially, or from harm, but also protecting her heart.  He doesn’t want her to experience pain and will do whatever he can to keep her from heartache.  So it goes without saying that the protection he provides for her will include shielding her heart from other men taking it from him.  If the threat isn’t physical, a good man will better himself to make sure she sees no better options.   His attention is hers.

This is how a woman tames her beast.   This is also how a woman abuses her own new powers, especially younger women.  Once a woman realizes she controls his happiness, it’s easy for her to ween him, giving him just enough to satisfy his urges. This weening process usually goes unnoticed, but it happens.  It happened to me.  Not maliciously, but I went from giving Ryan sex each day because I wanted it, to telling him he wants it too much.   What could emasculate him more than making him feel wrong for wanting his woman too much?   Even though that is the way I felt, I was young-minded.   Ryan took what he could get and slowly became more of zoo-raised lion, a tamed beast.  Although he remained loyal, mentally I wasn’t there for him during sex.  I may never have an answer for why.   And even though we were still in love, I felt like he no longer cared about protecting my attention or heart.  This could have been the beginning of the end, for both of us.

There is nothing wrong with trying to help your man become a better person, but don’t emasculate him.   By no means am I innocent of this.  I remember clearly giving Ryan dirty looks and saying things like,  “Please do not hold my head down against your crotch, I can do that myself.”  He was a good man, so for the next few years he probably never touched my head again.  If he did, I would stop sucking and glare at him.   My young mind didn’t grasp that I was turning my man into something I didn’t want.  I wanted a man, but my own ego got in the way of letting him be a man.  I was in a tug-of-war and my ego was beating the lady inside me.  I loved anal orgasms, but I hated he wanted to fuck my ass.  I wanted to taste all of him, but hated thinking he would feel so good about cumming in my mouth.   I could see a porn and get horny watching a man shoot his cum in the porn stars face, but I didn’t want Ryan to do that to me.  If he asked, I would always let him, but my attitude or body language let him know I wasn’t happy.  This took its toll.  With age, I learned that I controlled whether our sex was good or bad.  I controlled what could happen and what couldn’t happen.  I controlled where he could cum or if I would help him jack off onto his own stomach.  I’ve learned with a good man that wants to keep his woman happy and protect her, will in essence give up his manhood for her.  I never wanted Ryan to quit being the man I fell in love with and it was this thought process that led me to burying the little girl inside me.

So I asked myself, do I want a boy that makes love to me like a high school kid that is overly worried about me being mad or upset after sex?  Or do I want a  man who takes his woman and makes her beg for more.   My attitude and limits control our sex life.  I decided to grow up and let go of the invisible rope and quit playing tug-of-war with myself.  Now I prefer him grabbing my head and holding me against his crotch.   I love feeling his strong grip on my head.  I want him to roll me over and take my ass.  Our best sex is when he is in my ass and I get to be a total woman and scream for him to take all of me.  I can’t even fuck him anymore without asking him to hold my arms as tight as he can above my head.  I want to feel overwhelmed by his manhood:  his dick, his body, his strength, his attitude, his aggression.  I want to feel his 6’5″ frame squeeze my shoulders and arms as his hips push his long engorged dick  in my body as hard as he can.  I want to be his stress relief and show him how resilient a strong woman can be.  No matter how much effort he puts into his thrusts, he knows I want it all.  I want him to know I am the one that gives him more pleasure than anyone ever could.  I want to show him I have no limits because I trust he would never hurt me.   I want to feel his entire body, machine-like, turn into putty in my hands as he unloads his semen inside me.   I want to hold him in my arms and tell him I am okay as I listen to him catch his breath.  I want to run my fingers through his hair and tell him he is the best man I’ve ever had or known.   This is my role as a woman.

Let a man be a man.

A Female’s Experience With Erotic Asphyxiation

I mentioned in my article, Face Fucking, that I held my breath because it made my orgasm more intense. Why is that? My thought process was simple: in order not to throw myself off, I had to keep as still as possible, and keeping as still as possible meant not breathing. After I tell Ryan that I’m about to cum, my body tenses up and I wait for my orgasm. In that brief three-second period, I will begin holding my breath and continue doing so until I’m about halfway done with my orgasm, which is comprised of anywhere between 15-20 mini convulsions. Then I would exhale deeply as if I lost my breath and was just getting it back. I thought that was weird, too. But I figured my muscles and insides were racing, causing me to “work” without really moving. Kind of like holding a push-up in the up position – you aren’t moving, but somehow you’re tired after about a minute.

For those of you who don’t know, autoerotic asphyxiation is:

A form of sexual masochism in which oxygen flow to the brain is reduced, as by controlled strangulation or suffocation, in order to enhance the pleasure of masturbation.” (Medical-Dicionary)

Author John Curra wrote, “The carotid arties (on either side of the neck) carry oxygen-rich blood from the heart to the brain. When these are compressed, as in strangulation or hanging, the sudden loss of oxygen to the brain and the accumulation of carbon dioxide can increase feelings of giddiness, lightheadness, and pleasure, all of which will heighten masturbatory sensations.”

This may have gotten mainstream exposure since the passing of actor David Carradine, who supposedly died because of autoerotic asphyxiation. Of course this is a taboo subject and even falls into the category of being a sexual deviant. And with good reason: when the victims are found they are in compromising positions, their genitalia are hanging out (sometimes still erect), and for the first time their families get a glimpse into their unknown sexual activities. Not the way their families want to remember them. And taboo because people really don’t want to give young, impressionable minds ideas. Guess what: it’s been around longer than you think.

While the cases are few and far between, there are indeed instances where the media have been blamed for, not necessarily glorifying autoerotic asphyxiation, but by simply bringing it to the public’s eye. In the case of Herceg v. Hustler, the mother of a 14-year-old boy sues Hustler magazine because her son read about autoerotic asphyxiation in an article in their magazine (HERCEG v HUSTLER).

The term erotic asphyxiation is the nearly the same  as autoerotic asphyxiation, except you have a partner with you,  whick keeps things safer and more controlled.  In this blog, everything I do is safe and controlled.  I would not advise anyone under any circumstances to do anything I write about in this blog, even if you have a partner.

Now, this is not something I practice. But I can at least understand how some can derive pleasure from it. At first I didn’t even connect my holding my breath to the idea of erotic asphyxiation until recently. When I first heard of erotic asphxiation, I could not understand how people could find sexual gratification from being deprived of air. I couldn’t understand it because I, myself, would get too nervous about passing out and subsequently ruining my orgasm. As I stated above, I thought holding my breath helped to ensure my orgasm wasn’t ruined by my own movement. But thinking about it like this, I came to believe that it has some semblance in that the lack of oxygen enhanced the orgasm.

Chokes are no joke
Chokes are no joke

Recently I jokingly told Ryan that he should choke me as soon as I told him I was going to cum. I was scared at first because I did NOT want to pass out. I was afraid that Ryan would not know when to ease up on the choke hold and I would accidentally get hurt.  To prepare for this experiment, Ryan sat up on the bed while I laid between his legs. I spread my pussy lips open and began to stroke my clit in little circles, dipping my fingers inside and using my own froth to make my lips slick. I closed my eyes and relaxed. He squeezed my breasts and tugged on my nipples between his fingers. He licked behind my ear and on my neck, hitting the sensitive spot and shooting a sensation straight to my g-spot. My breathing became more shallow, shorter. I was starting to feel the beginning of my cum brewing. I slipped my fingers in me for more of my juice, circling my swollen lips and clit in a steady motion. I squirmed against Ryan’s body as his dick rubbed down my lower back. I moaned softly. Ryan knows to steady his movements so I don’t get distracted. I moan a little louder and tilt my head back. We both know I’m close. Ryan pinches my nipples harder and grazes my neck with his teeth. I tell him that I’m about to cum. The muscles deep in my pussy twitch twice before I feel Ryan slide his arm up; the crook of his arm embedded itself under my chin as he flexed his bicep. I see darkness closing in from the outside of my range of sight. As he squeezes harder, the heat flows in my eyes and surrounds my face. My eyes feel like they’re going to pop out as he maintains the blood choke on me. I feel only one more twitch in my pussy before I panic and lose the rest of my orgasm.

The result: there’s no possible way for me to enjoy erotic asphyxiation through this method because it’s ruined by my own panic and paranoia. However, I do hold my breathe as it does undoubtedly intensify my cum.

But the experiment isn’t over. The way I learned that I was holding my breath was when I first learned to deepthroat. Why? Because I can’t breathe! Being choked externally, I panic. I freak out when I feel hands or arms  around my neck and I’m not in control. The oxygen choke (what I get when I hold my breath or deepthroat) is a controlled choke. The blood choke (being choked by someone) is faster and one that causes fear because I cannot manage it myself. Face fucking and deepthroating are two ways in which I may have somewhat control over the amount of oxygen that enters my body. A good face fucking limits my air supply (but I control it) and gives me the most intense orgasms because I get the thrill of asphyxiation but the safety of self-control.

As a female, I cannot explain why men find erotic asphyxiation enjoyable; though I can explain why having Ryan’s dick deep in my throat (unable to breath) gives me some of the best orgasms. There have been many times where I’ve touched myself while Ryan kneeled above me.  I’d take his dick in my mouth and pull him down until he was completely in my throat; in doing so, I deprive myself of air. I want his dick deep down in my throat as I cum.  I scream on his dick while I orgasm making my throat and mouth vibrate around him.  This lasts about a minute.  Sometimes Ryan gets afraid I’m not getting enough air and slowly lifts his dick out of my throat too early, I’ll immediately yank him back down onto me so I can finish.  I’ve even told him that if he does this, it ruins my cum.  In other words, if he pulls his dick out of my throat while I am cumming, it throws off the rest of my orgasm.  I stop cumming immediately and do not fully enjoy myself.  Not good.  I want to feel my mouth, throat, and face full of his body, to the point I can’t  breath while I orgasm.  This intensifies my cums.  Most of the cases of autoerotic asphyxiation involve males, but this is MY version of it.  I may not enjoy physically being choked, but I do enjoy the intense cum and the thrill of not being able to breath.

Does this mean I enjoy (autoerotic) erotic asphyxiation?  To a degree, yes.  Not in the traditional sense that we’ve all read about where a person practices alone and ends up killing himself.  I have noticed that while I orgasm I do love some enjoyable, tolerable pain – I love Ryan’s dick thrusting as hard as he can in my pussy, ass, and throat during my orgasms.  In saying this, I believe I prefer this controlled suffocation as a form of tolerable pain.  I also believe the  difference lies: In reading (Ryan is not into erotic asphyxiation and doesn’t enjoy feeling lightheaded or being choked during sex/masturbation — so this article is based off things I’ve read about men and the pleasure they receive from autoerotic asphyxiation), men seem to enjoy the moments prior to an orgasm.    The lack of oxygen heightens their sense and creates a lightheaded feeling that seems to amplify their orgasms.  I’ve also read that the lack of oxygen will create a better erection.  In fact, asphyxiation was originally a treatment of erectile dysfunction.  It is said that during public hangings, some men would get erections, some even keeping these erects after death (death erections).   I do not enjoy erotic asphyxiation for any of those reasons.   For me, it’s not the moments prior, but the punishment to my body during the orgasm itself.  This punishment prolongs my orgasm and makes the feeling much more intense.  The idea of having a penis deep down my throat to the point I cannot breath turns me on and keeps my body tense and orgasmic.   The abuse and tension keeps me from wanting to breath, as I squeeze and release myself.   With my first breath, my body relaxes and the orgasm subsides.  That’s my reasons.

 To make things clear, I do not condone autoerotic asphyxiation.  Why? It’s a dangerous practice and no one in their right mind would condone that.

Hypothetically Speaking: The Reality of Us Swinging

SwingersAs we understand it, swinging is one couple having sexual relations with another couple. However, there are grey areas here as some single men are also in the swing lifestyle. Although I’d disagree with this, I’d consider a single man in the “get ass any way I possibly can lifestyle.” If he isn’t sharing or letting someone explore his intimate other, he isn’t swinging. I’ve heard some couples compare the single man in the swinging lifestyle to a parasite. But other than that, the crowd is usually open-minded, as you would have to be to accept other couples into your bedroom. Either way, there are different types of swinging, like there are different types of porn. You have your hard swingers and your soft swingers. Hard swinging is swapping partners, either same or different room. Full intercourse, oral, anal, whatever. Each partner swaps and they enjoy themselves however they like, or however they have set up their own personal boundaries with their partners. Soft swinging is not quite as hardcore, but it is how most swingers start out. Same room sex but you remain with your own partner. There may be some touching of other partners, female on female if the ladies are bi, and possibly oral, but that is a grey area. I’d feel oral crosses over into the hard swinging, but what if it’s just a man eating you out while your partner has sex with you. That isn’t quite like watching your husband watching you suck off another man in front of him. With the different types of oral, different boundaries, oral would still be considered soft swinging by most couples.

With that said, we are lifetime members of swinglifestyle.com but have never met with any couples. We’ve conversed and explored different ideas, but never set up any dates to meet any couple because the idea turns us on more than the actual idea of sharing. We are stingy.

Then came Twitter…

Twitter has allowed us to talk to many amazing people we would otherwise not talk to in real life. What’s even better is we get to delve into their lives via pictures and endless overlapping conversations with 140 characters or less, every letter counts, which in turn either makes you a “parts 2 and 3” tweeter or a succinct one.

With me being bi-curious and Ryan being open-minded, we can talk about our likes and dislikes about the fetishes, preferences, and people in general. Recently we had a discussion about swinging. We both agreed that we would never hard swing. Neither of us have the desire to give ourselves to anyone else. Soft swinging, on the other hand, is something we might consider since there are boundaries and no partner swapping.

With that out of the way, we discussed what we would both be comfortable with.  Ryan has no interest in seeing me suck or fuck another man, AT ALL.  He is open-minded with certain things, but he has no interest in sucking or being fucked by another man.  I understand this.   We are both stubborn, but we’d like to think we are open and very non judgemental. Neither of us would ever settle for less just to get our rocks off. A lifetime of regret isn’t worth 30 minutes of experimentation, and I plan on being with Ryan for my lifetime. It’s this same attitude that keeps either of us from cheating. We both love each other and we can openly talk about our lusts and desires without getting mad at one another. As long as I do not judge him and try to understand, he seems to be okay with opening up with me about different scenarios.

For me, the bi-girl in the other couple could do whatever she wanted with me, but her interaction with Ryan would be limited. Maybe touching him, maybe helping with oral sex, but definitely no penetration. (***this has now changed as I do not mind penetration for small periods of time as long as I am in control of his dick and using it to spoon out her juices and eat her off his dick).  I would let her kiss me with Ryan’s cum in my mouth if she wanted, but I don’t want to see Ryan ever fucking another woman. Ryan has said he is totally okay with that and has explained to me that he would not be offended if me and the girl had little to no boundaries with each other. I would let her do whatever she wanted with me, including me or her putting a strap-on on and working each other’s pussies over. I think most men, including Ryan, wouldn’t have an issue with this. But the bi-woman looking to jump in with a couple is called a “unicorn” for a reason.

As far as couples go, this is pretty simple.  Soft swinging is all we’d consider.    Us girls can play if we get along and want to.  The guys can watch (***we have moved away from the idea of soft swinging, as the idea of being watched turns us both off).   Our own personal boundaries are the same, regardless of the  female or a couple.  We have no interest in seeing the other have oral sex (***this has also changed, as I am okay with Ryan and I eating out a woman together) or sex with another person, but are definitely okay with playful touching and being licked respectfully.    This would be totally up to the other couple, as we understand our boundaries are   pretty constricted.   Otherwise, we would be into same room play and watching the other couple get off while we did the same.  That sounds kinky and fun.

I talked with Ryan today and we both decided this would be a good blog topic. Other than our faces we have been very open with our readers, trying to keep everything as authentic as we can. We aren’t the greatest couple in the world, but we are honest and sincere with our strengths and shortcomings. We may flirt on Twitter, but our love is stronger than the need for retweets. With good communication and strong boundaries it is possible to enjoy flirting and teasing others, but still be very faithful to your spouse.

What do you think?

Originally posted:  Dec, 12, 2012.

***Edited on December 9, 2013.   Look how much has changed in a year?!   Our boundaries have opened a bit but we have abandoned the idea of “soft swinging”.  Although we are open minded enough to understand why some couples do this, we learned that we are not  into being watched or playing in front of another couple.  Ryan isn’t comfortable and I absolutely only have the desire to play with other women.  Instead we have opened up our bedroom to threesomes and looking for a female partner that turns us both on and fits our mold.

Project: Asian Bush – Growing Out My Bush in Photos

Project: Asian Bush – Growing Out My Bush in Photos

When I first announced that I was thinking about growing out my bush as my next sexblogging.com project, I immediately received a lot of flack from visitors to our site.  The response to the idea was almost funny, because a few people E-mailed us almost begging me not to ruin my body.   The E-mails expressed how much they hated how the bush on a woman looked, how it was gross, how it was unclean, and how they would never be attracted to any woman who had a hairy snatch.

First, I’d like those upset followers to know the bush is not going to be permanent.  I will not be tattooing myself with genital hair that can never be removed.  I also promise you that I will shower daily and keep myself as clean as possible.   Unfortunately I cannot do anything about my snatch looking gross to you, but hopefully when I shave it off I will immediately be put back into the “ungross” category.

Why I Am Growing Out My Bush

I guess before I start I will try to explain why I thought the idea of growing out my bush would be fun to begin with.  I’ve notice online, and probably because of the laws in Japan that prohibit porn from showing the actual genitals, that a lot of Asian women have a bush.   I’d assume this is because if Japanese women did not have a bush, then their porn would show nothing.  Although the genitals are censored, the hair is not.  This would make pubic hair in the Japanese culture very important.  Even if a Japanese man is with his wife, obviously in real life there is no censor blur in front of her vagina, but since men have been conditioned to only enjoy the site of a pubic hair through porn and photos, why would he ask his woman to remove this aphrodisiac  (which we can now call an afrodisiac)? I believe the same can be said for the older generation here in the United States.  The younger generations seem to think that the bush is gross or unclean, while the older generations love and appreciate a hairy vagina.  When they grew up, all their porn had hairy women.   Their first experience was with a woman who had hair.  The bush was a sign of womanhood for them.   This lust and fetish doesn’t change because women in the 90s started shaving landing patches and bermuda triangles in their crotches.  Eventually, getting rid of any sign of hair and going completely bald eagle.   Some men absolutely love a thick bush, and I can respect that.

The Asian Girls and their Hairy Bush

Before you judge Asians as a non-evolving culture regarding pubic hair, think of the times you have seen pubic hair in an American movie.  Full frontal nudity is still rare, but when it does raise its head, the female actresses always seem to have hair.  The hair represents nudity without it being labeled as pornography.  It represents the taboo of the revelation in American cinema.  Conversely, in almost all American X-rated movies, the adult film stars have their pubic hairs shaved off (which has become an accepted norm) making it easier to see the details of dicks and pussy in action.

The History of the Bush and Pubic Hair

The history and the importance of why humans have pubic hair is unknown, but a lot of people suspect it has to do with the pubic hair helping to retain the natural pheromones produced by glands to entice the opposite sex.  Before you shrug off the idea that we actually need a reason to attract the opposite sex, try to understand that animals do go in “heat.”  Smells released from the female body attract the opposite sex (cats & dogs for example), and the male will know it’s that time.   Although we are not cats or dogs, the concept remains.  As noted in an article written by Dr. Kristie Leong:

A thick patch retaining a woman’s natural pheromones makes sense.  According to some theories, animals and people are attracted to members of the opposite sex who have pheromone scents that are distinctly different from their own. This reduces the risk of inbreeding, which could produce offspring with genetic defects. Pubic hair helps to trap these volatile scent molecules, which are quickly broken down when exposed to air.

I personally find myself attracted to Ryan’s underarms, which I kiss and lick each morning.  I also know my underarms drive Ryan insane.  I’ve watched him sniff and lick under my arms (when I do not get ticklish) and get the hardest erections I have ever seen.  I also will notice at times when we are having sex, he can cum almost immediately if I lift my arms up and let him smell my pheromones.  This isn’t just some article I read, this is my own experience.

I have heard of other reasons for pubic hair which I may not agree with, but I suppose are worth noting.  It is said that rough hairs in the pubic region help protect the delicate tissues of the genitals.  This would explain why the pubic hair is unlike the hair on your head.  I am unsure about this theory, as I let Ryan beat my thing up to the point of no return, and within the next few days my “delicate” skin is back and ready to fuck.  Hair or no hair, my vagina doesn’t feel more protected from the large penis going in and out of my body.   Since I wear clothing and do not walk around nude, I will never know if the bush protected women, or kept them warm when they didn’t have much clothing.   I assume the same would be said for the bush being this great protector.  I’ve heard that the bush helps keep harmful particles out of the vagina (an argument I’ve heard in defense of actually keeping a bush — people’s misconception of the lack of bush being “cleaner”).  Since we wear clothing, again, my vagina is protected from whatever harmful particles it needs to be protected against.   I am not a big fan of these reasons for keeping your pubic hair, but nonetheless, they are different theories worthy of this blog.

Less so now, but prior to civilized times,  pubic hair would also be a sign for a male to know a woman is ready to reproduce.   Pubic hair is a sign of puberty, which is also a sign a woman is fertile.  For that reason, girls with pubic hair are no longer girls, but women.  This concept is not too far fetched as Ryan has also told me that he cannot wait to see my pubic hair in all its glory.  He has also said that when he grew up, a shaved vagina was unheard of.  A real woman had hair.   All the porn he had seen, which wasn’t much, but the same dumb little VCR tape him and his siblings hid from their parents, had nothing but 70s porn stars, all full of hair.   This was the most sexual thing he had ever seen, and these women, hair and all, definitely turned him on.  Not to mention, he has told me all the movies in the 80s never showed genitals.  The only way “nudity” in a movie was either breasts, or a huge bush.  Unlike the younger generation that have no idea what it’s like to see bush in an 80s film (what do the films show these days?), Ryan loved it.   That love has definitely created a slight fetish, as he is excited as hell to see my thick Asian bush.

Enough with History, Let’s Get Into Growing My Asian Bush!

With all that said, let’s get back to the project at hand.  After a long and arduous adventure going from 25 straight days for our xxxmas pictures to 31 days of eating cum shots, we wanted to come up with something a bit easier.

Although the daily photo shoots were fun and Ryan and I got to spend a lot of time together, it was extremely tedious.  So in deciding our next project, we knew it had to be something that was  a bit less strenuous and didn’t take too much prep time. Fun, yet not exhausting. Finally I came up with the idea of growing out my bush.

The last time I had a bush was when I first Ryan.  That was many years ago and we had both forgotten what it looked like.  Growing up, I had a bush and that was that.  I never thought about shaving, trimming, or shaping it.  The first time I’ve seen myself truly clean shaven since puberty was after I met Ryan, about 6 months into our relationship.  Since then, I have never grown out my bush to its fullness, never going more than a week before shaving fully again.  I know from experience that the first day after I shave my skin gets very irritated.  In preparing for Day One’s picture, I shaved everyday for a week prior to February 1, 2013, the first day I will start growing my bush.  I did this in order to allow my skin to become less itchy, bumpy, and/or inflamed on the actual day of the the photo, and since I used a brand new razor this week I knew I would be more susceptible to cuts, nicks, and overall skin irritation.  Additionally, I used cocoa butter in the morning and evening to keep my skin soft and to lessen the appearance of chafed skin.  In my opinion, it has done an excellent job.  I expect that as my hair starts to grow in, I’ll experience major itching and prickling.

For the finished product, if I get one “you look like you got Buckwheat in a leg lock” joke, I know that I’ve succeeded.

Each week I will post my bush on my Twitter Page and add a photo of my growth in the gallery below.  On the final day (unless we end up loving the bush), we will post photos of me creaming up and shaving.

UPDATE: Project Growing my Asian Bush – Friday, March 8, 2013

I’m not gonna lie to you, folks: I miss being bald.  I have about 1/3 of an inch of hair since I first shaved a month ago.  This is the most hair I’ve had since…well, ever.  I cannot even remember what it feels like to have this much hair.  Judging from the amount of hair growth I currently have in the month since this project started, I think it’s safe to say that I’m going to be here for another two months. Before the start of this project, I predicted that it would take approximately three months. I came up with this number because several months ago I’d actually gone a week without shaving.

What I do know is that 1/3 of an inch is NOT a full bush for me.  How do I know?  Because I remember, at my peak, my loose hairs coming off as I ran my fingers through my hairs, examining them closely, and noticing they were closer to about 1 inch (fully extended and straightened out).  I remember wondering what the purpose of pubic hair being wavy and coarse was, and that clearly there is a specific purpose which your nether-hairs serve.  I came to the conclusion that the hairs seemed to act as Velcro, overlapping and using the neighboring hairs to latch on to, thus forming a barrier to protect the vaginal opening from dust, grime, lint, etc.   I don’t know if that’s how us ladies are built, but it sounds feasible.
Even with my hair at this current length, I can understand why most women prefer to be completely clean shaven.  I noticed last week that the hairs that were closer to my pussy hole absorbed a lot of lubrication (pussy juice, spit, etc.) that would otherwise be in direct contact with my skin is now caught in the carpeting.  Because of this, when Ryan’s cock goes in, the hairs come along with it.  Of course it’s not just the hairs going in, so if he goes in fast enough it will also take my lips and skin in that wouldn’t normally go in my hole.  If we’re not careful, this causes little tears and scrapes.  If it weren’t for the resiliency of the vagina skin, I’d be pissed at the fact I was constantly in danger of getting torn. Luckily for me (and Ryan) it usually takes about a day before the burning from the exposed skin is healed.  I don’t know how 80s porn stars did it.  I don’t know how anyone with an active sex life in this day and age STILL does it.


Update 2019?!  

No, I haven’t been letting it grow out for 6 years LOL.  I stayed completely shaved since that week 8 photo from 2013.  However, I have finally decided to go permanently natural. This seems to be extremely unpopular these days, but I enjoy how it looks and feels!   I am back to all natural and you can check updates of photos and my blog on the topic here.