Love Eating – Enjoying a Full Meal Off Each Others Nude Bodies

Love Eating – Enjoying a Full Meal Off Each Others Nude Bodies

Each morning I wake up and make my morning coffee.  I have about an hour to prepare myself to go to work. For the first 30 minutes I will get my morning affairs in order.  I then pull the covers off my husband and wake him up.  We sleep nude, so he will roll over and expose his body to me, tell me he loves me, and open his legs so I can sit Indian style between them.   I will lotion him up with coconut oil and rub his legs, his crotch, his balls, his anus and taint, his inner thighs, and give him a morning massage.  This massage can lead to me finishing him with my hands, oral sex, or riding him until he cums.  No matter where he releases, it will be inside me.   I do not leave the house without him in me.  We have done this faithfully, or variations of this, for the last 6 years.  It’s part of our life.   It’s also when we open up and talk.  No rules.  Nothing is off limits.  No fantasies are judged.  Even if I talk about having sex with a hundred 80 year old men at a senior citizen home, it’s strictly talk.  It’s mental porn.  It’s a connection.  It’s can be extremely raunchy, or extremely sensual.  We also talk about things and ideas we have never tried.  In other words, the sexual ideas flow.

This morning my husband asked if I would like to eat dinner off his body.  Of course I would, but food and our bodies isn’t something we have seriously toyed with in probably 22 years. 

When You Started to “Love Eating”

I do remember when we first started exploring each other, nude and  totally new to each others’ bodies.  I asked my husband, who was my virgin boyfriend at the time, if he would like to eat ice cream off my vagina. In hindsight, I don’t think he was ready for that type of connection at the time.  He was still learning how to properly eat me out, let alone figuring out how to eat ice cream off my labia.  It was a real mess.  He also experimented with a lollipop and pixie sticks.  This was all years ago. 

I guess the most recent thing we have done with food was about 7 years ago, for a Christmas photo shoot, I let my husband cum on a chocolate chip cookie that I ate while dipping it in milk.  This wasn’t eating off his body, but it was incorporating his cum with something I ate.  Other than that, food has been pretty off limits.  

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Extreme Sexual Ideas And Trying New Things Together To Enhance Your Connection

Extreme Sexual Ideas And Trying New Things Together To Enhance Your Connection

This blog post is going to be a bit more of “confessions of our relationship” than how relationships should be.  Every couple is unique and different.  A lot of things we do is different than most couples.  For instance, we’ve opened our bedroom to other women,  published experiences online, posted amateur videos, shared our opinions on all types of sex, and religiously post naughty pictures on social media.  I am going to make a pretty safe assumption and guess that the rest of our neighbors don’t do any of those things above (Although if they do…kinky!  Let’s connect!).  This type of thing may not be different for those of us who are in the lifestyle, exhibitionists, or just naughty couples looking to explore new things.  In fact, if you are reading this blog, you are probably more like us, than unlike us.  But you already know, you are different than most couples.   With a long list of things most people consider disgusting, we have posted videos and blogs of us face fucking until she vomitstattooing my wife’s name on my penis, urinating in my wife’s throat while she deepthroats, or even sniffing cum off a mirror like it’s a drug (anyone remember that video?).  Just to name a few.  We’ve even been banned from sex and marriage forums because we posted about the advantages of having sex during her period.  We didn’t do any of that to shock people.  Trust me.  Nothing we do is to shock other people.  It’s how we connect. It’s how we explored each other long before we posted on social media.  In our opinion, it’s how we stay in the honeymoon stage after 21 years of marriage.

And then we share it.  Unsure why, but we share our life.  We share things that we should keep locked in a closet.  We share our skeletons.  We share things that people may find gross.  We don’t do it for the reactions, we do it because it gives us a new connection.  Admittedly, when people don’t get it, it does make our connection stronger.  It also makes more sense to us when people don’t get it.  That’s why we do it.

regardless of how “extreme” we consider ourselves, there are still a lot of couples much more extreme than we could ever be (full swapping, gang bangs, no holds barred photos)

Let me explain.

From the beginning of relationships both people subconsciously set up mini goals they would like to accomplish.  Whether it be about seeing if he will open the door for you, or seeing if she will let you kiss her on the first date.  These little goals constantly progress, especially up until marriage.  Think about it, every step towards marriage has little goals you achieve, slowly advancing the things you do together. 

This is why a game like The Sims is so popular.  It simulates life, and much like real life, we have small personal goals we set for ourselves before we stop playing.  /endgame.  

I’ll create an analogy from my perspective, the perspective of a man with a high sex drive.  Moreso than wanting to be President of the United States, my goals are more simple.  I just wanted to fall in love, stay faithful, and marry a woman that enjoys taking care of me after a long day.  You know, make sure I know that my work day is over, the stress is gone, I am at home, she is going to take care of me, and I am the king of her world.  /endgame

For humans, mini goals are apart of our life.  We don’t stop at kindergarten, we go to the first grade. We go to middle school.  We go to high school.  We go to college.  We go to graduate school.  We go for our doctrine.  If we stop, our life gets complacent.  The more we keep going, the more we are rewarded at the end.  The military?  The same.  You are awarded rank depending on the time and effort you put into your career.  In fact, all jobs are like this.  Firemen, police officers, even attorneys who start as affiliates and become partners.  Our entire life is based off progression, rewards, and a constant need for doing new things.  This is why video games have a leveling system.  Otherwise most people wouldn’t be interested.

Marriage is no different.

Back to my analogy.  When we first start dating, it’s all about going to the movies and putting your arm  around your date’s shoulder for the first time. We judge to see if she moves or is uncomfortable.  The next time we go to the movies, we immediately put our arm around her shoulder. It’s no longer an advancement, but an established connection we’ve both decided is something we enjoy.  Now, what else can we do?  Do we stop there?  Maybe we can rub her thigh?  If we are brave, maybe we can even slide our hand up her leg and see if she reaches down to stop us.   Eventually, we are resting our hand at the seams of her panties.  At this point, you have overcome so many mini goals and progressed your relationship.  As your relationship advances, you will eventually find your hand inside her panties rubbing her genitals during the movie.   If she lets you progress that far.  This could happen over multiple dates, or just one movie.  This would depend on how fast you advance.  Me personally, I advance slow.  

Either way, advancement is what keeps things new and fresh. It creates feelings that make you feel accomplished.  And she is the one giving you that feeling.  So you feel indebted.  You enjoy how she makes you feel, which may lead to you starting to fall in love.  Later these accomplishments  keep you falling in love. 

Unfortunately, a lot of times advancements revert.  For instance, once married, she may be more irritated that you are ruining the movie for her.  Or maybe you have butter on your fingers from the popcorn and she doesn’t want to get her thigh greasy.  Real life is taking over, germs matter again, you don’t kiss as long, and your fingers are greasy from popcorn so you aren’t even allowed to touch her during a movie anymore.  This is just as common as advancement.  This is also normal.  And yes, this could be considered  “falling out of love.”  

Imagine playing a game for years and the developer decides to take away your Dragon Scale Sword… because it gets your girl’s leg greasy!   All the sudden, this game isn’t quite as fun anymore.

Or what if you have the highest possible sword you can earn?  What happens when you “No Life” Runescape your marriage and max level everything? Either the game developers need to give you something else to do, or you will find something else to play.

Does any of this make sense?  

Continue Reading Extreme Sexual Ideas And Trying New Things Together To Enhance Your Connection

Are Filipinas / Filipinos submissive women?

Why Do I Enjoy Being Submissive to My Husband?

I’ve dealt with a lot of criticism in our social circle because I call my husband “Daddy.” Interestingly enough, when he calls me little girl, or other cute variations, it’s not seen as strange or even warranted as an attention-grabbing habit. For me, calling him Daddy is what I prefer. I have called him Daddy in public and feel no real shame or embarrassment. It has nothing to do with a desire to have a father / daughter relationship, but more of feeling like I have finally found a man who treats me the way my inner little girl has always wanted to be treated. I didn’t grow up knowing what a real father / daughter relationship was, as my dad was abusive and cold. I also have never called my actual father, Daddy. I didn’t grow up thinking my father was great, nor did I grow up thinking I would be married, have children, or love some guy so much he would be my everything. If anything, my father made me hate men.  So calling my husband “Daddy” has absolutely nothing to do with my actual experience with how a daughter is treated by her father. Quite the opposite.

So why am I so happy now being totally submissive to my husband?  Why do I love calling him Daddy and laying in his arms at night, snuggled against him and talking like a little girl?  20 years into our marriage and it seems my role as his little girl is consuming us – iIn a good way.

In searching around the web looking for explanations to what our relationship has evolved into, I found a great article about Filipino women being submissive wives.  Although the article could be about women from any culture, I still found it interesting because it really matches how I feel.

Why are some filipinas submissive women?

For girls in the Philippines, being a submissive women is a part of filipino culture.  We are taught at a young age to have good manners, respect, understanding so that we can become good mothers and submissive wives when we are ready to get married.  I cannot speak for all filipinas, but I would say most.

We are taught that the role of a wife is to be “ilaw ng tahanan” that is Tagalog for the “light of the house”.  It is the wife’s duty to make the house a Home. A wife must be there always to support her man’s decisions, give advice but without disagreement.  A wife must do everything at home,  from taking care of the kids, to teaching the kids to household chores.  She helps the kids with their school assignments and projects.  She participates in school meetings and the kids activities. Most importantly, keeping the house a “Happy home’’ that includes doing her best to serve her husband in and out of bed without complaints.

As a submissive wife, I think its not about being enslaved by my husband because when you love your man you always do your best to keep him happy and satisfied.  Although it makes me feel bad sometimes, but I know I have to give way and not be selfish.  No relationship is perfect but it doesn’t mean you won’t find happiness in that imperfect love.

Being submissive means becoming a great wife and avoiding most arguments that can sometimes end marriages. Submitting and agreeing to your man makes everything more peaceful.  Its much better than nagging. There will be times when the husband is wrong and if you feel that there are better idea or solution to a problem, communicating calmly works than starting a heated conversation.

Achieving this submissiveness requires training and lots of patience because you mostly set yourself aside.  It is very hard to change and to make adjustment but when you’re doing it to keep your husband, it gets easier because there is a purpose of why you must do it. It takes swallowing your pride and putting your husband first on top of everything to keep the marriage happy. That can mean losing a career and a dream. Although if your husband is supportive you can still aim for success but there are lots of things you have to consider for your family.  

A woman cannot submit to every man.  Every man is not worthy of such selflessness.  I would say only a selfless man should have a selfless submissive woman.

Although I am Filipino, I am first generation, raised in America.  I am also a military vet and want to make this as a breaking point to the article above.  I read the article above as it pertained to Filipina women in the Philippine islands, being submissive, raised in Filipino culture. Although both of my parents are from the Philippines, I was raised in California. With that being said, I still believe the above article describes me almost exactly.  However, some of my submissiveness feels like natural instincts. I do not think I was taught to enjoy feeling a man restrain me and hold me down during sex. I do not think I was taught to orgasm and be turned on more if a man gets deeper, or hurts my insides during sex and pushes himself inside me harder. Physically, I am just as submissive as I am personality wise. It almost feels primitive. I am a delicate girl, with less muscle, and just enjoy feeling my man’s strength. 

Maybe later I will go more in depth on why I feel the way I feel, but I figured I would share the above article as a way to archive it on our page.   

If you have an opinion, please share below.

Vagception – Inserting a Fleshlight Sleeve into My Vagina and Then Having Sex

Vagception – Inserting a Fleshlight Sleeve into My Vagina and Then Having Sex

Years ago my husband and I had a lot of spare toys laying around that we weren’t going to use again. We either reviewed them once and threw them to the side or just never opened them. One of the spare things we had laying around was a Fleshlight sleeve.  A great idea we had was for me to try to slide this thing inside my vagina and let him have sex with it inside me.  This would create an intense tight sensation for him, as well as an extreme full sensation for me.   This process has been dubbed, Vagception.

Inserting a Fleshlight Sleeve into My Vagina Experiment:

My Hypothesis:

Inserting a Fleshlight into my body may give my husband the tightest sensation possible.  It will also be a neat sensation for me since my vagina will be double stuffed.

The Procedure:

Putting this damn thing inside me was like putting a wet water balloon inside of a keyhole.  After about 10 minutes of this thing flopping around like a wet fish, we decided to cut off about 1/3rd of the length.  This way it wasn’t as long and the tip would be open so his penis head could slide through and actually feel the back of my vagina.  To be honest, using my fingers and feeling inside my own vagina, I have about 4 inches of space before I bottom out.  The bottom of a vagina in the back can stretch, but I wouldn’t want this sleeve to stretch me.  Cutting the sleeve would also allow my husband to cum and have his semen actually shoot inside me.  

After about 10 minutes of this thing flopping around like a wet fish…

Now that the sleeve was much shorter, it was easier to control.  This gave me the ability to squeeze the tip and slide it inside my body.  I could then use my fingers in the sleeve hole to push the sleeve totally inside my vagina.   

Once inserted, my husband lubricated the flashlight sleeve and stuck his penis inside.  I didn’t feel any friction, just this full balloon feeling.  As his penis slid inside the Fleshlight sleeve, the entire thing expanded inside me.  This feeling was intense, but more intense in a science project way than sexual.  I guess you can say, it was as intense as smuggling contraband into a prison in your vagina.  A “that’s neat” intense.  Or a “dang, you can really use this hole as luggage compartment if you had too” type neat.    

Continue Reading Vagception – Inserting a Fleshlight Sleeve into My Vagina and Then Having Sex

Letting Our Body Hair Grow Out And Living All Natural. Are We Hippies Now?

Letting Our Body Hair Grow Out And Living All Natural.  Are We Hippies Now?

First let me say, as much as I am enjoying letting our bodies be natural, I can’t embrace growing out my underarm hair!  That may be something I never embrace, as I wouldn’t feel attractive.  In fact, I’d feel quite the opposite. However, I am starting to grow my pubic hair with no plans to ever shave again!  For us, this is exciting! I shaved every other day for 20+ years (other than my Project:  Asian Bush – Growing Out My Bush in Photos), it’s time to be free!

Throughout the blog we will drop random fun facts from various studies, but regardless of what any surveys or studies say, your pubic hair and the way you enjoy your man or woman’s body, is totally subjective.  Porn can alter our perception.  As well as the new generations that never had an attraction to a body with hair, because everyone being shaved is all they have ever known.  I’ve personally seen instances where women and men are bullied to fit what is now considered “normal”.  This type of group mentality can alter what we find beautiful.  But eventually, you do what makes you happy. 

I grew up enamored by a woman’s breasts, body, and bush.  I thought everything about a woman was beautiful.  The truth is, I didn’t even know what an actual vagina looked like!  Just her breasts, body, and bush.  And although I didn’t have access to nude men, if I did see their bodies, they had hairy chests and crotch hair.  It’s what I learned to visualize that a man should be.  Somewhere along the line, shaving became cleaner, easier to navigate, and something I preferred.  As I get older, I am finding my tastes are going back to where it all started.  Full bush, full circle.

Now wouldn’t you be happy if you were attracted to a woman and saw her in her  small little shorts, smelling good, and she teases you, opening her legs slightly, showing you hints of her pubic hair?  If that totally turns you off, I get it.  But for me, it’s sexy as fuck. For my husband, it drives him wild.  Enough so he pulled out his camera and turned our latest camping trip into a photoshoot for the blog!  

  • A recent study regarding grooming and STIs (sexually transmitted infections) may be an read for those who care about this topic.   Specifically gonococcal infection (GC), chlamydial infection (CT), or human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).   Although the study didn’t find that grooming your pubic hair made it more likely to get these STIs, it did show that 98.1% testing for STIs that agreed to survey, have shaved their pubic hair.  53% of those people were extreme groomers, which meant they shave regularly.   In other words, the majority of people (or at least those testing for STIs) shave regularly.  Another thing to note, although I hadn’t previously thought of this, having a fresh shave and being with someone else who is also freshly shaved, would create a lot of “raw” skin on skin contact, which is probably why there were recent findings that extreme grooming could make it more likely to get HIV during intercourse.  

Although shaving is now common, more and more people are getting injuries due to shaving and cuts.  As men get older they can develop a life-threatening, tissue-destroying infection called Fournier’s gangrene. It only affects 1 in 7,500 people, but is more common in older men and can destroy the scrotum. (Though rare, women can also contract the infection in the external vaginal folds as a result of some surgical procedures.)

Certain conditions, like diabetes, lupus, Crohn’s disease, leukemia, or HIV, could increase your risk for Fournier’s gangrene. If you have any of these conditions or a weakened immune system, talk to your doctor about the safest methods for pubic hair grooming. If you do nick the scrotum, clean the cut thoroughly with soap and water, and follow with alcohol. Seek medical attention for sudden pain or a rapid change in skin color at the site, or a high fever.

How does the thought of putting alcohol on your scrotum sound to you fellas?

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