One of our most popular projects that inspired various articles from mainstream magazines and websites. With that attention we decided the attention was a bit much and removed the photos of the 31 days. The gift and the curse. Our apologies. The archives are below:
‘Project 31’ started with our Christmas photos, which was actually ‘Project 25’, as we shot a photo every day of December prior to Christmas. Some were silly, some were dumb, some were scary, but most were sexy as hell. During that 25 day period our brains circled on other ideas for month long photo shoots. It isn’t something I’ve seen done in other blogs (although I am sure it has been), so it feels original, fun, and keeps us updating daily. Our next Project 31 will be growing out Venice’s bush on camera. Yes, she is Asian and has noticed all the internet porn sites filled with little Asian women and their little but extremely hairy vaginas. I don’t think I have seen her with a hairy vagina except when we first met, she was young and still proud of her shapely bush. I was already trimmed, so it didn’t take long for her to follow my lead. She didn’t trim it, she got rid of it all. And after her first shave, she never let it come back. The beginning of the “even landing strips is too much hair, get rid of it all” era. There have been times where she may have had a slight trim, but the full Asian bush, she hasn’t had since her puberty growth. That will also not technically be a Project 31, as we are planning to take a photo each Friday until we feel her growth is absolutely complete. We will then possibly do a full photo shoot of her spread eagle with nothing showing, because her hair covers up everything, hah. That’s the plan, but it may not work out that way.
However, that is way off topic. Originally we planned to have Venice write THIS blog the last day of the month. I think our intention was to see if her feelings towards a cum shot had changed or if she liked to swallow more. It was a dumb plan because she never really had issues with swallowing to begin with, especially prior to this Project 31. For the last year, Venice has made leaps and bounds with her attitude towards sex, swallowing, and trying new things. She has gotten upset with me for even suggesting she doesn’t like the taste of my cum. It actually offends her that I say that. With that being said, I guess Project 31 taught ME something. I shouldn’t feel bad for wanting to see my woman swallow me or enjoy my cum. I admit, as a teenager I remember thinking that a woman shouldn’t have to swallow a guy, because her mouth isn’t equivalent to the paper towels or toilet paper I would clean up my sperm each night with. Just because I meet a girl that is willing to do anything to please me, all of the sudden my sperm, which I had been dumping in the toilet for years, was something worthy of being swallowed and enjoyed? I didn’t think so. That was the beta-male in me. The nice boy. I have changed just as much as Venice has changed.
There were times the bad boy would come out in me, the alpha-male, and I would ask her to swallow me as some sort of guilty pleasure. I was still little boy minded and felt bad about my own desires. I felt bad that I wanted to see her do things I once considered dirty and selfish. I remember fucking Venice roughly, punishing her with my my body and talk.. I’d look down on her and tell her I am going to pull out and cum all over her face and in her mouth. She would look up at me and moan that she couldn’t wait. As I reached my orgasm I would pull out, and nicely aim for only her mouth. Then, after my orgasm was complete, the animal inside me would quickly die off and I’d feel totally bad for Venice below me, mouth full of cum. I’d nicely get off her and say, “You don’t have to swallow if you don’t want.” She would then get up and spit it out in the sink. Although she would swallow everytime I asked, the guilty pleasure was more guilt. My desire to see her swallow me wasn’t worth this idea that she hated me for asking her to do it.
Although I am not the only one to blame for this behavior, Venice herself was still dealing with her own demons and reservations. She didn’t have to spit it out, so when she did, she herself showed me she would have rather spit it out than swallow. She also started to hold the cum longer after our sessions, which I took as her waiting for me to let her know she didn’t have to swallow. These actions only confirmed my guilt and made both of us even more reserved.
This has changed with day 31. For Venice it seemed to change last year when she made this huge transation and became a what I consider a whole new woman. Truthfully, I feel she transitioned from a young reserved girl caught up in an ego tug-a-war , to a confident woman who took back her identity by opening her mind and being the one in our relationship that is more receptive to new ideas. Not only that, she embraced everything sexual and turned it into positive thing in her life, rather than negative. The negative-to-positive transition can fix anything in my opinion. Now, this new woman needs a real man. I realize after Project 31 Days of Swallowing Cum, that I do not have to feel guilty for wanting to see my woman enjoy me. I realize as a teenager I was wrong as hell. I left my semen on paper towels because I didn’t have someone in my life worth sharing myself with. My semen is an extension of me, and without my soulmate, there was no other place for it. My cum wasn’t bad because I had to get rid of it, I had no other choice. An orgasm is a special thing, and to be able to share it with someone makes it even more special. I have never been squimish or grossed out by my own cum, and if Venice wanted to kiss with my cum in her mouth, I would without hesistation, always. The nice boy in me had his own reservations, but the man in me, who is still a nice guy, has put those behind him. It’s not wrong to want to be wanted by a woman. It’s not wrong to want to see her enjoy my body and fluids. At this point in our relationship, I can’t even believe I ever asked her to spit me out. I didn’t want to, but I felt bad. I know better now. Besides being a beta-male and passive on that certain issue, I was confused. Venice spitting out my cum would be like me going down on her and asking for a spit cup to spit in between licks, because I don’t want her in my mouth or body either. That would be ridiculous.
Anyway, hopefully the blog readers enjoyed this Project 31: Days of Swallowing Cum. I will add the photo gallery to this post as well and unsticky the original.
PS: I got caught up in my own thoughts and I forgot to mention how glad I am this 31 days is over. Truthfully, I didn’t enjoy grabbing the camera to take photos mid orgasm. Usually I will hold my orgasm for 10 seconds before letting it all go and enjoying what follows. I am also multi-orgasmic (like a woman, I can achieve multiple full orgasms without any breaks). With the camera involved, I feel maybe 2 seconds of the cum feeling, stop whatever I am doing and grab my camera, pinch the tip of my penis, and focus the picture. I then squeeze my dick (now already softening) and almost “pretend” to cum all over Venice for the camera. The orgasm feeling itself was ruined because I never got to hold the intense feeling in as long as I could, until it exploded on it’s own. The cum itself is ruined because the longer you hold in the orgasm, the more fluid seems to come out when you do release. The multi-orgasm is ruined because I am taking pictures and thinking about the quality of the shots. This was 90% of the month for me. Although I love Venice and appreciate what she did this month (she basically kept this Project 31 alive, because I remember being dead serious and suggesting we stop on day 9), I am glad it’s over. I added thsi last part just to be totally open and honest in the blog, but even the worse 31 days with Venice, is something I’d prefer than the best 31 days with any other woman… and I mean that.