Drinking Alcohol With Your Vagina

Drinking Alcohol With Your Vagina

Have you ever heard of the term, “You don’t believe me?  Snopes it then!”  Well, Snopes claims that women using tampons soaked in vodka to get drunk isn’t true. So you shouldn’t be drinking alcohol with your vagina, at least according to the mythbusters of the internet. There are a few people out there that beg to differ.  One of them being Melanie Berliet, who 6 years ago not only put a vodka soaked tampon in her vagina, but she also spent a night out on the town with a breathalyzer kit monitoring her blood alcohol levels.  

Bacterial Vaginosis is an infection caused by an imbalance of “good” and “bad” bacteria in the vagina, most commonly affecting women ages 15 to 44. The exact cause of the condition isn’t known, but certain activities like smoking and douching can increase your risk of getting it.

First, let me clarify.  Do not try this yourself.  I have never done this, nor would I experiment for this blog, as I do not feel it is safe. Plus, I have experimented enough for the blogging world!  I believe it works, but I also believe it’s dangerous as you can get alcohol poisoning much easier.  Not to mention alcohol would kill all the good things going on inside your vagina, specifically the good bacteria and your pH balance, and lead to a nasty UTI.  Mélanie Berliet has already risked her vagina for blogging sake, so there is no need to walk on the moon twice.

Why Would Anyone Try Drinking Alcohol With Her Vagina?

The same reason people shove alcohol enemas up their anus…

There are various reasons why a person may want to drink alcohol with their vagina.  To name a few, it will get you drunk faster.  This isn’t a new idea, just a bit sexier than the concept of putting alcohol in your colon through your anus

  • Alcohol directly in your vagina or anus will bypass the liver therefore going directly to your bloodstream.  This will cause you to get drunker much quicker, with much less alcohol.  
  • To continue with the last point, less alcohol means less calories.  You can drink less, therefore your body doesn’t intake as much calories.  
  • Bypassing the stomach also means the chances of getting sick and due to an upset stomach is much less likely.   In other words, no vomiting at the end of the night. 
  • For drinkers that may want to hide their breath, whether it be work, a group gathering, or underaged drinkers, unless someone smells your vagina, you will be undetectable.  However, to the underaged drinkers, your parents may not smell your breath but you may end up with alcohol poisoning so when they drive you to the emergency room, it won’t be a secret anymore.  

Below is an interesting article that goes into detail about a woman and her adventures with vodka, tampons, and her vagina.

Stick A Vodka-Soaked Tampon Up Your Vagina, Get Drunk by  Mélanie Berliet

For the first time one recent afternoon, I scour the shelves of my local liquor store considering not which varietal of wine my palate desires, but which brand of vodka my vagina deserves. General distaste for hard alcohol be damned, I’m on a mission to explore slimming, defined by Urban Dictionary as “the vaginal or anal insertion of a liquor (usually vodka) soaked tampon for the purpose of rapid intoxication.”

Surveying the options, I want to believe my lady parts are worthy of a pricy Grey Goose or Belvedere. Since I won’t taste the stuff, though, reason dictates going for something cheaper, like Smirnoff. Following a 10-minute long internal battle between sensibility and delusions of vaginal grandeur, I settle upon a 200-mililiter bottle of the midlevel Absolut for $9.99.

On the way home, I think about the time-honored tradition of getting wasted. Stone Age beer jugs dating back to the Neolithic period point to the consumption of alcohol by our prehistoric ancestors, and we know from pictographs that Egyptians were downing wine as early as 4,000 B.C. Cut to present day, by which time man has exploited his ingenuity in developing a vast spectrum of deliciously potent concoctions—from margaritas to fuzzy nipples—as well as various methods of consuming them—from shooting to bombing and funneling.

Although a great article, we will skim over a few paragraphs and get you guys to what you came here for.  Start drinking alcohol with your vagina girl! 

I may already be of legal drinking age, but as a steadfast supporter of the don’t-knock-it-‘til-you’ve-tried-it approach to life, I feel obligated to give slimming a go. As soon as I reach my apartment, I grab a Playtex regular tampon (capacity for absorption: 6 to 9 grams) from the medicine cabinet. I push the rocket-shaped cotton swab out from its plastic applicator and drop it in a shot glass. It’s then that I’m reminded that the device is designed to expand as it gets wet, which will make inserting it post vodka bath a serious challenge. Fortunately, I’m way too proud to bail on an experiment the average rebellious 16-year-old can handle.

In nothing but a bra, straddled above the toilet in case of drippage, I touch the sopping wad to my privates.

“Ahhhhhhh!” I exclaim, totally unprepared for the burning sensation down below. It feels like someone zapped me with a light saber. Don’t be such a pussy, I tell myself, then laugh at my own terrible joke.

This is why Snopes claims that this phenomenon is not real.  The amount of pain involved with shoving a vodka soaked tampon in your vagina, with the amount of vodka a tampon can actually hold, would be equivalent to a small mixer drink.  Would you burn your groin just to get the same buzz of a small mixer drink?  

Several deep breaths later, the thing is lodged inside me.

While dressing, I squint and flex whichever vaginal muscles I can to stave off serious discomfort. Eager for a distraction, I rush out to meet my friends wearing a black pleated dress, patent leather pumps, a grey blazer, and one laughably agonizing vodka-cotton contraption.

“Everything okay?” a friend asks immediately upon seeing me.

“Yup!” I assure, but my contorted expression tells a different story.

Twenty minutes later, when we arrive at a Chelsea gallery for a private opening, I’m feeling better. But is the thing working?

There’s only one way to find out. Inside a bathroom stall, I whip out a breathalyzer kit purchased at Brookstone just for the occasion. The gizmo reads my blood alcohol content (BAC) as a whopping .14% already.

Mingling with friends amongst art, I can’t help but smile. I’m definitely drunker than I would be otherwise, so I can nurse a glass of wine rather than chug it. I pat myself on the back for minimizing the day’s calorie count, and for being such an avant-garde drunkard.

It’s not until two hours or so later that I start to feel an inordinate amount of moisture accumulating in my underwear. If I don’t do something fast, I fear it’ll soon appear as if my water’s broken. Since I don’t have the baby bump to pull that look off, I dash to the ladies’ room yet again. I can only hope I haven’t left a dribble trail behind me and/or raised suspicion about having a coke problem.

Behind stall wall, I assess the situation. Fuck, I think, for neglecting to wear a panty liner. I have to get this thing out. If only being on the sauce didn’t make being nimble so difficult.

A good deal of concentrated pinching, prodding, and yanking later, my vaginal canal is free from alcohol. But the burning sensation remains.

Doctor, we may be in trouble here.  It seems like we have a possible wounded soldier. 

Symptoms?  She seems a bit drunk, but no more than a few shots.  However, her vagina is burning and it seems as if her labia are melting. 

Oh this is serious.  Give me a tampon soaked in monistat stat.   We will try to reverse the effects.

Back at home, incessant stinging motivates me to research the potential risks of what I’ve just put myself through. I’m soon reminded that there’s a reason we douse wounds in rubbing alcohol: As a solvent, alcohol kills bacteria. And while microbe slaying might be wonderful for avoiding infection through scrapes and cuts, it’s likely to upset the delicate balance of good bacteria inside a gal’s vagina.

The frequent slimmer might as well beg for a yeast infection. So moving forward, I plan to stick to ingesting alcoholic beverages orally—at least until someone teaches me how to “eyeball.” 

Thankfully this experience saved me from having to risk my vagina for the cause.  We salute Mélanie Berliet for staying in the trenches while the rest of us normally sipped on daiquiris without having to shove a tequila worm up our vagina holes.  

Nipsey Hussle’s Last Words before he was killed.

Nipsey Hussle was gunned down on March 31, 2019, by Eric Holder.  Out of respect for Nipsey, we will not use the shooters name again.  Although technically we should say allegedly, there are eye witnesses that grew up with the shooter and personally saw him shoot Nipsey.  We will believe our own eyes on this one and not wait for the verdict.  

It is now being reported by those close to Nipsey and was there when he got killed, what he said to the shooter after he was shot.  Nipsey’s last words:   “You shot me.  You got me.  I’m good.”

Various articles and sources have suggested that these last words angered the shooter.  Make no mistake, the shooter wasn’t going to leave until he knew Nipsey was dead.  The only thing that would have possibly kept Nipsey alive, was if he had guys around him with guns.  Unfortunately, he didn’t. 

Lets put his words in perspective.  I do not believe Nipsey would have yelled anything out at a shooter walking away.  That wouldn’t make any sense.  However, he would have absolutely said, “You shot me.  You got me.  I’m good.” as the shooter was walking back towards him with his gun aimed at him.  This isn’t the first time we have heard the words, “Are you good?”  or “I’m good” as a way to submit to aggression.  In fact, we have seen many fights where a guy will be mounted, raining down punches, while asking the guy on bottom if he is good.  And we have seen may brawls where the guy getting beat up says “I’m good…” to stop from being punched more.   It’s a cool way to let the person know, you learned your lesson.

Maybe this is seen as a submissive act and people want his last words to be cool, like a good one liner from a gangster movie.  This isn’t a movie.  Nipsey said exactly what he said in hopes the shooter wouldn’t shoot him again.  “You shot me.  You got me.  I’m good.”   This wouldn’t enrage a shooter, if anything, it would call for the last bit of decency he had in his soul to let Nipsey live.  He didn’t.   

The reports suggesting that Nipsey’s last words enraged the shooter makes it seem like he was being rebellious, or had he just not said anything, he would have lived.  We disagree.  The shooter was doing the devils work that day, and much like the music we play on repeat over and over, handled a situation where he felt disrespected.  Because Nipsey was like a homie to all of us, we have our blinders on and want to see the shooter as a villain.  I know I do.   Rather than having to pick sides, let’s just go back to fair ones and fades.  Please.

If you have not seen the footage we will link it from  youtube but will not embed it.  

Now, his brother, Samiel ‘Blacc Sam’ Asghedom, has reported that he arrived to the scene before the ambulance and Nipsey was still breathing.  His brother also reported that he didn’t know Nipsey was shot in the head until the paramedics came and lifted him.  That is when he noticed the wound in the back of his head.

Watching the surveillance video, you can see the only time Nipsey had his back turned to the shooter was when he first ducked and ran, and when he was on the ground.  With the gun wound only being in the back of the head, the very first shot may have been to his skull.  Maybe it didn’t kill him instantly, maybe this is why he said what he said, and maybe this is why it seemed like his lower body was paralyzed when he rolled over.   Either that, or that first shot lodged somewhere in his spine.  You can tell when he rolls over, he couldn’t really move his lower body.

March 31 is a sad day, because we didn’t just lose a musician, we lost a man that would have probably went on to be a mogul.  Maybe even a billionaire.  We will never know.  

The Legend Of Heather I Love Deepthroat: An Incomplete Story Of America’s Greatest Amateur Porn Star

The Legend Of Heather “I Love Deepthroat” Harmon 

If it wasn’t for Heather Harmon and Jim Harmon, Fuckblogging.com may have never existed.  Well, that may be giving them a little too much credit. However, a lot of edgy twitter accounts with amateur couples sharing their naughty pics and videos, all started with this amateur couple (or this was the first couple that really blew up back when the internet was the wild wild west).  I believe one of our first blogs ever was Venice writing about her experiences in learning to deepthroat.   And from there, our blog kind of moved into a lot of other things, including threesomes with other women, videos, and naughty photos.  Unfortunately for us, we never got rich off our blog, in fact, we haven’t made a penny!  But, to pay homage to these amateur legends that went from married couple uploading a few videos, to all out porn stars in the early 2000s, we decided to share a great article by Hersh Bavnik.  

Continue Reading The Legend Of Heather I Love Deepthroat: An Incomplete Story Of America’s Greatest Amateur Porn Star

Top 30 NSFW Sub Reddits (You’re Welcome)

It is well known that the internet was created for nothing other than porn and all the other unimportant things, such as information, just kind of fell into place. The unsung hero of the internet’s true purpose is its powerful reach when it comes to pushing the boundaries of smut itself. One of the best purveyors of NSFW content you won’t find anywhere else is Reddit.  The best NSFW Reddit combines sex appeal with niche fetishes and kinks, celebrates body positive, and even delves into the surreal. Our list of those communities shines a light on some of the darkest, most perverted, and most popular spots on the internet.

We have our own naughty selfie section for those interested in seeing what we look like and share online.  Or you can play “Where’s Waldo” and find us posting on these naughty nsfw sub reddits below!



Probably the main subreddit we browse.  We enjoy the witty comments, open-minded sexual questions, and enjoy reading various talk about random people’s sex life. It’s kind of what we do with our blog right?  We ourselves have posted on this subreddit numerous times, been called “trolls” because some of our adventures seem unreal to some users, and also have been complimented.  No hard feelings, we are real and we love this the r/sex sub reddit!  


The real MVP.  Men and women a bit self conscious about their bodies ask for feedback from the internet.  Protected by mods so you cannot troll or be mean, so it’s extremely body positive and fun to look at!  Enjoy.


Like us, we are embracing natural hair, the natural bush, and both growing out our hair.  This is a nsfw sub Reddit that has stages of women going through hair growth.  It is beautiful and sexy.  We love it!


The asian bush.   The best bush.

You can follow her on twitter as well.


Again with the hair!  Well, since we are both all natural and have decided to give up the razor, it only makes sense that we would enjoy a subreddit that is all about the beauty of the bush.  Not everyone’s cup of tea, but definitely ours!


This is another random subreddit we found very fun and sexy.  There are a lot of subreddits like this, very particular to what you are looking for.  If you love large nipples, like erasers, this subreddit is for you!


Selfies taken from changing rooms.  Help these ladies pick out the outfits they will be wearing that night.  Help them pick out the right panties and bra.  Or just look at them flashing their breasts while inside a changing room.


If you have followed our blog at all over the last 5 years, then you know Venice is Asian, and Ryan loves Asian women!  Well then of course they love the subreddit of amateur Asian women sharing their bodies for fun!  Asainsgonewild is a hot spot for the Bloggs on reddit.  And if you have a thing for Asian women, this is where you will learn all about their naughty bits.


And one last Asian category to grow on.  Literally.  Good community, a lot of content, and you may find me there exposing myself!  Shhhhh, don’t tell anyone!  

Big trouble in little china! 

tiny asian vagina


Are you looking for that rare porn you remember masturbating to when you were younger?  That 3 second gif that you can’t stop staring at, wanting to see more.  That video that just shows 2 minutes and nothing else?  This subreddit is the brains behind helping you find any obscure video or porn star you have ever imagined.  If these guys can’t find it, no one can.  And if you think you can do better?  Join them and make them better.  


Random amateur/real stories from women all over the world that proudly slut it up.  From public sex, to gang bangs, to whatever their heart desires.  Good reads.


Girl drool.  Say no more.  Trust me, here at Sex Life and Everything we are finding the good stuff for you.  You’re welcome.


If you grew up in the 90s, this is for you.  Before the internet, before pornhub, before xhamster, there was tv shows, short shorts, random cleavage, and Cinemax after 12 AM where we got all the fapping material needed.  Boys knew they hit puberty after seeing some of these scenes and photos.

25 More…

NSFW Reddit Gone Wild

There’s something for everyone in the sprawling corner of NSFW Reddit known as Gone Wild, or Reddit GoneWild. Here are the NSFW subreddits to start with.

1) r/GoneWild

The best-kept secret in amateur pornography on the internet. That is if you can still count it as a secret when almost a million people subscribe, and even more just pop in for a visit. Reddit GoneWild has fostered a deeply supportive community, with regulars and a dedicated pack of commenters. Reddit’s GoneWild allows people to safely explore their exhibitionist tendencies, but it’s basically just women. For readers looking to indulge in male nudity, keep reading.


Reddit nsfw : Amateur porn photo


Continue Reading Top 30 NSFW Sub Reddits (You’re Welcome)

Australian Brothels: First Hand Experience and Guide To The Low Down On The Down Under

Below is a great article written in detail by a man from Australia that has just gotten out of a monogamous marriage. He has decided to share his experience with legal brothels and escorts in Australia.   If you have any experiences you would like to share, please contact us.

Me – In my early 40s. Why? Because I’ve come out of a 20 year monogamous marriage, have never done anything like this before, have the cash and I’m not ready to date yet. I also figured it was safer from disease than Tinder. Plus, well… I’m in my 40s, balding and out of shape…

Where? Australia, in a city where there are legal, licenced brothels.

How many? 5 different Brothels, 10 different sex workers including one private escort (holy shit that actually seems like a lot now that I’ve written it down).

Why write this? Because it might provide useful info. Any sex workers on here please feel free to comment, good or bad. These are my opinions, observations, and assumptions – I could be wrong.

Terminology – I’m going to use “Sex worker” or “Escort” instead of “Prostitute” because where I’m from it’s a more respectful term.


Many brothels have websites where you can read short bios of the girls. Most of them have fake pictures (the fine print says the image is a “likeness only”, and the likenesses are usually not all that accurate). The website usually has a roster, so you can see who is working and when. That way once you get to know the girls you know whether the ones you like are working, and can even make a booking in advance for a girl you particularly like.


All had off the street parking, behind a 6+ foot fence for privacy. Some of them even had sheets to place over your car for further privacy. None of them had large signs out the front. In general they’re the kind of place you could easily drive past without knowing what it is.

All of them had a front door you can’t open without being buzzed in. They must use the video cameras to judge whether you’re ok to enter.

When you’re buzzed in the receptionist meets you at the door & asks whether you’ve been there before. If you haven’t then they explain how everything works. They’re usually very friendly and try to put you at ease. They then take you to a small room with 2 chairs, or a small couch. If it’s busy they take you to a normal style waiting room where you have the joy of waiting with other men. This only happened once to me. I never made eye contact with anyone. Once a small room is ready you’re taken in and the door is usually shut.


The small room is the room where you’re introduced to the girls. It usually has 2 chairs or a small couch, a side table with pornos and sexual health pamphlets, a TV with porn playing with the sound down, and a CCTV camera up in the corner looking at you. There are often signs on the wall with stuff like the standard rates and advice safe sex (with condoms) is mandatory by law, so don’t ask for unprotected sex.


Ok, so I’ve put this before the intros, because it’ll make more sense. There are two rates – one for the brothel and one for the sex worker. The brothel’s rate is purely time based. 20 mins, 30 mins, 45 mins, 1 hour – whatever. It might be about $150. It usually includes the basics of a “massage”, hand job, penis in vagina sex and oral on you, and you get to cum once. That’s all. The sex worker’s rate covers “extras”. What is defined as an extra, and how much the extras are, are entirely up to the individual sex worker. Typical extras include things like kissing the sex worker’s breasts, her kissing your body, you giving oral to the sex worker, kissing each other on the lips, fingering, deep throat blow job vs normal blow job. Basically anything over a hand job and penis in vagina sex.

To make the whole extras thing easier, some girls offer package deals, often called GFE or PSE

GFE = Girlfriend Experience and often includes things link you giving oral on the sex worker, you kissing the sex worker’s breasts, multiple cums.

PSE = Porn Star Experience and includes GFE plus extras like French kissing, deep throat blow job, toys, squirting etc.


One by one the girls will come in and introduce themselves. They’re wearing something sexy. They ask you whether you have any questions.

Ok, I’ll break from the facts at this point to give an opinion… You may think you’re a big shot having women paraded in one at a time for your choice, but I reckon they’re judging you as much as you’re judging them. “Does this guy have money for extras?” / “Do I really want to fuck this guy with no teeth who smells like he hasn’t showered in a week?” / “I’ve just done two bookings in a row, I need a break” / “The rent’s due this week and I need the cash” / “I’ve already cleared $600 today, I don’t really need this” etc.

Back to the facts… The girls will ask whether you have any questions. This is the time to ask what’s included in the standard booking fee vs what’s extra. What are extras for some girls will be inclusions for others and vice versa. In general the hotter the girl the less is included in standard, and potentially the more extras will cost. I mean if you were the sex worker and you could charge more than the next girl because you’re smoking hot, wouldn’t you?

Some girls will swing in, show little interest and then leave. Others will sit down to have a chat. I guess it comes down to a lot of different factors (see above for a few examples). Once the girls have all come through the receptionist reappears and asks which girl you’d like. You pay the receptionist the standard rate.


The girl you chose comes back & takes you to a bedroom. Depending on the brothel this might be a room with just a shower and bed, or it might be a room with shower, spa bath, massage table, theme room (African etc.). The walk to the bedroom is a good time to engage in a little small talk.


Once you reach the room you confirm what extras you want, and pay the girl in cash on the spot.

Rubber glove time. Time to inspect your junk for infection. If you show signs of infection then it’s a no go. Yes, there are rubber gloves and a light. In fact, if this doesn’t happen then I suggest you GTFO because if they didn’t inspect you then they didn’t inspect the other 100 guys with Herpes, Gonorrhoea etc.

After the inspection they tell you to have a shower to freshen up. Fair enough, but keep an eye on the time. From what I can tell, the clock starts ticking the moment the door shuts. I have a feeling some sex workers use this time to wind down the clock “have a quick shower, I’ll be back in 10 mins” WTF? I booked 30 mins, and 10 mins will be spent in the shower by myself?

The better places will have toothpaste, mouthwash and deodorant available for you to use after your shower.


Sometimes the sex worker will offer a massage at the start. I’m guessing this has 2 purposes: Firstly to break the ice between you and her and secondly, to further wind down the clock. Getting started with the sex can be weird. I mean really, both of you are about to have sex with someone you just met. Anyway – the better sex workers will find a way to make this less awkward.


How is the sex? Well there’s good and there’s bad.

The good:

• You get to have sex with women hotter &/or just plain different than you realistically would ever have been able to outside of this arrangement. Hot young surf chick? Hard rocking chick with tatts? MILF? Slender? Thick? Whatever – you have the opportunity to partake, depending on availability.

• You are paying for a service, so there is usually a degree customer service.

• The sex worker is usually experienced and knows how to help.

• You might be able to try a bunch of stuff you’ve never done before.

The bad:

• It never matches the high of making love to someone with whom you have a true connection.

• It never matches the passion of a one night stand, where you’ve both played the game all night and are now down for some hard core fucking.

• You’re having sex with someone who may have already had it several times today / dozens of times this week and despite their efforts, might not seem to be into it.


After you finish they’ll ask whether you want a shower to clean up. If there’s time left they may give you (a generally shithouse – they’re sex workers, not masseurs after all) massage until time’s up.

There’s usually a timer of some sort – either their phone alarm, or a single phone ring to let you know time’s up. The girl will often take you out an exit separate from the entrance, for your privacy.


• Hotter women charge more for the same service and vice versa.

• Some girls will put on music. It’s not just to set the mood – they know how long the playlist goes for and will use it to keep track of the time.

• Some girls will start faking orgasm when it gets close to time, in order to help make you cum. In fact I would say that the best sex workers are the ones who can fake it the best. Personally it’s unfulfilling to have sex with someone who doesn’t give feedback, even if it’s fake.

• Some girls will try to make you cum as fast as possible (they know how to). Remember – many places only allow one shot per session. If you were the sex worker would you prefer having sex for 30 mins or would you make the guy cum in 15 mins then take the next 15 having a shower and giving a massage?

• The one time I was put in the waiting room I saw 3 foreign guys (two of whom were mates) and one local. The local must have booked a GFE in advance and brought flowers for the girl. It was really sweet. The girl came to the waiting room in a nice dress to pick him up and took the flowers with a big smile. I thought she did a really good job for the guy.

• Some of the more popular girls get booked out in advance. I’m not at that level of knowing who’s who and when they’re working. But if you like someone then you should probably book them so you don’t miss out.


• Remember, the girls are human. Yes, they are providing a service, but that doesn’t mean you can be an arsehole.

• Try to build rapport in the small room. Chose a girl you have some chemistry with. Yes, there might have been a hotter girl but would you rather have sex with someone who breezed in for 15 seconds and didn’t give a fuck because she’s so hot she knows she’ll walk out and get booked straight away, or someone who’s only slightly less hot but took the time to sit down and chat with you for 2 minutes?

• You’re paying for a service, but remember point one – the girls are human. I reckon most girls would give better service to a guy who’s average looking but nice, clean, respectful and tries to build rapport vs a guy who’s hot but a complete fuckwit.

• Hygiene! Clean yourself before going. Have a shower, wash your hair, clean your junk (including your arse!), clean your teeth, use mouthwash and put on clean clothes BEFORE heading to the brothel. Yeh, you’ll have to have a shower again before you get there, but do you really think you’ll get the best service if you turn up stinking and flop out your dick for inspection only for it to stink of a hard day’s work, and covered in cheese from not being cleaned properly for days? Or if you’ve cleaned your dick immaculately but forgot to scrub your arse, which is only a couple of inches away. Or do you expect a girl to give a fantastic blow job when you’ve got a thick Amazon forest of pubes around your cock? Besides, if you have a proper shower before going then you don’t have to spend as long getting clean in the room, and get more time on the bed.

• Don’t try to haggle with the girls. Many of the places have signs on the walls asking you not to do this. I reckon it’d be pretty demeaning “So you want $50 extra to suck your tits? Best I can do is $30” Fuck that.

• Keep an eye on the time. Note what time you entered the room. As previously mentioned, some girls will try to wind down the clock by using shower time or massage time. Be aware of this.

• If you have a “large” dick then be aware that many Asian sex workers are, well, small down there, and it can be painful for them. They may not be able to give you the service you’re after because it’s physically painful for them.