Notorious ‘Nipple Man’ Nabbed After 3 Years As A Public Transit Pervert

He was nipped in the bud.

Police in Kyoto, Japan, have arrested a man long suspected of fondling his nipples while leering at schoolgirls riding the subway.

Toshihiro Fujikuma, 33, was charged last month with suspicion of indecent exposure after he allegedly exposed the lower half of his body to two teenage girls while on a train.

Fujikuma, a welfare caseworker in Ritto City who was fired from his job after his arrest, admitted to the charges, police said. He told investigators he “was stressed and had sexual motivations,” according to

He was released on bail pending further investigation.

Though Fujikuma was accused of flashing his bottom half, he was notorious all over Japan as “nipple man” or “nipple geezer.”

Numerous internet photos show a man identified as Fujikuma playing with his nipples while looking at women on trains. Fondling one’s nipples while wearing a shirt isn’t illegal in Japan, but it was disconcerting to the women who witnessed his activities.

Fujikuma first became known as “nipple man” in July 2013, according to the Daily Beast.

That’s when a woman tweeted, “This jerk, is playing with both his nipples while staring at my face. The way he stares ― it’s creepy, right?” 

Other victims posted their own photos. The consensus was that he was skeevy, but harmless.

But his alleged turn to buttocks flashing brought trouble. Kyoto police said they suspect him in several other acts of public indecency, according to the Daily Beast.

The arrest surprised Ritto City Mayor Masahiro Nomura, who told reporters he “can’t hide just how shocked I am, for a city official to lose trust through this horrible act,” according to 

Nomura added: “I’d like to deeply apologize to our citizens, and will strive to restore trust as well as deliver strict punishment.”

Dating Tips – Making First Time Sex Less Awkward

h-armstrong-roberts-woman-whispering-into-man-s-ear-man-pulling-funny-faceDating Tips

Thanks to the random advice floating around the internet, dating is only getting easier. While browsing the internet we found some great advice that we decided to share with our readers, specifically our female readers. As you know, we preach open communication in a relationship.  In fact, most of our answers to every question we get has to do with some sort of communication. Well, communication doesn’t start after you are married. It can start on a first date, or even on the date where you are planning on having sex with your date for the first time.  Read below:

When I’m dating someone new, I usually expect we’ll have sex sometime between dates 1 and 4. Even if I’m expecting it will happen on a particular night, I typically let the man make the first (physical) move. (If you’re into more submissive men, or are a more aggressive person, then rock on, but this LPT is not for you.) The thing is, I want him to know that I’m ready for it, because when he’s ready I don’t want him to hold back/get anxious/get worked up about mechanics.

The key phrase I have used in the past is: “We’re having sex tonight, right?”

The responses tend to range from “Hell yes we are,” to arm snakes over my shoulder “Yep.”

Ask the question when you’re engaged in an activity that is not making out or cuddling unless you want the sex to commence right then. (In that case, don’t bother asking, honestly. Just put your hands on the fly of his pants and wait for the all-clear.)

whisperGood times to ask are when you’re both watching a movie (whisper it in his ear if you’re at the movies), about to finish dinner, or in the latter half of a romantic walk.

Why is it good to bring up sex casually ahead of time?

1. So he knows you’re game.

Obviously you can revoke consent at any time up to and during sex, but giving him the all-clear ahead of time is a good way to get his juices flowing. Now he knows ahead of time that you want it, and he’s less likely to be second-guessing himself during the transition from making out to humping.

2. It’s a good time to mention important details that haven’t come up yet.

Instead of both of you hurriedly consenting to sex in the seconds it takes you to remove your clothes, giving some lead time offers you both an opportunity to mention preferred methods of contraception (do either of you have a latex allergy?), std’s, and things you DO NOT WANT. (“Hell yes we’re having sex tonight! Just stay away from my butthole, you saucy minx.”)

3. It lets you get your heads in the game.

Sex with someone new can be kind of tricky. It can take you longer than you expect to get fully aroused, especially since figuring each other out can lead to some clumsiness. Having time to warm up mentally before you get started physically can help.

4. You can excuse yourself to the bathroom.

Instead of tearing yourself away during the heavy petting, now you can go to the bathroom and do your pre-sex ritual in an atmosphere of calm expectation. For me, this means swabbing downstairs with a summer’s eve wipe, changing into the secret pair of fresh panties I keep in my purse, refreshing my perfume, taking off spanx and/or tights, popping a breath mint (in my mouth, you freaks), and giving my hair a once-over. I always imagine dudes use this time to clear their floor of discarded boxers, neaten up their sheets, and chug another beer, but I really have no idea what they’re up to. Obviously your rituals will differ, but talking about sex before you do it gives everybody a little extra time to be at their best when things go down (heh), which is nice, because distractions are the last thing you want!

5. The answer might be “no!”

Finally, it’s great to talk about sex before you’re physically worked up for it, because your prospective partner might not be into it. If they respond, “Eh… I’ve had a lot to drink…” or “I’ve got an early day tomorrow,” then you’ll know to cool your jets.

This is actually a really good thing! It’s much better to discover that your partner doesn’t want sex in an emotionally neutral way. This way they don’t turn you down after you’re already naked. Plus, this doesn’t mean you can’t make out/snuggle/give each other foot rubs. All it means is that you need to turn off the part of your brain that reads into that stuff as foreplay. – Rss Sex Feed

Great advice for sure!

Q&A: Is My Wife Into Having Sex With Dogs? (Puppy Love)

sex with dogs puppy loveQ&A: Is My Wife Into Having Sex With Dogs? (Puppy Love)

Okay, I tried to research this a little first and just came up with a bunch of made up stories. I really don’t know what to think. Let me start 12 years ago… My wife and I married 12 years ago. We’ve had our ups and downs but all in all everything is good. When we were dating I she told me a story about her “best friend”. Apparently she was at her house and the friend had sex with her dog in front of my wife. I remember asking what she did. She said she was shocked and just kinda watched until they finished. They were still friends after and even though this supposedly happened a year or so before you’d never know she fucked her dog in front of my wife by talking to her. I always took this story as truth the way it happened but events lately have started to make me question some things about it. About 2 years ago she was giving our family dog a bath. I went to the bathroom to talk to her and laugh at the dumb dog and when I walked in she was “washing” his groin. I said some sarcastic comment about it and she laughed but kept doing it and started actually brushing against his dick. I made fun of her and she got embarrassed but that was the end of it. He had to be put down awhile back for becoming super protective to the point of biting people and drawing blood. Fast forward to about 3 weeks ago. We just finished building our house and figured it was the perfect time for another dog. She wanted a Labradoodle which is fine and so we went to look at them. Before we got there she said she wanted a yellow one. Sounded good to me yellow it is. We get there and they have black and yellow but the only yellows are female. She changes her mind. Now she wants a black one. But the yellows were so much cuter. I pushed for yellow and she gave in and now we have a little curly female puppy. But my wife hates her. She wants nothing to do with her. I couldn’t figure out why I have regretted even getting her because my wife has just been miserable. And then the part that made me start rethinking everything happened. She had a UTI/Kidney infection that put us in the ER the other night. I left my phone with our daughter and was using my wife’s phone while we were in the hospital. I found an Internet tab asking about training dogs to do things to you. I didn’t say anything at the time and still haven’t. I feel super suspicious all of a sudden. And I am wondering if her “friend” was actually her. What if the story she told was just to gauge my reaction? And if it was I failed hard because I still refer to her friend as “the Dog Humper.” I love her to death. And if this is her thing then so be it I would rather her be open with me about it. I may not be okay with it actually happening again but to know that she was doing that as a teen is kind of dirty to think about I guess. Anyway, any advise? Am I crazy and making something out of nothing? How can I bring it up with her or should I even? Question about sex with dogs.  

Continue Reading Q&A: Is My Wife Into Having Sex With Dogs? (Puppy Love)

The Blowjob Bible

Great article contributed to the internet anonymously, so we decided to add to it and share it with our readers.  Thank you internet.

Oral-sex-banana-300x225Contributors to this article are women, straight men who know what they like, and gay and bisexual men (they have given and received).  There’s a lot to blowjobs, and it’s important to know that everyone is different, there is no magic technique that will bring every guy back for more.

Table of Contents

  • How do you receive head well?
  • How do you know if you’re giving good head?
  • Your enjoyment of the blowjob you’re giving
  • Preparation
  • Lubrication
  • Stimulation
  • Using your mouth (tongue, lips, cheeks, dealing with the hard surfaces)
  • Using your hands
  • Using your hands: Extending your mouth’s reach
  • Using your hands: Grip
  • Using your hands: Angle of cock
  • Using your hands: Steadying his cock
  • Using your hands: The scrotum
  • Don’t forget the rest of the body
  • Phases of blowjobs: Beginning
  • Phases of blowjobs: Middle
  • Phases of blowjobs: Approaching his orgasm
  • Phases of blowjobs: During his orgasm
  • Phases of blowjobs: After his orgasm ​
  • The biggest secrets behind his greatest blowjob

How do you receive head well?

It seems to be common knowledge that many guys aren’t active enough in their feedback when it comes to receiving blowjobs. This is a failing of the school system in that Sex Ed in school isn’t comprehensive enough. They should be teaching us to be better lovers as well as safe lovers. Not with practical demonstrations, there are moral and legal issues with that abound, but tips and tricks would be useful.

Guys, the feedback you should be giving to be useful is:

  • Moaning if you enjoy something,
  • Telling the person gracing your cock with their lips if they’re scraping with teeth and you don’t like it,
  • Telling the person gracing your cock with their lips if they’re scraping with teeth and you do like it – Do you want more? Tell them…
  • Saying “Keep going” if you’re enjoying the way they’re doing something
  • Saying “Speed up” or “slow down” if it would help your enjoyment.
  • Saying “Could you use more saliva/lube?”
  • If you’re not enjoying it, you’re (probably) not obligated to keep going while the other person gets frustrated from getting no reaction out of you. Try switching to something else.

How do you know if you’re giving good head?

Continue Reading The Blowjob Bible

The Web – How I Lost My Virginity – Tinder Adventures

Editor’s note:  This blog has no educational value at all and is just another wild true story from the internet.  Read at your own risk.

Well as promised on another thread I will tell you guys about my sexual conquests on the app tinder.

First a little backstory: I was super fat in high-school, but a very funny nice guy. Girls didn’t come easy but I managed to snag a few to date and screw around with. Nothing to brag about though. Well college comes around (I am now in great shape,and good looking) and the one I go to (which I won’t name) is very conservative and for the most part the 18-25 year old girls there are married or dating in serious relationships. Plus I’m doing Mathematical Physics as a major so I don’t have a lot of time for our bullshit Christian frats or lame activities on campus. Trust me they suck.  So with no pussy and nowhere to turn I try my hand at the app tinder.

What is Tinder?: So to keep it simple tinder is a dating app where you can only see matches that think you’re hot. Now there are some sweet girls on here that are legitimately looking for relationships (haha) and some who are looking for cock. 

Well enough of this horse-shit. On to some pics and stories. A blue can message me and I’ll send them pics so don’t start DV me because they are slow. Get ready to fap,

YpDZX4iMarissa the Female Axe Whale: About 2 days after downloading Tinder, I had pretty much forgotten about it. I was busy with school and stuff. Well, I decided to check it out again. I got a surprising amount of girls add me on there. Well one messaged me right as I added her. This girl is brunette about 5’1 decent looking (6/10). I bullshit for a second and finally ask her if she wants to go get some pizza and watch the Jones vs. Texeira fight. She agrees excitedly, we exchange numbers seems cool. 

Well, fast forward to the Saturday, we meet for pizza and MMA, and to say the least I was shocked at the whale that stepped out of the car. Now let me say this when I saw her, I immediately began to examine everything I was looking at. From the ashtray full of cigarettes, the the bong in the passengers seat, to the child’s car seat in the back of the 1997 beat to shit Altima, this girl was clearly a classy broad. She got in my car (we met at the local cinema) and I began to cough at the smell of AXE for women and Camel Crush cigarettes. As she begins to tell me about how much of a fuck up her ex boyfriend/baby-daddy was to her on the way to meet me I politely tell her that I was not aware she had a child.

The fuck count in our conversation is probably in the upper 50’s. Being the conservative college student I am, I was freaking the actual fuck out at my situation. She begins to tell me how a lot of guys don’t like to date her because she has a kid (that isn’t the reason), and that she is looking for someone special, she isn’t easy girl bullshit. After we watch the fights, where she was surprisingly fun company to have there, she asks to go sit and talk. In the middle of our conversation about her dead father (not shitting you) she grabs me and begins to stick her tongue down my throat. Well given the current information about the girl I am going to give you three choices about what happened. A.(I threw up) B.(I freaked out and told her I had to go) C.(got a feel of those tits and went to town).

C you sick fucks. Yes I began to suck the amazingly soft tits of the Axe for women whale that sat beside me. As she begged me for my cock, I thought “Fuck it” and bent her over to get in that ass. Now, as I bent her over (we were in my car in the parking lot of the cracker barrel next to the pizza place) I begin to think what the hell am I doing??? Once again fuck it.. I started eating that ass in the back seat of my car. After about 5 mins of that I begin to come to my senses and witnessed the worst pussy smell I have ever experienced. Still haunts me.. But alas I stuck my bare cock into the incredibly easy stick pudding infront of me. Losing my virginity in the process.

Well after that fuck session in the back of my new F150. I head home light headed and seriously stinking. The next morning I have about 9 missed texts from this girl telling me that I have the best cock she has ever felt and how she feels there is something special with me. This is when I knew that as an attractive, smart, male I could try to nail an average girl at my school who thinks I should have to earn the right to get her number, or go on Tinder and get my dick wet a few times a month. So I make plans with female AXE girl to go to her place and “watch a movie” the next weekend. Fast forward to then. I get to her house and she is on the porch smoking cigarettes like it is her fucking job. After that horrible experience breathing in that second hand smoke, we start watching some girl movie I don’t remember the one, and she starts grabbing my cock. We proceed to the bedroom if you can call it that. You know what guys, time out, that place was a shit-hole how the fuck can a woman raise a child in a place like that.. wtf. Anyway, she tells me she wants me to fuck her asshole, so of course I did. It was okay, tighter than her loose pussy at-least. After we got done banging she fell asleep while I watched SpaceBalls on the tv. About 1:30 AM I hear “MAMA MAMA MAMA”. And she shoots up and says, “fuck he’s awake” and she fucking brought the kid to bed with us. The bed remember where I anally fucked his mother about an hour earlier. Panicking, I text messaged my friend told him the situation and got him to call me about 15 minutes later saying he had car trouble and needed my help. When he did the girl starts crying saying she feels like she may love me and wants me to stay. I apologize and take my leave. Immediately blocked her number and have not talked to her since. Good times… 

Well that concludes the tale of Marissa the Female Axe Whale.